
Heart Break

her head bounced on something hard causing her to get dizzy.

once her head cleared she looked up to see the face that has been haunting her dreams for the last 5 years.


the one who made her cry almost everyday.

just seeing his face enraged tens of thousands of butterflies.

her eyes pricked with tears just looking at him.

automatically, she started to finger the necklace that he had once given to her.

she remembered the day, he had given it to her.


THE LAST TIME I SAW HIM... (till today)

i sat at what was known at our spot.

in the middle of a woods there was a small open place with a canopy of trees.

it was where we used to always have small picnics.

we always had our best moments in that picnic area.

the following day he had told me he had surprise for me so i was nevously playing with the bracelet my brother had given as a graduation... the pink string was gradually wearing making the bracelet look old when it really wasn't.

lost in my thoughts i had not realized that tyler was behind me until i felt something cover my eyes.

a blindfold! i started to lift my hands ready take it off when he pulled my hands down and kisses my ear softly.

"wait" he says.

then i feel a sleek metal being tied around my neck.

the blindfold comes off and i look down to see a necklace.

it was one of the bar necklaces that had words engraved on it.

in block letters the front said


but on the back it said


i smiled as i fingered the necklace and threw my hands on his neck and kissed him on the lips

from what had started as a gentle kiss, quickly turned into a passionate embrace between two lovers


he got a call

his face darkens as he looked at the caller id

and then he left without a word or trace of where he was going.

it rained that day and i stupidly waited shivering cold and wet waiting for him to come back.

he never did come back and today was the first day he came back since that day.

Present Day

at the ice cream parlor

i guess i was swaying because his arms come around me.

i bat them away and turn my head

i shake my head a little hoping to clear the black dots that threaten to cloud my brain

but it is too late

i feel faint and start to fall.


plz excuse all the grammer mistakes.

all that aside i hope u enjoy the story so far... and don't forget that constructive critism or comments is always welcomed!!!

CarmellaDeSantoscreators' thoughts
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