
Chp 1

I kept my head down as I made my way through the hallways. Everyone I went past acted as if I contracted some contagious disease. I ignored them naturally. I was too use to them acting like this. It's been like that ever since kindergarten.

It was probably because my eyes were a reddish brown, more red than brown, and my hair was a silvery white color. My skin was probably the only nornal feature about me. It was a caramel color and slightly freckled.

Dad would tell me that I was beautiful. But he also says that he sees things running around our backyard. My mom won't look at me directly, but she swears that I'm normal. I try not to let it hurt me that my own mother was afraid to look at me.

Taking a deep breath to clear my head, I head into my french class. It was an AP class, but most people in here were struggling to keep up. My seat was in the second row. I sat between Mae and Daniel, they were annoying.

They acted like secret lovers, passing notes and making out after class. The thing was, I was the one who had to pass the notes since I sat in the middle of them. Mae acted like she was high off of sugar while Daniel qcted like he couldn't care less what she said one second then got antsy when she didn't chase after him.

A piece of paper that landed on my desk pulled me from my thoughts. Daniel looked at me expectantly. I handed it over to Mae, who giggled as she read it. She blew him a kiss. Gross.

"Okay, we'll have a nice little pop quiz to start class off-"

Most of the class groaned. Ms Ozera started class off with a quiz every week. It was completely random questions about every detail of her class. One question could be about the french Revolution when the next could be the proper term to use in a sentence. It was the cause of the classes bad grades.

Just as she grabbed a stack of papers, some guy came in. The class went silent immediately. He was tall and had dark hair that fell around his eyes. His eyes were bright in color, but seemed to darken when he looked over the classroom.

Mae perked up beside me. Daniel looked ready to commit a homicide.

Most of the other girls had a similar reaction. Wow, they act like mindless around guys. I'm so glad I'm not like them.

He held up a sheet of paper "Sorry, I got lost"

"you might as well introduce yourself" ms Ozera said, sounding irritated

"I'm Evan Owens. I'm an exhange student"

I didn't notice before, but he did have a slight accent. I couldn't place it exactly. He didn't look irish, but he didn't seem like a britt either. Weird.

He was smiling until he breathed in through his nose. He looked over the crowd again until his eyes locked with my redish ones. 'mine' I heard in my head. Wait, what?

He smiled widely at me, a weird glint in his eyes. I could already tell we weren't going to get along. good thing there qre plenty of chairs near girls who are interested. Maybe the french teacher will be nice an-

"Okay, you can take the seat behind our miss Endheart"

Screw you too ms Ozera.


The bell ran for lunch, so i headed towards the library. I can finally be alone and not near the creepy guy who gives me weird looks in all my classees. I swear he looks at me like I'm something to eat.

To clear my head, I pull out one of my favorite murder mystery novels and sit down at a table. I'd almost forgotten about him, and I was at peace. That is until I heard 'mine. My luna.'

I looked around and found myself completely alone. The librarian was even asleep. Focus Ana, it's just your imagination. At least that's what I tell myself. I don't know, maybe I have gone over the deep end.

"It's Ana, right?" I heard from behind me

I nearly fell out of my chair. He was friggen' dead silent.

"Yeah, so?" I responded lamely. Wow, great come back Ana.

"I'm in your french class" he said

"And Algebra, and gym, and AP history.." I mumbled under my breath

'My luna, All mine'

"Ana, where is Mae?" Daniel asked from the librarian's desk

"I don't know"


The voice was so loud I almost fell out my chair. Daniel backed out of the room. Wow, now I'm sure he thinks I'm unstable.

I stood up to leave. I just needed to home. I've fallin' off the deep end.

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