

I sat at the table. We ate our lunch happily. Jin cracked some dad jokes and J-hope talked a lot. It was a very fun lunchtime. Only Yoongi was at work and one more roommate was enjoying his vacation I guess.


"YOU STILL DIDN'T FIND HIM? HOW MUCH MORE LONG DO YOU NEED?" - A tall man in full black suit yelled at the three men, also in black suits, who were standing in front of him.

"SIR! I'm pretty sure he goes to Seoul Republic School." The guy standing in middle of the other two guys replied.

"I'm giving you only till tomorrow, if you guys don't find him then-" he paused and took out a gun from his back pocket, lifted it in the air and fired.

The other men screamed. But quickly bowed down to him and went on their mission.

"I will definitely kill him this time." The man with the gun still in his hands murmured with a slight evil smirk on his face.

Y/N's POV :

Tomorrow is weekend yay! I decided that I'll go visit my mom. But I suddenly got a text from my mom that she was coming to visit me.


I rushed to Jimin.

"My...huh..my mom...huh....is coming." I said between huffed breaths.

"Okay when?" Jimin calmly asked.

"Now." I replied.

"Wait- WHAT? Now? Oh no I have to get them out of here fast." He rushed out and I followed him.

"What did you tell my mom? I mean who else would be staying with me?" I asked hurriedly following him.

"I told her that apart from me, there will be 2 more guys, that is Jungkook and Yoongi and.." he paused.

"And?" I asked.

"And one more.." he paused again.

"AND ONE MORE WHAT?" I shouted.

"ANDONEMOREGURLWHOISMYSISTER." He said in one breath and very loudly. However it wasn't clear at all. I didn't understand.

I glared at him and he sighed.

He took a deep breath and said, "I told her that one more girl will be staying with us who is my sister so she wouldn't be worried that you are going to be the only girl."

"What the actual hell? Where will we get a girl now?"

"Guess it's time for Taehyung to wear it again."

I didn't understand what he was talking about.

He told Jin and J-hope to not come home until he calls him. Since my mom knew Suga, Jungkook and Jimin it wasn't a problem. But I didn't know why they all took Taehyung and locked the room.

After about 10 minutes or so, the bell rang.

My heart sank.

I know my mom is the person who would come and wait until she sees the girl who stays here. I couldn't tell her she was out or something.

Jimin came out of the room and gave me a nod assuring everything will be okay.

I hope it will be.

He then went to open the door and welcome my mom.

I met her. I was happy to see her but worried about the girl part.

We talked for like 5 minutes or so and then suddenly Taehyung came out looking like a girl.

Oh my god! I tried my best to not laugh. But it was so hard. Taetae was giving me glares when my mom wasn't looking. I can tell my mom was surprised by how tall he is and his broad shoulders were.

The whole time my mom was there, I just wanted to burst out laughing, but I had to control. After eating with us and giving me some gifts she got for me and others, she finally left.

And, I laughed.

Jimin and Jungkook joined me as well in the laughing session. I can tell Yoongi was trying to control his laughter.

Taetae was mad. He looked very angry.

But then he also started laughing.

"Yah! Y/n" he said after getting is laughter under control. "I saved your ass, you better pay me back."

I was still laughing. I can see Jungkook's and Jimin's face bright red from laughing so much.

It was an amazing day.


We all were at school. It was only 10 minutes before we can finally escape this hell.

As soon as the bell rang, everyone grabbed their bags and rushed out.

Sofia was absent today, she had already informed me about her cousin's marriage and that she won't be coming for a week or so since the marriage was in Paris.

I thought I'd be very bored because Sofia didn't come, but J-hope entertained me very well. It was a fine day I can say.

We all decided to leave school and walk home together except for Jin as he was going by his car and since yoongi was at work and Taetae at his music academy, it was only me, Jimin, J-hope and Jungkook.

We were walking in a small alley, no one else was there.

J-hope was talking nonstop and I didn't feel bored at all.

As we were walking we saw man wearing a mask approaching us.

He stopped in front of Jungkook and asked, "Can you please tell me where this address is?" Handing out a small paper to Jungkook.

"Ah yes. Oh come the wrong way. You should go from-" Jungkook froze.

The only thing I saw from my angle, was that the guy took out something shiny from his back pocket and shoved it towards Jungkook's arms, I think. Since I was standing behind Jungkook, I didn't quite clearly see what happened until Jimin shouted.

"JUNGKOOK AH!" Jimin immediately ran towards Jungkook who was collapsing on the floor.

J-hope and I were behind so we didn't know what happened but we rushed towards Jungkook who fell on his back.

The guy who asked for address ran away. Everything happened so fast, my brain just couldn't understand.

I saw blood.

Blood was coming from Jungkook's abdominal area, where he was clearly stabbed by that guy.

I didn't know how to react, tears started rolling down my cheek. J-hope ran away in the direction of that guy. Jimin's hands were covered in blood as he was trying to stop the blood coming out of Jungkook's abdomen.

I came to my senses and called an ambulance.

So far it was just the introduction of characters and a little bit of information about them. The real story begins from here.

Note : Namjoon hasn't been introduced in the story yet, I have something planned for him. He will be in this story soon but there's a plot behind.

7_SEVEN_7creators' thoughts