
Chapter 1

The day was like no other, I woke up all alone and got ready for school.

School, School has always been boring for me as a child my hair colour prevented me to be friends with anyone.


"Oye freak where the hell do you think your doing." A young white haired child looked behind him to see a small fat boy with brown hair and black eyes staring at him.

"What do you want?" The boy muttered under his breath, it was so quiet that it was barely heard by the other boy.

"What do I want? I should be asking that you white haired freak." The fat boy irritating voice ringed in Seo Jiwoo's ear as he tried to leave again.

He turned around and started taking small steps towrds his class. "Yeah you better run freak." The words went unheard by the child as he entered the class.

That day when the child went to his home aka the orphanage he tried to find the one thing his mother left him.

It was a book. He had tried on numerous occasions to try and understand the content of the books but the words left his mind as soon as they came in.

He opened a random page of the book and mutterd it's first line.

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat." These words went to deaf years as the boy who read it didn't know the importance of the words he had read.

'How can one know himself?' The question had lingerd in his mind from the day he read it

He gazed through the book for a few moments as he finally reached one he had understood. "A pint of sweat will save a gallon of blood." It was a quote by a famous war General, Jiwoo understood the quote as it stated that a little hard work early on would be of great help later on.

Jiwoo was only 10 when he understood these words as he would alwas recite these words when he was in a tiresome situation.


Today was his last day at middle school he was 14 years of age so he was at the average age of a final year middle schooler.

Altough he was the average age to be at his level, his structure had always been proving otherwise.

His height was barley average as he stood at 5'2, the problem was his body mass. With a weight of only 40 kg almost everyone in the school was stronger than him.

The reason for his low weight could be his lack of motivation to do anything wether it was to exercise or to eat healthy.


The day went by quick with them not having to do much. Jiwoo woo is sitting on the seat unbotherd by anyone.

While minding his business he feels a sharp burning sensation on his neck, out of pure instinct he touches the area of the pain and feels his skin come off.

He hears laughing behind him as he realises that it was the class bully who did it. He turn behind and sees the class bully holding a pencil, on the pencil's back a metalic thumb tack is attached. He is rubbing the back of the pen to make the steel become hotter and then burning other people.

His bully Jin-Ho was trying to burn him again this time on the hand but Jiwoo snaps his hand back causing Jin-Ho to miss his target. " Oye Shithead you better not dodge again. Or else...."

"Ding Ding Dingggggggg!" His threat was left hanging as the bell rang and everyone started running outside.

"You follow me now Shitface." These words went straight out of Jiwoo ears as he starts to head outside.

He goes outside the school he starts to unlock his cycle. Out of nowhere someone grabs his hand he looks behind him and sees non other then Jin-Ho, behind him are at least 10 people.

"Oye What. The. Fuck. Did I tell you." Jin-Ho glares straight into Jiwoo's eyes as the white haired boy adverts his eyes.


Jin-Ho slaps Jiwoo on the face twice in a row. "I told you to follow me you bastard." THUD! A punch lands straight in the face of Jiwoo as he starts to bleed in the nose.


An ountarage of punches move towords Jiwoo as his face becomes bloody. Despite what one might Jin-Ho is quite buff and athletic.

"You guys handle him from here." Jin-Ho orders the kid's behind him to do whatever they wished as all of a suddedn dozens of punches come towards Jiwoo.

Jiwoo falls to the ground as he takes in deep breathes. Despite many people seeing what is happening no one comes to his recue.


Kicks start coming from all direction as all the bullies start grinning like madman.

This onslaught continues one for 1 hour as they finally leave him alone. By now Jiwoo is bloodied to a mess.

He hops on his cycle and slowly peddles home.

When he arrives he immediately goes in his room and takes out big white bandages and starts wrapping the wounds.

Unfortunately he doesn't have rubbing alcohol to clean the wounds. After half an hour he has completely bandaged himself and is laying on the bed.

'I'll make those bastards pay' Jiwoo grips his hand and puts them in the air.

With a new resolve his Summer will be quite packed.


End of Chapter 1.

If you think by any chance that this is good I will recover you give it a power stone.

50 Stones = 1 Bonus Chapter.

100 Stones = 2 Bonus Chapters.

150 Stones = 3 Bonus Chapters.

200 Stones = 5 Bonus Chapters.