7 so delicious...

"d...dinner?!?! I am sooo hungry! lady, bring me to the food pweez". "young master, when did you get this adorable? she pinched her cheeks. the real shaoshao, nicknamed mosquito as of now, was still in his heat. "ok! this way sir, you must be tired so please be careful down the stairs! "oki". come on mosquito! food is ready!....no! stop stealing my body! I don't even know how I got in here! as they walked down the stairs, wuxia suddenly tripped! CRAAAAAAP!!!!!!!! as they both fell down the stairs, on her face. "ahem! shao! behave yourself, we have company, President Jin, of Jin international. say hello shao. "....uh...yo, wassup". the man looked dumbfounded. "shao, where are your manners?! because as that old geezer was talking, wuxia stuffed her face full of hotpot. what the heck?! are you a pig?
