
HiTsuki - 10 Days Knowing You

The last thing Diana remembers is saving a boy at waterfall before a huge wave of water comes from upper level of waterfall and hits her body. And when she gains her conscious back, she cannot move her body at all except her ears catch some echos from surroundings. Few months later during the night of Blue and Cold Moon, Vita Kingdom receives their newly born princess, Princess Luna Diana II de Vio. Everyone celebrates joyously their most awaited princess's birthday for 7 days 7 nights and for the princess, she tries to adapt to the new world she resides now. With knowledge in her past life, she leads her new life to accomplish her promises that she had swore upon herself which she couldn't complete due to the accident happened to her. During her journey, under the light of dusk, she once meets a sleeping boy who is left alone in a burnt garden. The boy resembles a bit with her idol during her past life, so Diana decides to accompany the poor boy to cheer him up as she does not want that face to feel any other than happiness. She becomes his playmate for all 10 days she is there of visiting Ares Empire, without knowing the boy is the hidden sole heir of Ares emperor, Prince Lucifer Ruaidhri Aiden ElGrian Ua Arcerius. Author's message: This is my main novel among all my novels that I wrote or will write in future. Few hints/spoilers about this novel will be shown in other short novels that I made too. Feel free to read ^^

saewa51448997 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


"W-wait, Undine water spirit? Contract? Me? Since when?" obviously that shocks Diana as she knows well Undine is one of the spirits that Diana knows as a pure myth in 21st century and now she sees the real living Undine who even claims she is hers.

But this Undine in front of her now is really heavenly-appearance like a divine creature, suits with what people claimed Undine to be.

And having a spiritual contract with one of highly spirits, is like luck is on her side. Diana now is contemplating what kind of world does she born in for this new life.

"Yes I am, Luna. I made contract with you during your mom gave birth to you in the water because actually your mom almost could not make it... You and her cannot make it. So I force my power and connect it with your umbilical cord to pull you. You can see here, this is the proof you are contracted to spirit and since you also have Moon spirit connected to you, it mixes with mine," Undine shows the symbol of a small dark circle in centre of few droplets of water that make it like a snowflake silhouette, that Diana thinks as birthmark at her left wrist.

Diana touches her wrist. "I see, but I-"

Just before Diana wants to continue talking to Undine, Diana spots a light moving from her parents' bed and she sees a figure of a long light brownish wavy hair young lady, walks to Diana's cradle in the night gown.

In the dimmy light, Diana observes the lady as she almost comes near and Diana sees a doll-liked face with pretty pair of the eyes in light silver greyish color like two pearls shining. Diana cannot stop from mesmerising the person in front of her.

The pretty lady who is half awake, comes to see her baby and she immediately wakes her husband up on the bed.

A young man in his night robe immediately wakes up from the same bed and comes to his wife. Diana once again culture-shocks seeing another beautiful human which she really cannot believe her own eyes. Tall body with porcelain plain skin, blue jewel eyes and silver hair with few light blue highlights, Diana bets another angel came down to Earth and this angel is right in front of her. Or is she now in a heaven, no?

Both of Diana's parents start to talk each other as they surely surprise seeing their newborn baby opens her eyes for the first time. Then they take Diana out from the cradle to bring to their bed.

Diana as she is finally out the cradle, she sees the spacious and elegant room like a royal room she always watched in those fairytales. As she looking around, she turns her head back to her cradle to find Undine and she sees Undine is already back in her butterfly form and slips out through the window.


"Woah unbelievable.. I really did isekai-ed like the characters in the isekai novel and manhwa that I read. But how-", Diana disbelieves the world she lives now.

Whole day she observes her new home during usual walk with her mother and Diana notices that her parents are the King and Queen of a kingdom which all lands are covered by snow and they indeed live in a huge icy palace. Everywhere has snow.

During her past life, she lived in a country which has one season only, summer. All days are heat, so her house was experiencing high electricity bill of air-conditioner functioning full days and nights. 5 people in a house, 4 bedrooms plus 2 extra rooms, just imagine the monthly bill.

Diana had prayed to God to let her experience a winter at least once in a lifetime and God really legit sends her to a kingdom full of snow in a second life. 'I think I should specify my pray next time.' A drop of tear is shed on her cheek.

The only opened place in that huge palace that is not affected by snow is the place she got birth in, the Royal Garden which has huge tree made up by ice, covering whole garden space. Under the tree there is a small clear lake with warm water. There Diana's mother gave birth as per royal physicians' recommendations.

Thankfully she successfully gave birth to a healthy princess under light of Moon which turned to blue color in that midnight during her labor. Even rain suddenly fell on that night though the kingdom has not had rain for almost a year!

Adding with a huge white phoenix resting on the ice tree for 9 months of the Queen's pregnancy that Diana knows who the phoenix is, whole citizens already began calling their newborn princess as Moon Princess as she is blessed by the moon on that miracle night.

As Diana walking with her mother pushing her baby stroller, her father in the King robe is walking to them with his subordinates. Few men in different outfits based on their roles in the kingdom, greet and bow to their Queen and Princess.

For the first time Diana witnessed a weird dark figure appears behind one of the men, who wears the knight outfit. The dark figure notices Diana gazes to it directly and then it slowly approaches Diana.

'What, what was that!!' In front of her, the dark figure turns bit to bit into a walking butchered man with his fleshes which almost whole over his body, are fresh opened to bones. The smell too...

Diana had no problem of afraid of ghost in her past life, but Diana feels whole creep in her bone. Even blood in her face also is drained so much, due to she clearly sees the form of the dark figure which she knows it is indeed a ghost which died in horrible way.

The baby Princess screams in agony and cries instantly and that flusters her parents and the men there. Her mother immediately hugs and her father calls the maids around there.

Few moments later, the whole palace is chaos with the known calm princess, who now does not stop crying though everyone tries to console her with many ways. She also gets high fever which overwhelms everyone especially her parents.

"Royal doctor, how is my daughter?" Look in the King's face right now really said he is overly stressful. Of course, which parent will not be worried seeing their child out of blue screamed that loud and cries non stop until everyone can feel her throat will sore soon.

"Your Majesty, with your permission, speaking there is nothing wrong with the highness princess after we do check up. She is perfectly healthy, except for the new developed fever. So we do not know what is wrong. We seek for your forgiveness, Your Majesty."

Her father does not give up. He keeps calling more physicians to the royal chamber but no one knows what to do to stop the baby's inconsolably crying. The physicians only prescribe the medicines to cool down fever.

Between the messy situation with everyone running around the royal chamber checking the princess' temperature, Undine slips through the window to check Diana after she comes back from the ocean.

Undine has bad feelings since in the ocean so she has to go back to Diana's palace as quickly she can though it is not night yet. Adding with noises in the palace that can even heard from afar, Undine feels uneasy.

As soon Undine enters the room, she sees Diana is on the bed sickly while crying heavily and there are some people among her. She spots also a dark figure among the people which it looks into Diana intensely.

Undine assumes the dark figure is the reason Diana cries so hard. It might had shocked Diana as she is a human but she can see also other creatures from other realms. Usually no human can see other human ghosts, demons, spirits, angels and not even speaking about Holy Lord Himself (heavenly no), but it is another case if Holy Lord's creature complies with human by souls.

Luna spirit soul in her body is the reason she can see very clear everything. There are some humans too who can see other creatures after they have contracts with spirits or demons, but their eyes can only adapt few parts of other creatures so at the end they can only see the blurred forms.

That dark figure on the other hands, looks like wants to say something to Diana but it does not know Diana's part soul is a spirit so she can see the real form of the dark figure, the knight who died being slaughtered horrifyingly in battlefield.

Undine then approaches the dark figure. She pushes his head and speaks to him. "Change your appearance, you assh*le. So you are the reason Luna like that agh worry me for nothing". Undine massaged her forehead. The dark figure looks at Undine confusingly.

"See. The princess can see you well. Talk to her what you want to say after she calms down first". "O-oh okay", nods the dark figure innocently while changing himself in normal human form.

Undine immediately places her finger made by water on Diana's forehead. Diana opens her eyes after feeling the cold yet comfortable finger and she sees the dark figure already changes to proper human form.

The Princess gradually calms down herself and stops the crying. Everyone there in the room loosen up hearing no more crying. They find out too baby Princess's fever magically disappears, even the physicians wonder about it. Everyone starts to dismiss from the royal chamber to let the Princess rest.

After confirming everyone leaves already, Diana speaks to both creatures that others cannot see.

"Hello Undine. Hello sir knight".

"Hello Luna, my dear," greets Undine while kissing Diana's forehead to let go the possible headache, and sored throat from too much crying. The dead knight beside Undine looks whole guilty in his face and also shocks a bit seeing the princess can speak like an adult.

"Y-Your Highness princess. Deepest apology for making you cry. I do not know you can see my appearance but to be honest I am excited finally meeting you so I hastily wants to talk to you".

"Oh I see, then that's fine. I am okay now, you see and I am sorry too, my reaction earlier might shock you, right?"

"No-no Your Highness. I am the wrong one. I should not approach you like that. I forget my manner to you, my princess. My mistake too because of excitement and clueness, I do not mind about my appearance. But Your Highness, may this humble servant request your help?"

"Sure but please mind yourself that I may do not help you much because I am still a baby".

The dead knight then explains whole things; about his real identity during his life, his relationships with one of the King's subordinates and also the help he requests from the princess.
