2 The Community

I laid in my bed knowing the supernatural community was well hidden in New York. With that being said we all could sense each-other. Everyone has their unique little quirk that would help you to navigate who and what. For instance werewolf's, they have sent that the give off letting you know there one. If you aren't a werewolf yourself or there mate you won't know their specific smell but to an average Demoness like me, they all smelled of pine and or cinnamon. If they were normal beings they would be the best prey but the fact that they have an inner being that can fight you off. It's a lot harder to feed off them.

As creatures of the supernatural world, it isn't hard to hate. but some humans know about us and they are places in which we Meet up and have a middle ground there are restaurants that we can go to that cater to all of our needs although you have to know the password to get through and can't exactly just go in there bearing your fangs are your claws. I just try to stay away from those places though many people don't know everything about me I've been confused many times as a vampire. I don't know how because it is a supernatural you should be able to feel my heartbeat with all the energy I have pumping through my body though it's hard to understand it. In our community, we have lots of myths and lots of laws. There are many clans and packs. They were colonies all different but under one order some try to stay away from the Darkside or what they perceive to be the Darkside but you can only run away from the demons for so long before you get called upon to return to where you should be. We have those who avoid the laws. Those without protection. Those like me who were exiled from their home. The only thing that we can do is stay together or stay away from each other. Because we are each other's worst enemies as the Angels plan to hunt us down and kill us if we aren't on their side. I always thought it was interesting how the most powerful being could still be killed by a feathered creature. I never really liked it angels always thought they were week they gave in they did with their master told them who would want to live under God that doesn't even love you as much as his own creations. This God that they follow. Banished out our leader he gave him a place because he thought that he was better he thought the humans were better I never understood how we can be gifted a gift and then let it be taken away from us the next day. That was the reason I fleed. I was one of the lucky ones who escaped. Or at least I tried to. I never wanted to be evil I never had it in me to kill someone. I laughed dryly at the thought. In fact, my friend hasn't even started dwelling in the dark yet. There I was walking among humans Parading around and in the skin that is hated up here. So much going on in this world yet they can't even make peace with the fact that everyone is the same people hate on each other skin tone in this world this human world. They don't even realize that the monsters are lurking beside them. Stocking them, hunting them, using them to feed I can only laugh at their situation even so I didn't change that I was still me.

A black Female In a time in which being. female meant being oppressed and being black meant worse. At least that was what I was on the outside. On the inside, I was a predatorial beast using every ounce of charm that I had in my body to make my way to the top I may have been a succubus but that didn't mean I had to feed like the others.

I had made a promise, an oath and I had planned to keep it.
