1 Chapter 1

I'm not sure when the dreams had started. It always starts the same. There is always a man crying. His face isn't recognizable, he says something to me then walks away. I'm not sure why, but I always wake up in pain and tears.

The odd thing was we weren't dressed in modern clothing. It was more of a 19th-century attire. Despite not being able to remember much about the dreams, there is one sentence that has stuck. "I will find you again." He whispers into the dark.

September 18th

Journal Entry 1


"Alex!!!!!" My mother yells up the stairs. "It's time to go!" Sighing I look around the empty room. The walls are an aged baby blue with doodles I did as a kid on them. The dresser is painted like a mountain-based landscape. This is where my art had grown. With one last sigh, I walk downstairs.

"Finally lovey, the car is all packed and everything is all set. I'm sorry I'm missing your first day off to college." She frowns at me and then her phone rings. "Yes, Leroy I'm on my way... no don't touch any of the files. No, you aren't going to look into anything. There is a thing on the loose don't go by yourself." She finally looks at me. "I'm sorry hun, please drive safe I have to go." She kisses my cheek and walks out. I follow behind her.


I have driven for about four and a half hours now. I find myself going down an old back road. I don't catch it in time. My headlights pick up a shape, the eyes. A bright red. My heart races, fear crushes every ounce of my fiber. The shape is of a human man. As my foot slams on the break I'm face to face with a man whose eyes are full of pure hunger. My mother told me about these creatures she hunts. Vampire.

Now the only thing stopping me from being breakfast is a sheet of glass. The man looks at me with a dark smile. My body freezes. I'm paralyzed. As the man goes to come closer something else comes from the left taking the man away.

When the creatures are gone I feel the oxygen crash back into my body. I don't wait a second I slam my foot on the break. I turn the radio completely down and drive, flying down the road as fast as the car will go. My hands are sweaty against the leather of the steering wheel. Get a grip Alexandria. I tell at myself. I finally make it to where I've been heading. Greenwood, Ohio. A small college town near the Canadian border. It is about 9 pm.

As I take a minute to breathe, a knock on my window makes me scream. I look over to see my best friend Aaron. I give her a gentle smile as she laughs at me. She opens the door after I unlock it and gives me a devious smile. "Someone is extra jumpy today." I laugh at my blonde best friend.

"Says the one who had an early midlife crisis and cute off all her hair." She gives me a look.

"We all make some mistakes in our lives." I laugh at her response.

"So roomy, you gonna help me carry all this stuff to our dorm." I change the subject, I take out my keys and grab my purse. Pulling the little lever to pop the trunk. "Hey Aaron be very careful with the lamp." I holler at her as she goes barelling down the side walk.

"I will don't worry!" Then she bumps into a guy. I watch in slow motion as my lamp goes down towards the pavement. Thankfully the guy catches it.

I run up to them. "Aaron I literally just said be careful. I'm so sorry-" I look up at the guy. He is stunning. His eyes such a dark brown they appear black. His jaw so sharp and perfect cheek bones. His entire face is just perfect. His mouth moves and I shake my head. "I'm sorry what?" I ask feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Is this yours?" He chuckles holding up the glass lamp. I nod, too scared to use my own voice.

"Since your here," Aaron says depleting the tension. "Would you mind helping us take this stuff to our dorm?" He glances at me and then back at Aaron.

"Sure," he looks down at the lamp in his hand. "I think I should carry this." We all laugh at that one.

"So what's your name?" Aaron ask him as we make our way down the path.

"Xander Clear, you guys?"

"I'm Alexandria and this clumsy ass here is Aaron." I smile up at him. He chuckles at my statement.

"I may be clumsy but at least I'm not scarily graceful like you." She mutters and I glare at her. We make our way through the girls dorm. Hearing whispers as we pass through the halls. Wow these girls are thirsty.

"Hey Xander!" I girl with purple and black hair calls out to him. He looks over at her.

"What do you want Mary?" He ask his face covered in announce.

"Preying on the freshman already?" She smirks look me up and down. Then does the same to Aaron. "I guess the blonde is pretty." She looks back to Xander. "So why are you hanging out with them?"

"We just ran into him." Aaron said as she grabs the lamp from him. She grabs my hand and drags me to our room.
