
The Exam

Hazel feels irritated with the questioner she's holding, why should she need to answer and submit it to HR department. Regardless of their personal apperance as long as you are single you need to do answer it. Reading the questions in the paper she bitterly smile and start writing her answer.

Everybody are excited to know who are the single employees of V Empire who pass the examination and be the assistant secretary of the president of V Empire. Yesterday all single employees are required to answer the questioner from HR department for the position . Of course Hazel is one of them since she is single, but physically she is not qualified at all for a small girl like her, height of 5" flat, wearing oversize eyeglass which make her look nerd. Even though her body figure is petite but she's not sexy at all.

She dont care to glance at the bulliten board where names of the qualified employees is posted. Going straight on her desk, turn on her computer and start her work. Her co department are not yet arrive since its to early for work but she used to go to work 30 minutes early everyday for almost one year of working at V Empire as an encoder in accounting department. She is the junior in here department all her co department are about 3 years and above working in the company. So, in accounting department she is the only single and the youngest.

"OMG how do feel" Rhea almost screem but control her self upon entering the room. Hazel was stunt she was surprise by the reactions of Rhea. " What's the matter senior Rhea" she ask. "Did you read the latest memo in our bulliten" Rhea reply with excitement. "No" she replied with confusion, but Hazel is more confuse seeing her seniors in accounting department coming with same expression. "Oh my godness you young lady " says by one senior, "I told you are intelligent" said by another. KRRRIIIIINNNNGGGGGG ...

.... 8:00 am officially its time to start to work, everybody goes to their respested table and start working.

Hazel continue her encoding but she is so confused what is the new memo in their bulliten board aside for the qualified employees for assistant secretary. She know that today is the schedule of final interview for those who past the exam..... will it is not an exam actually because all questions are all about the personality of the applicant.

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