9 Absurd Things

The next day, Leo and Luis went to tour Zealean once again, this time, more properly suited. Leo mentioned he hoped he would wake up on a proper road, where he can hijack a car and go to the city he was familiar with. Apparently, it seems that would not happen any time soon. All he could do for now is figure out how to survive in the new environment he was put in with Luis.

Around the city, they met with more people. It was morning and Zealean was booming with all varieties of them. One that caught Leo's attention were the individuals gathered in groups, mostly wearing different armor and equipped with weapons that support the other. Curious, he asked what they were supposed to be, and it turns out they were the adventurers Bernard has mentioned many times. To his convenience, they told them the direction of their base, the Adventurers' Guild. Together with Luis, they went to where it was.

It was a massive enclosed structure, with a sign above that reads "Adventure". It was easy to recognize; it was different from all other structures they have seen so far in Zealean. Leo and Luis were positive they've found their destination. They enter inside, and right away, they were greeted with the blaring uproar of a crowd.

"Tsk," Leo clicked his tongue in annoyance at the noise. He would be more comfortable with the noise of machine guns firing at him.

"Look at that, brother," Luis called his attention, staring at one particular woman, who was wearing a heavy robe and a tall pointy hat.

"What's with her?" Leo questions as he also stares at the woman with confusion. Looking around, they were able to see more who appear similar to her.

"I think they're mages."

"And those are?"

"People who use magic."

"Like the one that woman use to light up my cigar?" Leo chuckles in his unintentional humor.

"Yes... like that. But how about we ask them to demonstrate a little more?" Luis proposes, which Leo instantly turns down.

"We're not here to see some magic show. Let's see what this adventurer business is about."

With Leo leading the way, the two of them went to the end of the room, where the receptionists were. "Goodmorning," The first receptionist to notice them greeted.

"Goodmorning, we're here to become adventurers," Leo said as he did his usual act of putting an arm on the counter.

"I knew I didn't recognize your faces... Are you perhaps new here?" The receptionist asks as she deepens her smile.

"We just arrive at the city."

"Then, if you want to register, I implore you to fill out this paper." She said as she handed Leo a pen and a piece of paper.

Leo did what he was asked as the receptionist starts to introduce herself. "My name is Anna, as you can see, I work here as a receptionist. Once you have registered, you can always look for me to guide you or answer your question."

"Yea..." Leo replied, uninterested. He was immersed in filling up the papers for him and Luis.

Ignored, Anna turns to Luis and smiles. Luis smiles back and she instantly blushes. She turns away in embarrassment but was called once again by Leo when he was done. "Here," he said.

"Hmm... Mister, Leo Chigurh and Luis Chigurh... it's nice meeting you. Once again, I'm Anna." She read their names and introduces herself more properly. After reading the rest of the paper, she added, "If what you say here is true, you can take the adventurer evaluation to raise your rank instantly as you register. Do you want to -"

"We're not cheaters, we'll have the lowest rank."

"Oh, then... you need to complete one task on the board to get your badges. If you will be working as a party, you can raise your rank at the same time. "

"Great, and we can take anything we like, right?"

"There are specific tasks for different ranks of adventurers. As of now, you can only take those in level 1 and level 2."

"Is that so? That's fine, I guess... everyone needs to start at the bottom."

"I hope it isn't an inconvenience."

"Thank you, we'll be back," Leo said as he walks away.

"Do you want me to handle this myself?"

"We'll do this together. As I said, I want to figure out what this business is about. Let's look at the board she mentioned." Saying so, they went towards the side of the room, where a massive board that stretches to both ends of the wall stood.

Hundreds of papers were pinned on its surface. They were labeled with levels, from 1 to 30, each of different hues. They extend from cleaning toilets and gathering unsellable herbs on the market, to slaying fearsome monsters and subjugating a hibernating, supposedly legendary dragon. Leo and Luis wave at most of them, usually curious, and rarely intently looking for a specific task they would choose.

"The red ones are ridiculous!"

"The one with the legendary beasts?"

"I can't even believe they'll exist..."

"Me too, but we still won't be seeing them soon. We'll get killed."

"So there are things we wouldn't be able to kill in this world, huh?" Leo murmurs to himself, almost shaking.

"That's why we'll only take those we'll be able to handle."
