


"World story"

P.S. this part told by a god being



Oh! Hello there! I'm glad to see someone else is interested in what is happening down there. Huh? Who am I?


I already forgot my name, but people from down there, call me Netheros. Great name yeah?! Thought so, I love it too. Anyway back to business, I can see you want to know what will happen to that little fellow down there? Oouuff.. yes, it's my new toy to spend my time with. Come along I will tell you the story of the predecessor of his. It was one hell of a journey…

Year 132 of Red Moon Year.

Country of Kylaria, once known as a great Empire of Kylaria, the union of 4 Central land Countries: Kylaria - the country of people, nothing too special was heard about it except of course of mankind 's ability to use both magic and sword arts. No they weren't anything too special but there's no other race that were good in both wizardry and sword so eventually this Country became a Leader of an Empire and was known as a Country of Sword & Magic. Oh... next one is my favorite, it's a country of the vast forests that stretch out till the horizont, with a demihumans living there a Country that goes by the name of Goddess of Earth Gaia and being inhabited by Elves. Elves are the race that is wary of others as for ages they lived in seclusion from other races and eventually mankind disturbed their peaceful life and made contact with them. There were times of wars between two countries but eventually they agreed upon a peace and now both races live by sharing the knowledge and helping each other. Of course there's still humans that make Elves' lives miserable but that's a story for later. To think of a way to describe an Elve in a few ways is a forever young being, that is as beautiful as you can imagine and as swift as air. Their favorite combat style is very close to a term of assassin, humankind calls their combatants like that but the official names of elven soldiers are - Freyans. They utilize the capabilities in using magic to boost both their stamina and endurance, by moving as fast and silent as a wind and by using strengthening magic to shoot by using their bows made from a great world tree their deadly arrows can easily pearce steel armors. There were times when Elves also used magic but after great wars in the past now only elven elders know how to use great magic and new generations being thought only about strengthening magic to prevent past mistakes.

Let's get going and talk about a third country. The Country of mountains and plains was so vast that no human would ever imagine to even try crossing their lands without a horse and provision as that's the straight path to death. Of course Im talking about Dwarves, sturdy, strong and rock loving creatures. Oh excuse me demihumans not creatures, I never understood their infinite love for rocks and fire. Dwarves are very peaceful race and in the whole history of this world there were less conflicts including them than fingers on your arm, but when dwarves are being dragged into a conflict... uuuuuhh thats a bloodbath for you. Dwarves are very great blacksmith, engineers, craftsmans and of course miners and to defend against an attack they are building massive walls surrounding both they main territories and cities. Walls built by dwarves are usually include such materials like iron, steel, mithril and even adamantium, yes the one and only material in this world that was created by ancient civilizations and bestowed as a gift to dwarves together with production methods and now only they know how to make this indestructible material.... hmmm now that I think there is a few ways to destroy it or fight an enemy wearing adamantium armor but I doubt someone will be smart enough to think of a way. Getting back to walls, they are so big that even highest humankind castles are just one third of their height and they are considered as unbreakable walls of Ostia the Country of Dwarves.

The last one but not the least is being inhabited by various demihumans, mostly known as demon race. Once they were separate races that had their own countries but eventually they united and became the Country of Demons called Vaxia. Demihumans that live there are even called as one race "Demons" but they are still of a different race, starting from Wolkans race of demon wolves to Vampires, Demicats, Redhoods and so on. Races that live in Vaxia are countless and we can talk about them for a very long time, but in short it's a race of demons who love wars and everything that goes with it.

Part 1

Darkest Night

In the middle of the night Hiro stood above a dark like a charcoal body of a deceased person. He looked right in the depth of the two dark holes where once eyes were placed.

In there he saw all the hardships he was forced to go through to stay alive, all those dark days he lived just to please his close ones desires. On this dark night he finally stood up for all those times he was looked upon as an item instead a human. This night declares the starting point of a new life for Hiro, from this point on he will live as he pleases instead of following rules made by others.

1 Day ago….

Orphanage in a Town of High York.

"Hey! Punching bag come here.."

"Ha-ha-ha.. Punching bag is rolling here…."

Hiro thought to himself -

" It's already that time of the day? Better will hurry so we could go over it faster and I could go back to my studies - and run straight to the Gyund."

After severe beating from Gyund, Hiro lied on the ground thinking if he can live another day, constantly being bullied and beaten made him think of proceeding with his plan earlier and so he did.

This very evening Hiro went into the forest, after walking for approximately twenty minutes he saw a big rock which looked like a statue of a human from the past, behind that statue was a narrow passage in between woods into the place surrounded by forest with a small lake in the middle and a shallow old hut on the side. Hiro went inside that hut after diving into the lake to clear his wounds and refresh his mind, he floated on the water while watching the stars and thought to himself - Yes… Today I will be free from it all… Finally free.

When he got into the hut he went straight to the desk where books were carefully placed and scrolls with magic circles in between them. For years Hiro was used as a slave and used to move all the baggage of the adventurers who visited the near town hostels and who would find out that there's missing one book or a scroll in between all that baggage and if even if someone finds out no one will think of a pure almost invisible boy.

Hiro finally finished all the preparations he needed, it was midnight by the time he was ready and went out of the hut, prepared for what was coming. Outside the hut he saw Niko, a lovely girl and only person in the whole town who helped him even if she got beaten afterwards.

Niko looked straight into Hiro eyes and said -

"Don't do it Hiro, it won't end well, you can get hurt and they do not deserve that."

"They don't deserve what?! Death?! Punishment?! I will bring salvation on them for all those years of miserable existence of mine…."

Hiro stepped further and further away while Niko couldn't say anything and just stood there watching how Hiro is going there to become someone else… something* else…

When Hiro finally got back to the village all clouds went away and the full bright moon shined as bright as the sun. He walked to the center of the village, stood proudly and with unbelievable hatred in his eyes he took out of his pockets one of the scrolls and started chanting the spell on it. In a few moments people noticed him as he was shouting some strange words in the middle of the night and disturbing their sleep but so little they knew what was about to happen.

Hiro finished chanting the spell just a moments before adult villagers got closed enough to stop him, spell triggered with a huge explosion of a fire wave that made everyone around to receive severe burns, everyone fell on the ground screaming in agony and it was like a beautiful songs performed by mermaids which made Hiro very happy. After the first wave people started to panic and some of them runned away while others became mad and by trying to get closer to Hiro only brought their death closer. Those who got closer instantly perished like a wood becomes ash after hours of burning people were becoming charcoal like human figures, with their flesh gone they lied around Hiro on the ground like lots of times Hiro did after his bullies beat him every single day.

After the first wave of scroll effect, the second went into action which brought an unimaginable amount of fire balls flying all around, into every corner of the village burning every living creature would be human, animal, either young or old. Hiro laughed seeing every one of them scream in pain, asking for forgiveness, asking to spare their lives but Hiro heard nothing but only a beautiful harmony of voices which sounded like a song.

Hiro finally stopped laughing when he noticed the sun rise, which foresaw a new beginning in his life, a new life where he could finally do whatever he wished for and no one would bully him, take his food and starve him. Last thing he had to do in this cursed place once called "home", he went into the orphanage to see for himself that every single one of them was dead, all their bodies either becoming ash or were dark like charcoal. He finally found the one and only body he was hoping to see, the body of a nun that worked in the orphanage, the one and only person who gave him all chores to do, who fed him with spoiled food, who beat him every time for and without a reason. Who let others do the same and never helped him.

Today on the 35th day of the 132th year of Red Moon, Hiro, a little boy lost in this vast world becomes free from chains holding him and declares that he will become the person who will cherish his close ones and punish those who hurt him or his cherished ones.


Please be patient with me as its my very first work, I know its far from something good and it have so many spaces where I would love to rewrite but I did it too many times already and I need to proceed with the story and make it brighter as was planned as for some reason beginning went too dark, hahahaha.

HunSuncreators' thoughts