1 His First

Today - May 20XX

i fingered my necklace... running my fingers over each individual letter.

i had been doing this since i learned that Tyler Collins would be back in town.

he had given me this necklace in the summer of our third year of college.

but, it has been 5 years since then, and i have not seen him since that fateful day.

nervously clicking my nails on my countertop as anxiety started pumping through me.

all the bad memories and depression that i thought were gone came rushing back.

my head got more and more clouded until i started to see black dots clouding my vision.

pressing my naills tighter and tighter on the desk until i heard a crystal clear voice call " Mommy!!"

the twins as i called them were the reminder i had everyday of my brother.

his little kids which he would never see grow up.

and nor would his wife either.

i quickly stuck my head in the fridge pretending to look for a snack for the two but really i was making sure they wouldn't see me all shaken up.

then i said " let's go get ice cream"

they shouted and screamed.

i smiled a little bit as we left our sanctuary and headed towards town.

strangely enough this town that never slept was eerily quiet.

no one was walking on the street or gossiping.

everyone's head was low and not meeting my eyes.

as we headed into the ice cream parlor... Just Scream... a tall figure caught my eye but i didn't pay attention.

in fact all my attention was on Jelli, the girl twin, that i didn't see the brick wall in front of me.

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