
Hitomi's Extraordinary Days

The story of a girl named Hitomi, and her extraordinary high-school days. What to expect; + Mild gore & violence + Magic + Romance & comedy + Nostalgic (Highschool life) Facebook: @hitomidays | Twitter: @ruki_tarin

RuchithJay · Fantasy
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6 Chs


As Ken had scored highest in the entrance test, he was supposed to be making the student representative's speech. All that time Kon was right beside him. No one saw or noticed her. She was just standing still like a ghost besides him. As ken was on stage, he noticed a certain someone, who's presence confirmed his doubt about the whole barrier that was put up covering the whole school.

After the welcome ceremony ending successfully, Ken as all other freshmen, was going to his new classroom.

"Good morning, Amakura-san", said a voice from behind.

Ken stopped in his tracks.

"A very good morning to you, Nakano-san", said Ken as he turned back facing the girl who was standing there, behind him. She had black long hair with two ribbons tied on the sides. She had her arms crossed as if annoyed.

"Nice speech. I didn't know you were that academic, Amakura."

"I have always been."

"Hmm? Well congrats on getting in here. Now please, drop out."

Nakano's sudden statement didn't shock Ken, as he was expecting such audacity from her.

"And take that thing with you too.", She said pointing with her eyes, towards Kon. Who was right there besides Ken.

"Tch, master shall I silence this impudent woman", Kon said.

Just then out of nowhere, a small dagger, landed swiftly Infront of Kon's feet.

"Mind your word low life.", Said another person the same as Kon, with a mask, but a different color in her costume. Red. Kon's was white

She stood beside the girl, Nakano.

"It seems you have managed to get yourself a spirit, but too bad she isn't one of the nine. Wait, is she?", Nakano gave a curious look.

Ken pushed Kon back protectively with his left hand. Up till now Ken didn't speak a word, because he knew there was no point arguing with the lady in front of him. He didn't want to ruin the first day of school. All he wanted was, go to his class. He wanted to know about the whole barrier thing though, but that could wait.

"No way mi lady. Cause there already are nine."

"Don't bother about her. She's just my house maid. Well then, I'll see you later, got a class to find.", Saying that Ken left abruptly as he dragged Kon away with him.


"H-hey masterrrr!"

"O-oi, didn't I tell you to drop out! Were you even listening to me? Hey you! Heyy!", shouted the girl from behind. Ken went ahead without bothering to look back.




Ken had successfully found his classroom. There weren't any friends he knew, but one girl that he'd seen staring at him by the entrance. Almost as if fated, she was sitting next to him. She had fluffy cheeks and a long ponytail. A certainly attractive girl. The type of girl any high schooler would want to date. But she didn't seem to have many friends.

Some guys approached him and started a small chat with him, as they introduced themselves. Ken happily interacted with them. The girl besides him seemed to be a bit nervous. But apparently, she got hold of the situation, interacting well with her new classmates.

All this time Kon had gone wondering somewhere, although Ken had said her to be with him.

The bell for homeroom rang shortly, and all students hurriedly went for their seats. A while later, in came their teacher.

"Huh?" (That was Ken)

"Heh" (That was Nazuna. Surprisingly no one but Ken, saw her smirk.)

Ken was dumbfounded to see who his homeroom teacher was. It was Nazuna. So, it all made sense. Why she was all excited about Ken choosing this school and she got him his uniform. Of course, Ken knew she was a teacher, but never had asked where she was working.

"I wanna drop out…"

Somehow homeroom went well. And Ken became the class president out of majority votes which were most girls. He was aware of the fact that girls were attracted to him. But he didn't like it much, as it happened to be a nuisance at times. And made many boys hate him, out of sheer jealousy.

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Facebook: @hitomidays | Twitter: @ruki_tarin