


Selena was happy she couldn't believe that she had passed just after one try. She had been nervous about this exam ever since she started the lessons. But since she had passed and got her driver's license now she can drive herself. He was going to be proud of her, she could see it.

Her husband was the only person who brought joy to her life especially with so many eyes on her. She remembered the day she visited her parents in her small village, the shock they had on their faces when she told them she was getting married. With time she convinced them, she told them honestly that she couldn't live without him and he was her source of joy. They have always wanted her to be happy so they finally agreed.

She was raised in a small village where everyone worked in either the plantation or the factory. Her parents got married after finishing high school and they conceived her. They were childhood sweethearts and to make her life better than theirs, they saved money. She received all the love and care no other child could. They wanted her to attend a famous university and she got to do that. She wanted to make them proud so she studied like a maniac.

Because of her background, she didn't make any friends at all which was not a problem for her. She knew why she came to the big city and having friends in a place you didn't know was just one huge risk for her and she didn't want that.

Even though she was married at eighteen she was still attending school and everything was not the same at all. It was the way they looked at her and call her names behind her back. It wasn't a crime for one to marry another so why did they make it as if she committed a huge sin?

'Congratulations ma'am,' her driver said as she reached the car.

'I should be thanking you for all the help. I never thought in just a short period I would do it. Thank you,' she said smiling at the man.

'I'm just glad that I could help. Where do you want to go after this?' he asked her.

She pondered over the matter for a while before she reached a conclusion.

'Let's go and buy something to eat first,' she said and the driver opened the door for her and she got inside.

She took a photo of her new license and sent it to her husband who was abroad for a business meeting. He didn't open the message since he must be busy.

'How is your wife?' she asked the driver, the man who had been her driver ever since she agreed to marry her husband.

Richard was a good man and she liked him a lot, he cheered her all the time whenever she was depressed because of all those people who just couldn't stop minding their own business.

'She is doing great. She wanted me to ask you if you still want those seedlings,' he said and she remembered it.

'I nearly forgot about it. I would love to have them. I am planning on making a garden behind the house. Some vegetable will do,' she said already seeing how her new project will pan out.

'That will be great, if you need some help please don't hesitate to ask me,' Richard volunteered and she smiled.

'I will keep that in mind,' she said.

The car stopped at her favorite food mall and she happily jumped out of the car and rushed into the pizza den. Whenever she was happy she just loved having some. She couldn't afford to have it whenever she wanted it back then because she had to save but now she just buys whatever she wanted thanks to the card her husband gave her. Even though she wasn't using the card the way he wanted her to do but she was doing her best in spending his money in her own way.

'Welcome, it's good to see you again so soon Mrs. Sawyer,' the female attendant said as she stood in front of her.

'It's good to see you too,' she said with a smile on her face.

'Can I get you your usual?' she asked her.

'Yes and three more flavors too,' she answered.

'You must be having a feast,' Anne said as she created her order.

'I am celebrating, I finally got my driver's license,' she said happily, she just couldn't hide her joy.

'Congratulations, I am happy for you,' Anne said as she gave her the receipt.

'Thank you. Can I have some beverages and get one for yourself. You always talk to me when I come here,' she said feeling grateful.

'Thank you so much,' Anne said as she took the card to bill for the beverages.

After getting her receipts, Selena went to sit down on one of the chairs while she waited for her order to be processed. Just hearing someone calling her by her husband's name made her heart flutter.

'What a coincidence, I didn't think I will bump into you like this,' a familiar voice said and she turned her head to look. It was her husband's step sister; she really loathed that woman a lot.

'How are you?' she asked as soon as she saw her.

'I am doing fine as you can see. I can see that you came to squander his money like always. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?' Wendy asked her and she looked at her. She hated people like Wendy, people who were so full of themselves that they thought the world only revolves around them.

'How can I be ashamed when I am just spending what my husband makes?'

'I cannot believe this. I wonder where he picked such a shameless gold digger like you. It's just a matter of time before he dumps you for another, enjoy it while it lasts,' Wendy said and left.

She took a deep breath before shaking her head. She was used to this and she was not going to let anyone continue to push her around. Was it a crime that she wasn't that good at taking that they all bullied her with harsh words like this?

She finally took her four boxes of pizza and a plastic bag containing her beverages, Richard helped her with the food to get to the car. All the happiness she had was now gone thanks to Wendy. One day she was going to get back at her for causing her so much mental stress.

Did she have to remind her that her husband was not into her? She was just holding on to that little hope and yet someone was trying to crush it down. They had been married for over a month and yet her husband had never laid his hand on her. They shared the same bed and yet he treated her much worse than one would treat a sister. Maybe she wasn't attractive enough and that is why he didn't even bother to consummate the marriage.

She wiped away the tears that were now rolling down her cheeks. Richard respected her privacy and didn't say a word as he drove straight back to the mansion.

The butler came out to greet her and took the food inside. She was no longer hungry at all. All she wanted was just to hide herself and let herself drown in her sorrow. She didn't want him to see her like this, it will be embarrassing.

'The food is yours, please enjoy it and everyone take the rest of the day off and tomorrow,' she said looking at the butler.

'Are you sure about that ma'am?' the butler asked her.

'Yes, go and spend some time with your family. That is what is important,' she said fully knowing what it was like to be detached from the people you love.

'We will do like that,' the butler said and she made her way up the stairs for the bedroom.

Even though she was young her husband gave her the authority to manage the household as she liked though most of the job was done by the butler. She had the final say on most of things and she was grateful. She wanted to be alone which is why she was driving everyone out of the house. She didn't want to give them a reason to talk behind her back again. She was going to cry and let it all out by herself.

She went to the bathroom first where she took a nice cold shower and changed her clothes. She crawled on the bed where she sat and just blanked out.


'Sir, we have a situation,' his P.A said as he entered his hotel room.

'What happened?' he asked him.

'It's the young madam sir, she sent away all employees from the mansion and her driver told me that she just had another altercation with your sister and ever since then she just changed. What should we do?'

'I think it is time to go back home. Prepare the jet, we will leave in ten,' Sean said.

'I will get down to that,' Brian his P.A said and left the room.

Why won't these people leave him alone? He didn't mind if they attacked him but did they have to attack his little and innocent wife like that? He treasured her so much that he couldn't bear to put a hand on her. He thought he would break her and lose her. For the first time in his life he met a woman who could look at him and tell him what he wasn't willing to hear. She was honest and forthright with him. She was a fighter but above her it was the love in her eyes he saw before he married her.

All the women he knew all had lust and desire for him in their eyes and yet this kid it was different. She never made a move on him even when she was in that state. He was interested in her he found himself going there every day just to see her face.

He was prepared to take all the blow for marrying her but he never expected that they would do that to her even when she was married to him. It was time to make things clear.

'We can leave now sir,' Brian said.

Sean packed his bag and head out with Brian. The drive was not that long till they arrived at the private airstrip. Within minutes the jet was airborne.

He opened his phone and saw the text she had sent him earlier; he smiled as his head got filled with all kinds of crazy things. She worked so hard just to pass and he was proud of her. It all started as a joke. One day he told her that if she gets her own driver's license then he would take her out on a date and get her a car of her own. She was so excited that she began the next day.

He knew that she wasn't a materialistic person but she was excited about the date. He was lucky to find someone who was into him more than his money.

It was three months ago when he first saw her. She was just a timid young girl who wore this eye glasses. She was not that beautiful but she caught his eye. You could tell that she was a scared cat but that didn't stop her from doing what she was doing. She was just a girl who came to the big city from the countryside for her tertiary education. He had never been attracted by young girls before and yet she just kept on drawing him to her.

He vowed not to give his heart to anyone but with her he was failing. He watched her all the time until the day of the incident. It was just a minor incident to him but to her it meant a lot. She spoiled his shirt with wine and she cried her balls out. It was the funniest thing he had ever witnessed that he got busy to keep her clam and assured her that it was fine.

From that day onwards she began to talk to him that was his condition. He wanted her to serve him whenever he comes to that place. After getting to know her for a while he dropped the bomb on her and she agreed. He knew that she agreed not because of the promises he made to her but because of her pure love for him.

He wasn't going to shun her out anymore; he was going to officially make her his wife.

Within a couple of hours, the jet landed and another car was there to pick him up for the mansion.

'Welcome back sir,' Richard his driver said.

'It's good to be back. Where is she?' he asked.

'She locked herself in the room and haven't eaten anything since morning,' Richard answered. Seeing how she couldn't even eat it meant she was distressed.

'Isn't she craving anything? I can buy it for her on the way.'

'She bought her favorite pizza and gave it away,' Richard answered.

That was serious then, he knew how much she loved pizza and if she gave it away then there was trouble.

They arrived at the mansion and the staff was no longer there.

'You can go home too Richard. I will take care of myself,' Sean said as he got out of the car.

'Have a good night then,' Richard said and drove away.

Sean walked into the mansion and it was quiet and peaceful. It wasn't wise for a depressed person to be alone. What if she tries to kill herself? Upon asking himself that question he took two stairs at a time and ushered to his bedroom. He barged in ad there she was lying in the middle of the bed as if she was just a kid. He was relieved to see her there. He walked towards her and sat on the bed.

He brushed her hair and tugged it behind her ear and she opened her eyes. He could tell that all the energy in her had been drained away because of crying a lot. She looked so cute and lovely even in this state.

'I guess I miss you so much now that I am seeing you even in my dreams,' she muttered as she smiled at him. She thought she was dreaming, how cue of her.

'I am here, I came back,' he said as he wiped away the tears that were running down her cheeks.

'Are you for real?' she asked this time gaining her awareness.

'Let me prove it to you,' he said and did something he had wanted to do for a very long time.

He leaned in closer to her and let his lips grazes her in a slow kiss. He watched as she closed her eyes upon contact. They were soft to the point that they drove him crazy. He wanted her so bad and he was going to take her.

'I want to sleep with you,' he told her and she opened her eyes. He could see the shyness in the depth of her eyes, 'if you are not ready then you can tell me.'

He didn't want to force her too, it was her first time for everything and scaring her was something he wouldn't be proud of.

'I want to do that,' she whispered and he took his hand and kissed her fingertips.

'Are you sure?' he asked her wanting to confirm again that it was what she wanted.

'I just hope I will not disappoint you. I have never done this,' she answered worry in her voice.

'Leave that to me,' he said as he looked at her.

Sean removed the suit jacket he was wearing and threw it to the floor. Slowly he began to unbutton his shirt, his gaze still on her. He could tell that she was shy but she was doing all her best to watch him undress. After removing his shirt and shoes he joined her on the bed. He removed the covers she was covering herself with and he was amazed by what she was wearing.

So when she was alone she sleeps wearing something like that? Was she that afraid of him? He lay next to her on the bed and planted a kiss on her shoulder. He slid down the strings of her nightdress and planted kisses on the bare skin. He removed the silk gown off her and hovered above her as she covered herself with her hands.

He removed her hands and went down on her. He engaged her in a kiss that was slow and passionate at the same time. He didn't want to scare her and he was going to take her time to please her and make her comfortable. She moaned in his mouth as his tongue found hers in her mouth. As the kiss continued he caresses her body with his hands.

He left her mouth and began to trail kisses on her neck, he sucked that hollow between her neck and shoulder and she dug her nails in him a she cried with pleasure. She was getting there and he loved it. He went even lower and captured one of her erect nipples with his mouth and he pleasured her. She wriggled beneath her but he didn't let her escape. He did the same thing to the other nipple and she had her first orgasm. He smiled as he continued to trail kisses on her stomach. Her body was still shaking but he was just starting. He was going to imprint himself on her and make sure that she will only have him on her mind alone.


She had never felt like this before even when she touched herself numerous times in hope to feel what it was like to be intimate with someone. She was on fire, the way he was kissing her and touching her was making her drown in such pleasure and ecstasy that she didn't want to get sober at all.

She screamed as his mouth kissed her there. How could he easily do that? She tried pushing him away but he pinned her hands with his own and continued to pleasure her with his mouth. She could feel it coming but she tried to hold it in but the second he flipped her with his thump she exploded once more and felt her body shaking. He was really trying to make her crazy before he takes her.

He lifted his head and smiled at her. He pulled himself up so that he was facing her. He lowered himself down once more and engaged her in another passionate kiss. She could taste herself on his tongue and she didn't mind at all. This man was dedicating himself to pleasure her and she wasn't feeling down like she was earlier.

'I want you,' she whispered as she looked at her husband.

'Then help me get undressed,' he said as he pulled himself away from her.

She looked at him, her hands were shaking. She didn't know what she was supposed to do. She reached for his waistband and after mustering her courage she fumbled with the belt and then his trousers. She couldn't do it, she closed her eyes and laid back on the bed.

He reached for her hands and pried them open so that she was looking at him.

'It's okay, with time you will be able to do it,' he said making her feel better.

She hoped that she will be able to be that brave and bold and start something too.

He undressed himself and she looked away, seeing him fully naked for the first time was just so difficult she couldn't look at him in the eyes.

'Look at me dear,' he urged turning her face to his.

'I....,' she didn't get to talk as he leaned in for another kiss again.

She closed her eyes once more and let this man of hers take her places she never went before. She was busy concentrating on the kiss when she felt this sharp pain between her legs that she cried out. When did he do that?

'It's okay, just breathe,' he said and she did as he told her too. He poised himself over her and she could feel him inside her. He had broken through that barrier and she was no longer a virgin wife, she was excited that she forgot about all the pain and pulled her husband down for anther kiss.

He understood without her saying anything and he began to move. She could bear the pain as long as he was there with her. She held onto him as he took her places, the pain began to fade and only pleasure remained. He made her look at him as he continued to thrust deep into her. Over and over again he made her climax, he was putting her needs first bust she wanted him to have his own release too which he had his whole body swearing buckets as he fall on top of her.

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