


After Killian opened up to me two days ago, I felt more connected to him. It felt like I was able to understand him better now. I understood his hate for humans, but he also said he acknowledged that not all of us are bad and that he didn't necessarily plan to harm any humans, except the Nolcans.

Today I woke up feeling better because my period was almost over..what can I say?..I'm one of those few lucky women to bleed not more than three days a month....I was so happy that I didn't notice Killian's absence on the bed. That didn't stop me from my happy mood. I went to the exotic bathroom and took a quick shower, I brushed my teeth and tried taming my wavy hair to atleast not look like a bird's nest for one..It seemed warmer than usual so I

decided to wear my blue summer dress that ended right above my knees.

I made my was downstairs and still didn't see Killian. I started to get worried and searched for him through out the house. It was small compared to the pack house, with only 3 bedrooms each having a bathroom. The huge kitchen and livingroom adjoined with a dining room were the last rooms in the house. I loved how modern it looked and the colors made it feel more homey. After searching the while house, I decided to go outside and check there.

I opened the back door and was met with a beautiful scenery, the lawn was huge, leading to a beautiful lake that sparkled under the rays of the sun. I gasped at the image and slowly made my way towards it, only to be stopped by a very angry Killian striding towards me..where the fuck did he come from?..

"Get inside now"..I was taken back by his deep and angry voice. Whay the fuck crawled up his ass today?..

"What happened...why are you angry..wh.." I was cut off by a loud growl that sent shivers through my spine..

"Get the fuck inside..don't fucking argue with me right now..."...He practically dragged me away from the beautiful scenery and inside the living room, only for him to march upstairs living me confused and angry at him...the fuck does he think he is..a fucking king?...fuck no..no one talks to me like that..

With a determined look on my face, I raced to the stairs and into his room where I found him pacing around.

"Listen here, Killian. No one..I mean no one talks to me like that, not even you. I don't know what has you angry but fuck no..You don't to that to me..I'm not a child Killian, I'm a fucking grown woman."...He just stopped to look at me once, with long and fast strides he pulled me onto his chest for a hug...What the fuck is wrong with him?

I pushed him off only to be pulled back onto his chest..I opened my mouth to say something but was silenced by his lips which slammed onto mine. My whole body tingled, evaporating the anger that was coursing through my veins...Fuck...he does know how to silence a girl up.

This was not going the way I thought it would but the emotions and need prevented me from pushing him away again. I'm not a weak woman but Killian is my weakness. He's my drug and I'm his addict. I can't describe the way it feels but can only say he it my master and I'm his slave. I couldn't understand this and it scared me to think about the thing I'd be able to do with him once he touches me like this..

He groaned and realesed me from his warm body. I gasped for air that I didn't notice I needed. Just like I said..he's the drug I wanted to get addicted to.

"Open your eyes little human"...My eyes snapped open, locking with his exotic blue-grey orbs. I couldn't look away and neither could he.

"I am sorry for my behaviour Lira. I didn't think before I lashed out on you like that."...His voice was smooth and soothing.

"What happened Killian? We were happy yesterday and you just.." I stopped talking because my voice was betraying me. I expected to sound like a woman in control but only for my voice to squeak and break at the end...

He cupped my cheek with his right hand and drew circles on it, making me lean to his addictive touch.

"Jullian is attacking my packs again, and this time he has hunters with him.. I'm not sure how he got hunters involved but one of my warriors who escaped the attack said he saw Blackblood"...I frowned.

"What is a blackblood?". He teansed at my question and pulled me to sit on the bed.

"Blackblood is the name of the most dangerous hunter in the state. He is vicious and has no regard for warewolve life."...he stopped talking for a few minutes before resuming again.

"He was there when my mother was killed, infact he's the one that killed her...From that day, I never forgot his face..Everytime I go after him, he just disappears, like he never existed,  only to appear years later, killing more of my people than before. I tried, I fucking tried to catch him but all my efforts went down the drain...He has someone working for him in my pack...I'm fucking sure of that..The way he's always a step ahead confirms my suspicions..After what he did to my mother, I..I just can't stop feeling weak.." His voice broke and he took a deep breath. I shifted next to him, pulled his head and planted a kiss on his forehead. He sighed and released a shaky breath.

"He knows about you Lira, I might not know how but Jullian knows that you're my mate, not Christina. I underestimated him. I know what he wants and he'll stop at nothing to get it. I've never been afraid ever since mother was killed but now, now I have a reason to be afraid. I don't understand his connection with Blackblood but it definitely has something to do with you..I'm not fucking stupid. The only reason Blackblood is appearing a lot these days has something to do with you...I have a feeling that he knows about you too, him knowing about you makes it very easy for him to harm me through you..He now has something to hold against me.." His voice was low and soft, breaking my heart in the process. I hugged him because I didn't know what to say..I didn't like seeing him like this..So vulnerable and scared because of me. I hated that I was the reason he was afraid, I wanted to be his strength not his weakness.

"I don't care what Jullian does to me but I care about what he's planning to do with you. I'll die before anything happens to you Lira, I'm not sure how I'll manage now that he has Blackblood on his side, but I'll fucking kill anyone that even dares to harm you..No one will hurt you Lira, I'll make sure of it...I just need to find out how he got Blackblood on his side without being killed."

I thought about how I'd make the situation better, I needed to make it better because I felt responsible to do so... I did my own research about warewolves a few days ago and found out about the full moon. According to a lot of books, if Killian bites me on a full moon, which is tonight, I'll be more connected to him,  he'll hear my thoughts and emotions too, the same goes for me...If something were to happen to me, he'd feel it, that way he'd be able to act soon before I..No.. I've been planning this for days now and I was determined to get him to bite me..He had to because of the threats his kingdom was recieving.

"Mark me"..my voice came out soft and low. He pulled out of my hug to stare at me like I had grown another head.

"What did you just say?"...

"I said mark me Killian. I need you to bite me tonight". He tilted his head in confusion and blinked a few times.

"How do you know about that?"

"That doesn't matter Killian..I want you, no, I need you to mark me.."..He shook his head  and stood up, backing away from me.

"You don't understand Lira..I can't, I don't...." Before he could finish his sentence, I stood up and walked towards him. If I played my cards right, he'd definitely agree, so I did the only thing I was hoping not to do..

"You're ashamed of me aren't you?..You're embarrassed to have a human mate.."..I knew it wasn't true but he didn't need to know that...I blinked a few times, hoping to produce a few tears to go along with my act..I know this seems bitchy but I needed to do it. I wasn't proud of it but it had to be done..His reaction said it all..

"What..Fuck no..Never..I'm not embarrassed or ashamed of you Lira..You're my mate and my queen..I don't give a fuck about what people say because you're mine and I'm yours"..Okay, now I feel guilty...

"..I just don't want you to get hurt..I won't be able to control myself when I mark you..You have to understand that what we feel will become more intense once I've marked you..I don't want to rush you into someth.."..I cut him off by smashing my lips to his..To be honest, I didn't hear a thing he said because I was hypnotised by how his lips looked and tasted in my mouth..I needed to feel them again, I couldn't stop myself, I needed to taste them again..

"I want this Killian, I want you..all of you...I won't back down and you can't say or do anything to change my mind"...I slowly traced my hands on his biceps. They felt so hard and it fucking turned me on..I nearly forgot that I was still on my period. I stood on my toes and placed open mouth kisses along his strong jaw making my way down his neck. He groaned and pulled my body flash to his...His has tightened on my waist and I knew that he was affected by my teasing...I couldn't think straight but I knew that I needed to feel him, touch him..I sucked a spot on him neck making sure to leave a hickey behind..

In a flash, my back was pressed on the bed and his lips captured mine instantly. I moaned at the feeling...

"Fucking tease.."..His voice was horse and deep turning me on even more...He was in between my legs and I loved every feeling he was giving me. His lips left mine to attack my neck..Without warning, his sharp canines sunk into my skin making me snap my eyes open..The burning made me whimper in pain..fuck..I didn't think this throughly..

My skin felt like it was on fire. I wanted to scream and push him off me with the little strength that I had..I felt the tears  stream down my face..I couldn't hold back the sob that escaped my lips. He nipped and placed soft kisses where he bit me making me turn from crying in pain to moaning in pleasure..He growled and went back to attack my lips...

"MINE"..His voice was deep and strong, sending shivers throughout my body...

My body felt tired and my eyes closed on their own. I welcomed the darkness and felt Killian moving from my body only to pull it flush against his chest, snuggling me in the process.

I guess we didn't wait for the full moon then...

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