
My darling wife

The bar exploded in a round of applause at the manager's words.

''and in addition, the couple gets a week free meals at the restaurant. ''

They clapped again, Tiana couldn't help looking around. There were so many couples around, some were very cute, and she wondered who would win.

''So the best couple of the night goes to… ''

Nicklaus sipped from his cup, his eyes keen on Tiana. He pushed some strands of hair away from her face, staring at his beautiful wife.

''Table 17! ''

Everyone stood and Tiana joined them clapping elatedly; she looked around, waiting for the couple on the table to step out. She had clapped for a moment when she noticed that all eyes were turned to her and they were smiling brightly. 

Her brows creased and she looked down at her table only to see that they were on table 17.

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