
Chapter - 15 (Part 1)

Alexander pov

As Alisha sat in my passenger seat, I closed the car door, went to the other side, and sat in the driver's seat. She was sitting stiffly and hadn't buckled her seat belt. I went near her to buckle it. And she held her breath and widened her eyes. I bit back a smile. She is so adorable. I buckled her seat belt and said before backing away.

"Relax, butterfly. I won't bite."

She blinked twice and then released her breath. I chuckled, and she pouted. I buckled my seat belt and started driving. She looked outside the window, watching the scenario. The day before yesterday, I wasn't able to go to her because of an annoying reason. Some clans became too bold, and I had to make them know their places. Because, I wasn't able to see her, my mood was sour all day, and at night, when I got the report that she had given the flower to someone else, I was furious, but then I got to know she was not happy when she received the bouquet. I wanted to know why she was upset and why she did that.

That's why I called her that night. And the first reason she gave me, I knew, it was a lie, because, before that, she never gave anyone the flower I had given her. And later, the reason she gave me made me feel all kinds of emotions. Her answer made me realize that I have made my way into her world, into her heart, and it won't be long till she completely becomes mine. And I asked her again if she wanted to go on a date with me while already knowing her answer.

Her 'Yes' was a big step toward her. My patience finally paid off. After talking to her, I called Aaron and Owen to my house to plan a perfect date, as I had no experience with it. And they told me to plan a whole-day date to get closer to her. I glanced at her to see her fidgeting with her finger and biting her lips. She has a habit of biting her lips when she is nervous. I don't think she is going to say a word, but I'm dying to hear her voice. So I decided to break the silence. Also, let her know about something.

"Butterfly, let me make something clear. You are not allowed to give anyone something that I gave you. Even though that day I wasn't able to give those flowers to you, but I bought them myself, understand?" I said, and she nodded.

"Word, butterfly."

"Yes," she said.

"Good girl."

I pulled the car beside a cafe. It took half an hour to get here. This cafe has the best hot chocolate in New York. As my butterfly loves hot chocolate, I found this cafe for her after a lot of research. I got out of the car and went to her side, and opened the door. She got out, and I closed the door. We went inside the cafe and saw people glancing at us. I expected it. That's why I wanted to book the cafe, but Owen said that would be a bad idea as it's our first date and it might make her feel uncomfortable.

I led her to an empty table and pulled out a chair for her. She sat on it, and I sat in front of her. A waitress approached us with a business smile and gave us the menu, and told us to call her when we were ready to order. We took the menu, and I looked at her instead of the menu. She was checking the menu with a serious face, which made her look cute. She looks like she is not deciding what to eat but thinking of a hard question answer in the exam hall. Some minutes had passed, but she was still looking at the menu. She might be looking at the menu, but her mind was somewhere else. What is my butterfly thinking?

"Have you decided?" I asked. She came out of her thoughts and put the menu on the table before nodding. I called the waitress back.

"I will have eggs with bacon, sausages, and toasted bread. And a black coffee." I said, and the waitress wrote it down in her notepad and waited for Alisha's order.

"I will have chocolate pancakes with fruits and a cup of hot chocolate," she said, and the waitress left after writing it down. She is looking down, still looking nervous.

"Relax, butterfly."

"I'm relaxed," she said, and I smiled.

"Tell me about yourself," I said. She finally looked at me and said,

"About myself?" I nodded.

"What do you want to know about me?" There is nothing about you that I don't know, but it's better if you don't know about it.

"Everything. If you don't know what to say, then let's start with family and friends," I said. I think this way, she will relax a little bit and will let her guard down.

"Okay, my mom, Ava Hart, is a housewife, and my dad, Christian Hart, is a businessman, and my brother Adrian helps my dad as he will soon be taking over the company."

"Are you close with them?"

"Yes, they are open-minded."

"What about your family?" she asked.

"Well, I took over the company after my dad and extended it. My mom has her own business, which she is trying to hand over to my younger brother. But Liam doesn't have any interest in the business. He wants to be a musician, and we support him. He is the same age as you," I said, and she nodded with understanding.

She seemed to have relaxed a little bit. The waitress comes back with our orders and places the food in front of us. As we were eating our food, I asked,

"What do you like to do in your free time?"

"Read novels,"

"What genre do you like to read?"

"Romance, fantasy."

"Sounds interesting," I said.


I should ask something else, as she doesn't seem to want to talk about the novel she reads. A smirk came into my lips as I knew what kind of books she reads. I will make her read them to me one day.

"Can I ask you something?" she asked, and I nodded.

"Umm, as the news said, have you really never dated anyone before?"

"Yes, you are my first and will be my last too," I said.

"Why me?"

"Because I love you."

"But it was just a moment."

"To fall in love with someone, you don't have to spend months or years with them. Sometimes you can fall in love and spend your whole life with a person you just met for a few seconds. And that's what happened. Some moments with you were enough for me to know that you are mine." I said, and she just listened to me without saying anything.

I know why she is afraid that my love for her might not be real, and it's okay. I will let her know that I will never leave her.

We started to eat our breakfast in silence, but it was a comfortable silence. After eating, I paid the bill, and we left the cafe. We took our seats in the car, and she asked,

"Where are we going now?"

"Shall we watch a movie?"

"Sounds good," she said, smiling.

Her nervousness is now gone, and she seems comfortable with me.

"Let's go," I said, and started driving.

I don't like movies, but Owen said people normally watch movies on their first date. I would not have cared about what other people do, but my butterfly likes movies, so why not? I saw her glancing at me from time to time. She seems to want to say something.

"Do you want to say something, butterfly?"

"Why did you do that?" I got confused.

"Do what, butterfly?"

"The day you came to my college. Everything was fine, but suddenly you broke a painting and dragged me into a classroom. Why did you do that?" she said, and I chuckled.

"I think my words and actions weren't clear that day. I did that because I was jealous. I went to your university just because of you. I went there just to meet you, but when I went to you, I found an insect—I mean, a man trying to have what is mine. So yeah, that's happened."

"Do you really love me?" she asked, and I smiled. I looked at her for a second, and looked back at the road.

"I do. More than you can imagine. That much that even the word 'Love' can't justify it." I said.

I want to say those words while looking into her eyes to let her know that my every word is true, but as I'm driving right now, I can't. I don't want any accidents to happen.

"But how can you be sure that it's love? It can be just an attraction."

"I'm sure, and I know that you don't believe me, and that's okay. I will use my entire life to prove my love for you," I said and glanced at her.

Her eyes are filled with warmth, and a smile slowly forms on her lips. My love, the doubts you have about my love for you, I will make them disappear. You will find out that no one can love you like I do. And no one can have you other than me.

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