
Hitman 6: The Dark Chronicles Of Taizen Silver

In the aftermath of the cataclysmic event known as "the burning," the world remains scarred and twisted, a haunting reminder of the darkness that once consumed it. Millennia have passed, but the scars of that fateful day still linger, casting a shadow over humanity's existence. In this world of despair and turmoil, nations and empires vie for power, their leaders driven by greed and ambition. Violence has become a daily occurrence, and the innocent suffer at the hands of the powerful. But amidst the chaos, there are those who hold true power—the members of six secretive hitman organizations, each wielding god-like abilities and manipulating the world from the shadows. From the savage Berserkers to the enigmatic Mages, these organizations are feared and revered, their influence extending far beyond the mortal realm. At the center of this world stands Taizen Silver, a young boy born into a rare and powerful bloodline of hitmen. As he navigates the treacherous politics of the hitman organizations, Taizen uncovers dark secrets and confronts powerful foes, all while trying to unravel the mystery of his own bloodline. From the ruthless Berserkers to the corrupt Agent Organization, Taizen must tread carefully, for in this world of intrigue and violence, trust is a rare commodity. With allies and enemies lurking around every corner, Taizen must use all his wit and strength to survive and uncover the truth behind his own lineage. But as Taizen delves deeper into the secrets of the hitman organizations, he discovers that his fate is intricately tied to theirs—and that the fate of the world may rest in his hands. With the forces of darkness closing in, Taizen must harness his own power and confront the darkness that threatens to consume everything he holds dear. In a world where power is everything and trust is a luxury, Taizen Silver must navigate a treacherous path to uncover the truth and protect those he loves. But with the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, Taizen will stop at nothing to ensure that the burning of the past does not herald the end of the world.

TCZA8 · Action
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27 Chs

Lara the 4th

Luna found herself in her room, the weight of her travels clinging to her bones as she meticulously unpacked her bags. The weariness settled deep within her, a testament to the miles she'd journeyed. Just as she neared the end of her task, ready to surrender to the embrace of her bed, a distinct knock echoed through the room, pulling her from the brink of slumber. Curiosity stirred within her as she approached the door.

Peering through the small peephole, Luna's eyes met Lara's. "Hello, Luna, it's me, Lara," came the familiar voice from the other side. Luna couldn't help but feel a surge of surprise at Lara's unexpected visit. Nordians, with their stoic demeanor, rarely exhibited such openness. But Lara defied convention, her presence a breath of fresh air amidst the seriousness that often enveloped their kind. Luna swung the door open, inviting Lara inside.

"I'm delighted we have the chance to properly introduce ourselves before retiring for the night," Lara remarked, her words carrying an earnest warmth. Luna couldn't help but be taken aback by Lara's forwardness. "Well, nice to meet you too," Luna replied with a hint of astonishment. "Otto may have filled you in on the mundane details about me and my family, but I'm eager to learn more about you. After all, we'll be comrades on missions, entrusted with each other's safety. I promise to watch your back if you'll do the same."

Luna nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a fair deal to me. I'll stand by you, but what would you like to know?" she inquired.

Lara's curiosity seemed to brim over as she delved into Luna's background. "Tell me about your fighting style and powers. Otto hasn't enlightened me on that front, so I'm quite intrigued. And what bloodline do you hail from?" she asked, her interest palpable.

Luna's eyes lit up at Lara's inquiries. "I'm from Fecka," Luna replied with a sense of pride. "Half BB, half Nordic blood runs through my veins."

Lara's reaction was one of genuine fascination. "That's incredible! I've never encountered anyone from Fecka before," she exclaimed. "As for your BB heritage, what animal traits do you possess?"

"A cat beast, specifically a panther," Luna revealed. "And I'm proficient in close combat, wielding two short daggers."

"Remarkable," Lara breathed in admiration. "But what about your inner ability? Being half Nordic, you have the freedom to tap into it as you wish."

"I haven't fully mastered it yet," Luna admitted. "But I can channel bursts of lightning into my attacks, courtesy of the Lightning God. I call it 'Lightning Fists.'"

"A lightning-wielding panther," Lara marveled, laughter dancing in her eyes. "That's unbelievably cool!"

As their conversation flowed, Luna's curiosity sparked. "And what about your powers, Lara?" she inquired, eager to delve into her new companion's abilities.

Lara's expression softened, a hint of pride illuminating her features. "I wield a crossbow," she revealed, her tone carrying a quiet confidence.

"A crossbow, really?" Luna couldn't conceal her surprise. "That's quite unexpected, but I'm sure you're skilled with it."

"Skilled is an understatement," Lara replied with a hint of seriousness. "I'm the best there is."

With a chuckle, Luna nodded in acknowledgment. "Well, I have no doubt about that. Rest well, Lara. We'll catch up tomorrow, you have an early start"

"What about you" said Luna

"Because I'm from one of the Nordic royal families, I've been undergoing live simulations since a young age," Lara explained. "The organization already has extensive data on my abilities, so I'll be sitting this one out. However, I might swing by to watch you if I manage to wake up on time."

Understanding dawned on Luna as she absorbed Lara's explanation. "I see," she nodded. "Well, make sure to get some rest then. We'll catch up tomorrow."

Lara flashed Luna a grateful smile before bidding her goodnight and retreating to her own room. Luna couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for her new partner's honesty and support. With Lara's assurance echoing in her mind, Luna closed her eyes, ready to embrace the challenges of the day ahead.