
His Secret Lover

She was just a naive little girl…until she met him. Someone who was willing to break all his principles for her.

Oluwakemi_Deborah · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter Five

Deborah's POV

"Hmm, why is my bed extra hard today?" I thought in my sleep.

I sniffed in the scent from the pillow. It was unfamiliar yet so soothing. I groaned as the ray of sunlight passing through the window shone on my face. I turned my face to the other side to escape the torture of the early morning sun.

"Stella , can you close the window please" i grumbled.

" I feel like crap, I can't get up" I said as I turned around on the bed and stretched my aching limbs.

"Stella?" I called again with my eyes still closed but no reply.

Two seconds before I could scream her name to help me… it registered in me. Stella and I live in a cooped up one bedroom New York apartment where there is no much ventilation talk less of saying a window with the rays of sunlight passing through. I can barely call it an apartment.

My eyes fluttered open and the view that came in sight was unfamiliar. Immediately I sat up straight while looking around shocked. I was in a bed that is made of only three colors, black, white and gray. It looks like a wealthy bachelors bedroom because everything in here, as much as it looks simple screams money.

Suddenly memories from last night started rushing back. I remember how it all started. I remember running to the roof. I remember how that man saved me from Kingsley but I also remember being tied to his car seat. I remember begging him and pleading…for him to touch. I remember feeling his finger in me.

I also remember….i remember…nothing else.

Everything went black afterwards.

Tears pulled in my eyes as everything played in my head. I feel so ashamed and disgusted in myself. The way I begged like a slut to be touched.

What happened afterwards?

Did we have sex?

I checked myself and I am still wearing my dress and my undies are also intact. Right now I don't want to know whether I had sex with him or not. I just want to leave here immediately. I don't think I can bare to see a stranger look at me with the eyes of a slut after all the shameful acts i pulled yesterday.

I rushed out of the bed. I Picked up my shoes from the floor and my bag that was laying on the small table by the bed. I tiptoed to the door and opened it carefully. Coming out of the room and seeing what was in front of me made my mouth drop open. The house is massive. I tiptoed to the passage and quietly rushed down the stairs.

If I thought upstairs was massive then this living room area is humongous. It's a surprise that I didn't get lost. Now I just have to find the door that leads out of this place. I opened multiple doors but didn't find the one that actually leads me out.

Tired of opening doors, I rested head in front of a massive window. I looked out of the window and that's when I realized, this is isn't an house but an apartment. Wait ….an apartment? What kind of apartment is this big. Anyways now I know that I am supposed to be looking for an elevator and not a door.

Finally, I found the elevator. I pressed the button to take me to the last floor. I wore my shoes and packed my curls properly before I got to the last floor. It was the reception area. I didn't bother to look at anyone as I walked out of the building.

While walking on the street aimlessly, my head hung low and my shoulders drooped. I had lost my pride, my dignity and my self respect. I have probably lost my virginity too. Not I that I would know…I have never had sex before and they said the first time is supposed to be painful. I don't feel any pain between my legs so does that mean I am still a virgin? All that doesn't matter anymore because I know for sure that he touched me …down there…and I begged him to…like a slut.

I hope I never see him again, I can't bare to see him.

I stopped a taxi and entered after telling him my address. This taxi is probably going to be really expensive because this is the rich part of New York but who cares? I have already lost my pride, loosing a few extra bucks is nothing.

Christian's POV

I followed my routine of waking up by 5am, brushing my teeth, having a cup of coffee and getting ready. Around 7am, I was ready to leave for work but I couldn't. The girl from last night is not awake. I have cameras everywhere in my house except the rooms.

I am just going to wake her up myself. I walked to my room and knocked on the door. I kept knocking but there was no reply so I decided to open the door.

It was empty.

I checked the bathroom and closet but still empty. I went to my living room and no one was there.

Did she leave already?


I sat on my couch and opened my laptop to check the cameras. As I watched her frantically looking for the elevator, I could not help but laugh.

She looked so dumb and ….cute.

I can't believe she just left without saying goodbye or at least a thank you.

I guess she was ashamed

I closed my laptop and stood up to leave for work while reminding myself to never let such incident happen again.

I should call Naya too…..