

The age between 16 to 18 is a very tricky time for boys mostly at that time was when i had my first crush to give you guys clarity i was not a good looking person i was near average you can say but the person who i got a crush on was a true angel u can say shoulder length hair slender arms moist lips slim waist round butt and a eye dazzling knockers and tall and thick legs she was a true beauty and I an average guy with no clue of a persons mindset had a crush on this beauty.

She did talk to me in a cheerful manner which even the most brilliant guy couldn't tell the true intention of her cheerfulness.

I was blinded not only by her beauty and also by her fake personality,I had thought that she her cheerfulness was her being friendly with me,but little did know that I was far from reality and was deeply affected by the reel world. All she did was take use of me through talking cheerfully and making me belive that she did like me i was just a person meant to me made fun to her and her friends who rather seemed too friendly with me. The way they acted never made me belive that they were actually making fun of me I was only looked as a "gorilla" to them. But there is one thing that made me not to hate them even though they made fun of me as a "gorilla falling for a maiden" they never made rumours of this go around and kept all the fun for themselves which was way better than being made fun by the whole institute.

They made fun of me but still thought of me as a friend so i think hating them would be inappropriate cause it was my mistake to think that i would be any match for that person even now she talks to me but she has rather changed a lot from then you can say cause the way she talks is rather completly different from then now i can sense her guilt conscious whenever she speaks with me well it was supposed to happen maybe someone would have done the same thing to her which she did to me and she had her point of view through my shoes.

This was the story of my unbalanced but quite balancing story of 9th grade.10th grade is not a big of story though cause it was smooth with no dramas cause it was the time where every student would face his first public exams and almost every kid who was my age was scared as shit well it was supposed to happen kids who've taken exams quite lightly were scared of being called failure which would happen if failing this exam though so most where into high drive to get a good a good score little did they know the hectic and most harsh truth was waiting for them in the near future