
Sleeping In


Another Monday rolled around. I was away from them once more, though I was exhausted even more than usual. It was so bad, I myself decided to just skip my classes for the day.

Justifying myself, I claimed that even if I had gone, I wouldn’t have been able to focus. My head was incessantly pounding, somehow worse than last week. My ears were also ringing so loudly, everything else around me sounded dull in comparison. It was so constant, it was almost becoming unnoticeable. I felt absolutely terribly. With all of that, I was probably in no shape to deal with people, either.

I slept as much as I could, though there were a few times throughout the day that I would roll over, only to be vaguely aware of Clyde seemingly hovering over me. Why he would do so, I couldn’t imagine. It was likely just my imagination. After all, we hardly ever interacted, and when we did, it was usually just me asking him to take his weekday, nighttime guest somewhere else.