
His Secret Lover

She was just a naive little girl…until she met him. Someone who was willing to break all his principles for her.

Oluwakemi_Deborah · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter Three

Deborah's POV

After dancing my heart out, I was out of breath so I took a seat at the bar.

"Can I have a glass of pina colada please?" I asked the bartender

"Coming right up" He said and started shaking up my order.

After he was done, he passed me the cocktail.

"Thanks" I said before taking a sip.

"Deb" somebody called my name and I looked up.

"Kingsley? What are you doing here?" I asked surprised

"Don't you think I should be asking you that question?" He stated before taking a seat beside me.

I laughed at his comment.

It's true, people that know me knows that this is not my kind of scene. I guess Kingsley might know a bit of that about me because he kind of asked me out last semester and I turned him down.

It's not that he wasn't handsome or anything, in fact he is the perfect ken doll kind of guy. He was also the captain of the football team at my college and many girls wanted to date him. He is the whole package for some girls but not for me. I didn't feel anything for him and I still don't. In fact, I was surprised when he asked me out because I didn't know he liked me. But then again, he was nicer to me than to most people. I should have seen it coming. After I turned him down, he stopped talking to me completely…until now.

"It's really good to see you Kingsley" I said genuinely and he looked at me suspiciously

"Why? Are you regretting turning me down?" He asked jokingly and I laughed.

"I am serious Kingsley, I am happy to see you come around" I said

"Well I am happy to come around. How have you been? How many other hearts have you broken after mine" He joked and i bursted out laughing again.

"Stop it Kingsley" I whined and he laughed

"Wait is that Stella?" He asked while pointing towards the Dj area.

She has taken over the music with Josh while Jennie and Lexi were dancing behind them.

"It is" I laughed and took another sip of my drink

"Wow, she is still as crazy as ever" he stated while staring at me.

"Yup, that's Stella for you"

"How are you liking your cocktail?" He asked out of the blue.

"It taste amazing, you want one?" I asked

"No I am good" he replied and I nodded

After talking about random things for about five minutes, I started to feel strange and uncomfortable. I felt this heat build up inside of me and I started to feel dizzy.

"Are you okay?" Kingsley asked concerned

"Yes i am good, I just need to use the bathroom" i said and hurried to the bathroom.

Thankfully, nobody was in there. I turned on the tap and started splashing water on my face but the more water I splashed on myself, the hotter I felt . I started feeling some sensation in between my legs. What is happening to me? I wanted to pull off my clothes and jump into a pool of ice cold water.

Suddenly the door to the bathroom bursted open and in came Kingsley?

I stared at him shocked. The Kingsley I saw before is not the Kingsley I am seeing now. He looked dangerously.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered in fear

"Oh Deb, you are still clueless like always" he mocked

"What do you mean?"

"Who do you think you are Deb? How dare you reject me in front of everyone? Did you think I liked you? No I didn't, I was only dared to ask you out." He said and I gasped.

He started laughing mockingly at me as I trembled.

"Did you think you can reject me and go scot free? This time you will be the one begging me to come to you, touch you and satisfy you" he said as he walked towards me in dangerous steps.

"What did you do to me?" I asked as tears poured out of my eyes.

I started to feel very weird. I started to touch myself, my body wanted to be touched. What is happening to me?

" Come on Deb, beg me to touch you, beg me to satisfy you" He whispered in my ear as I cried hysterically trying to control whatever I was feeling.

"Come on Deb" He said and placed his palm on my thigh.

My body enjoyed his hand on me but in my mind, I was in pain. He started trailing his hand upwards, towards my inner thigh. Pleasure radiated in my whole body when I felt his hand on me.

"No please Kingsley, please don't do this please" I begged him but instead it came out as a moan.

He started rubbing me and I unintentionally opened my legs wider.

"Yes baby, you know you want me" His filthy words rang in my ears.

Tears poured out of my eyes as my body betrayed me.

I kept crying, I kept moaning as he kept touching me and my body accepted it.

Is this it Deb? You have kept your virginity for so long only to be raped? While you stand there and accept it?

I did not know what happened but I knew at that moment that my mind became stronger than whatever pleasure my body was experiencing.

I stared angrily at the filthy beast in front of me and knead him at the place where the sun don't shine. He bent down cursing while groaning in pain.

I jumped over him and tried to run away but he held one of my legs. I struggled to pull my leg but he was stronger so I did the only thing I could think of.

I swung my leg backwards and hit him on the nose. I think it's broken because I heard it crack. As he groaned in pain, I was able to free my leg from his crotch and ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I lost a shoe in the process but I didn't care. I wanted to run out to my friends but there were too many people, too many bodies. My body was betraying me again. I needed to get to a safe place before I have sex with the next man I see.

I somehow found myself at the stairs leading to the rooftop.

"Deb!!! You think you can run from me" Kingsley shouted.

Oh no he was right behind me. I quickly ran up the stairs to the rooftop. I saw a man there and the next thing I knew, i was running towards him asking for help.

"Pl..please h…help me , he is trying to touch me" I cried.

I tried to hold him for support but he held my hand before I could. I felt a thousand dopamine burst in my brain from just his touch.

Even if I loose my virginity tonight, I'd rather loose it to a complete stranger than to Kingsley.

I heard the sound of the door so I ran to his back and hid behind him.

"What are you…" he tried to say but was interrupted by Kingsley.

"I don't know who you are but let her go, it's none of your business" Kingsley said and I was praying that he won't listen

"Of course, it's not my business " he said and my face fell but my body was still on fire.

Fear crept inside my heart as I began to accept my faith

"But the lady said she doesn't want to go with you so I can't let her go" He said and my heart exploded with joy.

"Leave now or you will regret what will happen afterwards" the stranger said and I felt protected with he's words.

"Who do you think you are to command me?" Kingsley asked angry

"You have two seconds, 1….2" The stranger counted before bringing out his phone and dialing a number. "Come to the roof"

"Look sir, I don't want any problems, it's between me and my girlfriend " Kingsley said but this time he wasn't as confident as before.

"I am not your girlfriend" I said breathlessly as I tightened my arms around the man and breathed in his scent. Gosh, he smells good. So good that I don't think I can let go. Before I knew what was happening, my hands started tracing all over his back. I want him, I want him so bad.

Suddenly the door bursted open and some hefty looking men walked in.

"Take him away" The stranger said and immediately, Kingsley's face paled.

"What do you think you are doing? Let me go!!! Leave me!!! Deborah!! You will never get away with this!!" Kingsley kept shouting until I could no longer hear his voice.

My mind was focused elsewhere.

I kept rubbing the stranger's back and pestering kisses on his neck. I wanted so much to see his face so I turned to his front without letting go of him. I stared at his face and I gasped. He is the most handsome man I have ever seen. I swung my hands around his neck while he just watched me display all this act in front of him. I stood on my toes so that our faces can be closer, I pressed my body into him because I want to feel him in every part of me.

"Please help me" I begged with tears pouring out of my eyes as I smashed my lips on his. I wanted him so bad.

Sebastian's POV

The guy kept shouting as my men took him away but I wasn't focused on that. Instead, I was focused on the strange girl who kept kissing my neck.

I should shout at her and ask her what audacity she has to touch me but I could not move. I was more curious on what she was trying to do. Like a ferocious Lion waiting for his prey, I waited to see what she does next.

She kept kissing my neck and moaning in my ear. Is she trying to have sex with me? From the look of things, I guess she was drugged by that guy. I am going to make him pay and not because I care about her but because I hate guys who force themselves on women. She walked to my front and stared at my face longingly. Before I knew what was happening, she smashed her lips on mine.

Ok this is where I lost it. Immediately I pushed her away from me and held her by her neck.

"What do you think you are doing?" I growled at her.

She face went from shocked to sadness.

"Please help me, please touch me" she pleaded.

She looked so vulnerable, so weak, so shameful yet so shameless. I could tell from just looking at her how much she didn't want it yet needed it. For the first time in my life, I took pity on a person.

I pulled out my phone and called my doctor and friend Blake. He comes from a family of doctors and they have been our family doctor for years. The girl clung unto me while I made the call.

"Hey Blake, can you come over to the penthouse now? Oh and bring something to help someone that has been drugged" I said

"Oh no Sebastian, were you drugged?" He asked worries

"No not me, I'll explain later. Just come fast"

"Ok I am on my way " he replied

On ending the call, I felt her hands unbuckling my belt and I quickly held it. She struggled to release her hand but she couldn't. With her tears stained face, she pouted angrily at me. I could not help but laugh because of how cute she looked.

I carried her bridal style downstairs. I could have taken her to her friends but I don't think she would want anybody to see her in this state. By the time I got to my car, she had removed all the buttons on my shirt and was biting, kissing and licking my bare chest.

I placed her carefully on the driver's seat. I know she won't stay still so I removed my belt and tied her hands with it. I got into the driver's seat and zoomed off.