
HiTsuki - 10 Days Knowing You

The last thing Diana remembers is saving a boy at waterfall before a huge wave of water comes from upper level of waterfall and hits her body. And when she gains her conscious back, she cannot move her body at all except her ears catch some echos from surroundings. Few months later during the night of Blue and Cold Moon, Vita Kingdom receives their newly born princess, Princess Luna Diana II de Vio. Everyone celebrates joyously their most awaited princess's birthday for 7 days 7 nights and for the princess, she tries to adapt to the new world she resides now. With knowledge in her past life, she leads her new life to accomplish her promises that she had swore upon herself which she couldn't complete due to the accident happened to her. During her journey, under the light of dusk, she once meets a sleeping boy who is left alone in a burnt garden. The boy resembles a bit with her idol during her past life, so Diana decides to accompany the poor boy to cheer him up as she does not want that face to feel any other than happiness. She becomes his playmate for all 10 days she is there of visiting Ares Empire, without knowing the boy is the hidden sole heir of Ares emperor, Prince Lucifer Ruaidhri Aiden ElGrian Ua Arcerius. Author's message: This is my main novel among all my novels that I wrote or will write in future. Few hints/spoilers about this novel will be shown in other short novels that I made too. Feel free to read ^^

saewa51448997 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Warning: This chapter has few scenes that might make you feel not comfortable. Accidents; burning, drowning etc. Read at your own risk.

At night, after I finish take out my items in the luggage and arrange them in the bedroom, I lay down on the bed calmly and take a deep breathing.

As I look on the white ceiling, my mind gradually sails to the dream world.

Soon after I open my eyes, I see a huge area of some aristocrat mansion is on fire. It is affected to nearest forest from the mansion. From where I stand, I can feel the heat.

Everyone runs and screams out loud. There are hundreds of crying I hear. Few drops of tear slowly come down from my eyes. The scene is so horrifying.

During the chaos, I see a really small boy is unconscious in the center of the burning mansion. Everyone seems to not notice the boy.

Something urges in my heart and I run to nearest fountain and rip off half of my skirt then soak it into the water. The sleeves also are soaked before running again as fast as I can into the building.

Immediately I arrive to the boy and try to carry the boy while covering his nose with the damp sleeve of mine. Another hand, I use the part of my skirt that I have ripped and soaked as medium to stop the fire from coming near us.

I run fast as possible to the main door, before I notice the roof of the center of the mansion will soon collapse with the wall supporting it is already burnt to black. At that time I know I will not make it if I run to the main door while me still having the boy in my hug.

Without delay, I wrap the boy with the damp skirt, hug him tightly and jump myself with full strength to nearest window.

Not few seconds later, I open my eyes and I see my hug has no more the small boy. Instead my eyes are welcomed with me being in the center of the burning forest!

This time I also witness the whole scene people are suffered everywhere from the huge fire. Everyone seeks the clean air as they suffocate in the thick smoke so much.

Then I watch few people around me running with their bodies catch some fire on it. With full speed, I take out my upper cloth and hit the fire on their body.

Seeing the fire decreases a bit, I immediately instruct them to follow my actions; stop, drop on the ground and roll over and over while covering the face until the fire on that spot is gone.

While observing them to put out the fire, my eyes glimpse a lake not too far from the forest. For people that have no more fire, I ask a person among them to guide them to the lake there. They lower their heads and immediately go out from the forest.

Not too long after I guide the pack of people who caught on some fire, I hear a loud scream from few trees of our place. I search the place immediately and see a woman around my age is holding a half fainted pregnant woman but she herself cannot move much due to her bleedy left leg.

"Save her", the woman grab me and place the pregnant woman's arm on my shoulder.

"But you..."

"Go, go save her first. Go! I- I will find my way out," her mouth is coughing continously.

"You, wait for me. I will come to you after this, wait," the upper cloth that I used early to put down fire on others, I tear the damp sleeve part and give to her to cover her nose and mouth.

"Thank you," says the woman and I leave her to bring the pregnant woman out of the forest. Few steps before I go out from the forest, I hear a huge tree falls down behind me, completely blocks the path to go the woman whom I left early.

"Lady!" Screams me out loud. At the same time, the pregnant woman in my arm already comes back to sense and is trembled furiously. She also touches her belly and groans so intense.

"Hold on. We are near out", at this time, my heart pumps so fast feels like I just complete a marathon of few kilometres, but my mind only reminds to get out from the forest as soon as possible.

After arriving at the lake, I call out some people there to help the pregnant woman while me walking straight to the lake to cool down my body with the water. Not gonna lie, I can feel my legs are also trembled so much.

As I splash my face with water few times, my ears cannot catch anymore the noisy surrounding of screaming and people running, but instead it changes to some chirping of birds and crickets.

I rinse my face with the other sleeve that I have not yet ripped. Now I see a very beautiful blue lake in a secluded garden.

A laugh of baby suddenly comes from the end of the lake. I walk carefully at the side of the rocky lake and next I spot a blue hair female baby is smiling towards me.

'Baby? So cute but whose this? Don't say there are some irresponsible parents threw her here. Parents these days... If you do not want baby, wear precaution or easy way, never fulfill the lust desire. Is it hard? Small small not die, big big troubled people.' I give a long sigh.

'But actually where I am? This is the third time already I am in random places. Perhaps this is just a dream and all of these are just my illusions. No wonder I feel like I am Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible *proud*. Do not worry Diana, sooner you will wake up.' While I am having my own monologue, I hear some foot steps among the bushes.

The baby on the ground I take and bring her along hiding behind a big rock there. Then a man appears and follows by two women. One of the women that is being tied, has blue hair too, same as the baby in my hug but she also cries so hard. Her crying sounds so sad.

While observing the three people, I see the other woman and man talk about something while pointing to the place lake. I do not know what they talk about but then the woman takes out a knife.

She threatens the tied woman before she hands out the knife to the man. The man looks gullible but he still accepts the knife and searching something at the lake area. The wicked woman also follows the man and leaves the tied woman behind.

My eyes immediately look at the baby in my hug and I have a quick hunch they look after the baby. Without further ado, I run towards the blue haired woman and sneakily hands out the baby to her and untie the rope.

The blue haired woman looks shock but I ask her to keep silent and run away from there. Using the only piece of upper cloth in my hand, I try to cover the wicked woman's face from behind to give the blue haired woman some time to run.

I do not worry about my life because I know my purpose there is just a character in a dream. While struggling to cover the woman's face, suddenly my back feels a knife throbbing and piercing my skin.

I loose my grip and next thing, my neck is being grabbed by the wicked woman's hand. Her strength is unbelievable! The last thing I sense is quarter of my legs are cool with water that comes from nowhere before I completely pass out.

Few moments later, my lungs are full with air again and I wake up on my bed. My whole body and bed are drenched with my cold sweats. Sometimes too I can feel the heat then exchanges to the back of mine where I got stabbed, and lastly my neck.

The after-effects of the dreams feel so real. I calm myself and take some simple bath. Coming out from the bathroom, I spend few minutes to pray to God for calming myself. Only God is the place we can tell our worrisome as a weak creation of His, He knows everything.

Later after the sun rises, I prepare my backpack to go hiking a mountain near my house. Few mineral bottles, bread for breakfast, a novel and most importantly my dear phone, I put into the bag.

Usually I will go hiking whenever going back to my hometown during semester break. Though I already have another plan, I will make some time to go there. The reason is solely to release tension after tiring mind and physical during the stressful exam period.

"Sister, do you still want to go there? Are you not tired?" My sister who just wakes up, asks me with her morning look.

"Of course I am tired. It is a lie if I am not tired. But this is my diet plan. We must remember to be strict to the plan or the future plans we will always postpone it until got lazy. Or you wanna join me?"

"Hell nah next time. I am busy today with homework."

"Ceh homework, as if. You will have your date this afternoon with that shorty, right? I will tell mom."

"He is not shorty and please do not tell mom, sister. I will be grounded again." She makes her most pitied face to convince me to not reveal her secret.

"Fine, I will not. But be careful. Do not trust him a lot. Take care of yourself always." "Hehe thank you sister. You are the best." We say goodbye together and I start my motorcycle's engine. Before I go out from my house area, I call out my sister again who is still waiting in front of the door.

"What now?" says my sister with her questionable face. "Hmm if something happens today, tell mom and dad I love them. And you guys too though always on my nerves."

"Diana, what are you speaking about? It is not funny, you creep me out in this early morning."

"I said if, IF. We do not know our future and so do unfortunate things may happen sometime."

"Hey it is not cool okay to speak about this kind of thing and most importantly you must be safe whatever it takes. Remember!"

"Aigoo I do not know this kid already grows up so much and she cares about me too. I am touched. Ack"

"You..," she sticks out her tongue and I leave her by holding my laugh while enjoying her blushed face. In facts, she rarely gets blushed.
