
His Redhead

Serena Campbell A beautiful, confident and brainy redhead. She likes being in control and never lets her guards down. She's always in competition with her brothers, thanks to her not so good father who believes Rena is not good enough to become the CEO of his company. Ryan Stone A charming, rich and handsome playboy. He's the eldest of the Stone brothers and the CEO of Stone Hotels, a division of Stone Group of Companies. With his good looks, power and money, he doesn't believe there's nothing he can't get.... except if he doesn't want it. Two characters whose lives are shaped by their individual background and principles. One is from a male dominated family and has to keep proving that she's up to the task ahead of her while the other gets whatever he wants, consequences be damn! Will they acknowledge the burning attraction they feel for each other? Will both be able to overlook their differences to achieve greater things ahead?

Reemah_Rede · Urban
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28 Chs

Meeting The Other R's

Clad in a flowery pattern sun dress and sandal, just the right outfit for an outdoor activity on a bright sunny day. Glad that Ryan had the foresight to pick this type of dress which was quite comfy. Feeling a little bit of nervousness to meet Ryan's family and curious about how a house full of grown ups relating with one another would be.

"Oh, there she is" Ryan's mother pulled me for a warm and comforting embrace.

"Nice to see you again, Grace"

"Same here, dear" she beamed and hugged her son too, "hey baby" she greeted Ryan and my lips curved, i looked at him and mouthed 'mama's boy's and he glared at me. Oh my, I'm enjoying this!

Ryan took my hand in his, we could hear several voices as we entered. Don't get me started on how large the house is, well, they are many so the house suits them.

"Everyone, meet Serena Campbell" Ryan announced and everyone turned with a welcome smile on their faces.