
It all began with his death

Dark in to the night the rain seemed to have it's own heart and soul.wind blowing at everything in it's way,Luwi sat at the Conner of his house as he played his flute.

The sound of the flute seemed to match with the weather outside,as he played tears rolled down his cheeks,further indicating the restlessness in his heart.

He knew they were coming for him,so he had sent his family away to safety.

The rambling of a dozen cars indicating his end was near ,and as the door was kicked open.Luwi looked at his uncle and his son walk in gun in hand but he just sat the and played his flute.

A sad song played indicating his unwillingness.

After he was done playing a smile plastered itself on his face às he spoke.

So you would kill me ,your own blood relative for benefit?

He asked looking at his cousin whom he had trusted.

After everything I did for You?

He asked.

Yes Dan said,not even an ounce of guilt on his face or voice as he answered Luwi.

Good ,Luwi smile .....it's a pity that you are too late as we speak everything that I own has become nothing, nothing at all zero asserts,no mansions,no money, no cars ,private jets,nothing.

He smirked as he looked at father and sons face going pale.

You wouldn't Gas his uncle said.

Oh but I did dear uncle.

You son of a bitch ,how dare you destroy my family fortune,that was mine , my fortune to claim how dare you take that away from me .

Yo could have worked for it Luwi said as he saw his uncle point a gun on his head.

He stopped.

Wait he said.let me play atleasr one last song. After all I have made my peace with fact that I'm dying today he said and the thunder rumbled in replay as he took his flute again and played in harmony with the weather outside as he played a wall behind him shook as word appeared with every tone of the flute.

It seemed every one had noticed the word as the read the words in silence.

Luwi stoped playing and seemed to know the word written on the wall as he said them word to word.

"Even in death shall my soul not let any of you rest and as my soul lives in despair all of you shall live in despair, for I have been killed unjustly and with the sound of this flute you shall feel my pain and suffering ".

As he finished saying this His cousin Dan pulled the trigger and shot him in the heart and as he died he held on to his flute tightly as if he knew this flute was his hope in death.

As he took his last breath everyone present cryed out in pain as the word in the wall was burned in to their skin and the fear was all they felt in that moment as they realize Luwi had beaten them even in his death.