

Outside a large room, a man was pacing up and down. His hair was disheveled and his clothes were rumpled, unlike his usual regal appearance. The servants and guards that were close trembled and prayed.

As they looked at their king, they were filled with fear and worry. Their heartbeats increased per second as the wails in the room became louder. The servants stole glances at the king who now stood still like a statue. Only the head knight, a close companion of the king knew he was the most worried then.

Standing beside the king was a young boy of about seven years old. His posture was erect and unlike his father's current appearance, he gave off a majestic aura. His head was held high with his hands behind his back as he waited.

"Your majesties." The door opened and the midwife came out and kneeled before the father and son.

"How is she?" The king asked urgently shaking her shoulders, momentarily forgetting that he should act like a king.

"Her majesty is very exhausted and needs rest." The midwife continued. "But his majesty is allowed to go in." The king waits for her to finish speaking but rushed into the room. He was followed by the prince and head knight.

"My dear king." Came a weak voice from the bed.

"Darling." The king hugged his wife.

"Alexander, come here, son." The queen called the prince.

"Meet your baby sister." She said and a maid handed her her baby who was wrapped up. The child was asleep.

"She's so beautiful." The king said as he looked at his newborn daughter. The prince nodded in agreement.

"What should we name her?" The queen asked. The queen and king fell into deep thought thinking about the perfect name for their daughter.

"Serena." The prince, who had been silent said. His parents looked at him for a while before they nodded.

"I like it."

"Serena. Princess Serena von Ryhill."

Looking at his sister, the Prince smiled.

"I've waited so long for you, Eirene."


"Alexander! Why did you do that?!" A girl of seven screamed as she wiped her lips and backed away.

"You didn't like that?!" Alexander asked as he stepped closer.

"Of course, I didn't. No one wants to be kissed by their sibling. It's wrong." Serena said s she dropped the towel she used in wiping her lips.

"Serena," Alexander called as he stepped closer.

"Yes, brother?"

"Look into my eyes, Serena." He said as he held her chin up.

She looked into his green eyes, similar to hers. She saw what she couldn't recognize, but it was dark and powerful.

"I love you, Serena," Alexander said.

"I love you too, brother." Alexander knew she didn't love him the way he did. He was angry and disappointed.

"Serena." He sighed and kissed her lips again.

"Alexander!" Serena shouted and ran off, holding her dress up to prevent her from falling.


"Alexander, I do not like how close you are being to your sister." The booming voice of the king sounded.

"She's my sister, Father," Alexander said. "We're meant to be close."

"The Crown Prince should focus on his duties. Not in how to please his sister." The king said.


"Finish up your duties before the Summer Festival."


"Leave." Alexander turned to walk out.

"Wait." He halted.

"I heard that you kissed your sister. Is this true?" The King's voice was very cold. Everyone in the Court shuddered.

"Yes, Father," Alexander replied not turning to look at the king.

"That's very wrong."

"I love her, Father." He replied.


"Improper behavior for a crown prince."

The voices of ministers echoed.

"Alexander, for your behavior you shall be relieved of the title of a crown prince for two months."

The prince disrespectfully clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes which shocked everyone.

"And your sister shall be sent off to an unknown country, away from you, till she is married off."

"Father." The prince turned around and bowed suddenly.


Blood. The scent of blood was everywhere. Corpses were lying around the capital. The whole city was in red.

"Hahaha." Maniacal laughter resounded. Prince Alexander stood atop the castle tower.

"Alexander." A weak feminine voice sounded. "Why are you doing this?"

Alexander kissed the face of the lady. "They tried to stop me, Serena. They tried to stop us from being together."

"Alexander stop this madness. We cannot be together. We are siblings."

"I don't care! You are mine, Serena. Anyone who tries to separate us should die." He said as he kissed her again.

Serena couldn't take it anymore. She tried many times to run away but he was always a step ahead. She'd sacrifice herself. Maybe if she isn't alive this will stop.

She looked down from atop the tower. It wasn't a little distance from the ground. She was a little terrified but she steeled her resolve and jumped. Or so she thought.

A sturdy hand caught her. "Don't think of dying Serena." Alexander's voice sounded by her ears.

"Alexander!" A masculine voice sounded and a man in a white and gold suit flew up the tower.

"Soleil," Serena called out to the man who just came, and the arm holding her tightened.

"Let go of her," Soleil said. His blue eyes glaring at Alexander.

"She's mine, Soleil. Mine."

"You despicable deity. You caused havoc in Ebene and now you've come here to destroy the world. Because of her? She's your sister. Your love for her is not right."

"Soleil, I'm not ready to listen to your rubbish. Serena belongs to me. Since her creation, she was mine and will forever be." Alexander said.

Suddenly his green eyes glowed and changed to a bright golden color. His already black hair became darker. He held Serena in one arm and raised the other. He conjured a black ball of energy. The sky darkened and purple sparks of lightning filled the sky.

"Alexander, you leave me no choice," Soleil said before his blue eyes turned golden too and his hair brightened. His ball of energy was white.

Alexander kept Serena in a safe place. Serena tried to stop them but she couldn't. She knew that if those energy balls hit anything, this place will be destroyed.

"Stop." She cried as she watched them ascend mid-air. They couldn't hear her.

"Alexander. Soleil." She cried. "Stop this."

She tried to stop them as they threw their balls of energy. But it was too late...

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