

Chapter 3


Vince frowned as he looked outside of the roof of the school. He created a small sphere of water and tossed it in the air, before catching it. (I should cut classes more often. It makes looking at the scenery a lot more peaceful.)

[Vince was it really necessary to skip classes like that?] Yume asked sighing.

"I wanted to get a good look at what it looked like, without the other students around. I personally prefer it like this." He answered throwing the water sphere in his hand.

[Don't make it a habit to skip class Vince, I know Elena-san wouldn't like hearing about that.] She replied with a small frown.

"What mom doesn't know will hurt her. Besides, considering the bullshit I had to go through since coming here, I deserve to cut class at least once." Vince said as he sat on the floor.


"Ara ara, so this is where you've been at." A voice spoke.

Vince turned around to see Rias and Akeno looking at him. He sighed and shook his head. "Is there a reason why you two are here?"

"We wanted to have lunch with you Vince." Rias answered.

"Ufufu, it wasn't nice to skip your classes like that." Akeno said with a smile.

Vince rolled his eyes in response, "Why do you two want to have lunch with me?"

"We wanted to learn more about you, Vince." Rias replied with a smile.

(A.K.A. learn more about my Sacred Gears.) He thought sarcastically.

"So, have you decided if you're going to join the Occult Research Club?" Rias asked curiously.

"Nope, still thinking Rias."

The three went into a conversation asking each other questions with Vince giving vague answers about himself and his Sacred Gears. After the bell rang he got up and left. (Just because we're on talking terms, doesn't mean I'll reveal everything just like that.)

"Ara ara, Vince-kun really doesn't like answering our questions about it." Akeno spoke with a smile.

"Yes, I can tell that he doesn't want to tell anyone about himself. I still want him to join the club, though." Rias answered.

(After School)

Vince sighed as he walked out of the school campus. (Finally, school is over. I better start searching for the four fallen-angels so I can finish the job quickly. I'll start looking at the abadoned church.)

[Vince, are you ready?] Yume asked.

"Yeah, I'm gonna start searching for them now, at that church." He replied with a nod.

[Okay, just be careful not to get caught. I'm sure that person you saw a few night ago hasn't forgotten about you.] She advised in a serious tone.

"I know."

(Abandoned Church)

Vince hid behind a tree as he looked at the church. (Well, it certainly lives up to the reputation as abandoned. I wouldn't be surprised if God's kid forgotten or abandoned this church, entirely.)

[I have a bad feeling Vince, please be careful.] Yume whispered in a concerned tone.

Vince nodded and slowly walked towards the church building, making sure to stay well hidden behind the bushes and trees. (I'm almost there, I just gotta watch my step.)

He made it towards the window and checked, his eyes narrowed as he saw four figures talking in the church. (I found those four, so they are staying here. Raynare, Kalawarner, Mittlet and Dohnaseek. I'll search a little more, I have a feeling there's more going on.)

Vince crouched down as he slowly walked towards the other window. He looked inside and saw a blond girl wearing a nun outfit. (Four fallen-angels and an innocent looking nun, in a run-down church? That is so out of place.)

The nun looked at the window and noticed Vince, his eyes widened as he quickly crouched underneath the window and started running as fast as he could. (Son of a bitch, she saw me! I better hightail it outta here!)


"I know, Yume!" He whispered back.

Vince quickly channeled lightning into his feet and ran as fast he could. He quickly passed through the entrance of the church door and left a small trail of blue sparks as he left. (Dammit, I gotta move faster!)


Vince breathed heavily as he tried to catch his breath. "Too close... That was way too close..."

[Yes, but at least we didn't get caught by those four Vince.] Yume replied with a small smile.

"Yeah, but they'll be on guard now. I'll have to be more careful now." He said with a sigh.

[So what are you going to do now, Vince? You already confirmed where they are.] She asked curiously.

"At the moment nothing. I'll wait for them to make their move but at the moment, I'll relax at the arcade." Vince answered as he walked inside the arcade.

(Six Hours Later)

[It's already dark out Vince.] Yume said to him.

Vince nodded in response, "Yeah, I better head home."

As Vince walked the streets he suddenly stopped walking. He quickly looked around his surrondings.

[Vince, what's wrong?] Yume asked worriedly.

"I smell blood Yume. The smell is very strong, which most likely means someone was just killed." He replied frowning.


"! N-Noooooooo!"

[Vince, let's go!]

"Yeah, I'm on it." Vince quickly started running as he pressed the buttons on the gray cellphone. A black aura came out of the cellphone and enveloped him, causing his eyes to turn red and his pupils slit. (Dammit, as much as I want to, I can't ignore something like this.)

Vince quickly climbed up a lightpole and noticed a power line. He jumped on the power line and slid across it as black sparks of lightning came out of the line as a result. "The smell of the blood is getting stronger. I'm sure that I'm very close now."

[Be prepared for anything Vince.] Yume said in a cautious tone.

"I know, but I'll wait a few seconds and see what happens. I don't want to accidently help the wrong side." He replied seriously.

[Okay, but don't hesitate to jump in at anytime you see fit.] She advised in a serious tone.

"Got it."

Vince jumped off the rail and landed near the roof. He looked in the window and noticed the blond girl that was wearing a nun outfit and Issei bleeding from his left calf. He quickly saw a white haired guy holding a gun and a sword made out of light as he spoke. "Ahaha! Devils and humans can never coexist! Especially humans from the Church and the Devils are the biggest enemies! Also, we are a group of heretics that was deserted by God. Asia-tan and I are humans that can't survive without the support of Fallen Angels-sama."

(Are all exorcists this bat shit crazy?) Vince thought with a frown as he looked through the window.

"Well now, leaving that aside, I need to kill this trash here or else I can't finish my job, so here I come. Are you ready?" The white haired man thrusted his sword at Issei.

Before the sword could make contact the blond haired girl got in front of Issei with her arms spread, protecting him.

[Aren't you going to go in now Vince? Issei-san and that girl looks like they could use our help.] Yume asked with a small frown.

"Not yet. I want to learn more information." He whispered, looking intently through the window.

The white haired man looked at he blond haired nun with a stern look. "...Hey, hey. Are you serious? Asia-tan, do you know what you are doing?"

"...I do. Father Freed, I beg you. Please forgive this person. Please let him go." The blond hair girl asked.

Vince's eyes widened at hearing this, (This is weird. She's protecting Issei even after knowing he's a devil.)

"I can't stand it any more... You can't kill people just because they are entranced to a Devil and you also can't kill Devils. It's wrong!" The girl said to him.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!? Don't talk shit, bitch! You also learned that Devils are trashes at the Church! Seriously, is there something wrong with your brain!?" The guy replied with an anguished look.

(Well, from what I can gather so far, that girl is stopping that exorcist named Freed, from killing Issei and the exorcist is mentally unstable, not only that he's the one that killed the person on the floor. What a clusterfuck of a situation.) Vince thought shaking his head.


Any further thoughts from Vince were interrupted from as he saw Freed hitting the girl with his gun.

[Vince, I think you should intervine soon.] Yume stated.

"Hey, Asia!" Issei shouted as he went towards her.

"...The Fallen Angel girl told me very strongly that I can't kill you. But I'm getting a bit pissed. Since I can't kill you, than can I rape you or something? If I don't, I won't be able to heal my heart. But before that, I need to kill that trash over there." Freed said pointing a gun at Issei.

"Which is right now."

Vince clenched his fist as black lightning surged through his hands. He punched through the window suprising everyone. Vince glared at the Freed who look surprised.

"Eh? Another shitty dev..."

Before Freed could finish his sentence Vince launched a black lightning bolt at him, who shouted in pain as he got shocked. Vince smirked a little as he saw a small amount of smoke coming from him. "That felt pretty good."

"Vince-san!" Issei shouted in surprise.

"You really are a magnet for trouble Issei." He replied causing Issei to laugh sheepishly.

A magic circle appeared on the floor as it shine brightly.

"Hyoudou-kun, we came to rescue you." Kiba said with a smile.

"What are you doing here Vince?" Rias asked looking at him.

Vince rolled his eyes and pointed at Freed who still had smoke coming out of him as his body twitched with small sparks of black lightning. "All of you are a bit late for rescuing part."

Akeno had a small blush as she looked at Vince. "Ufufu, you really did a number on him, Vince-kun."

"How dare you hurt me, you shitty devil!" Freed shouted as he got up and charged at Vince with his sword.

Black water immediately came out of Vince's hands as it formed into two whips. The first whip stopped the sword from moving, while the second water whip slapped Freed across the face. Causing him to fall down on the floor. "You're slightly more durable that I thought, I'll give you that."

"Fuck you, you fuckin' shitty devil..." Freed muttered as he got up rubbing his cheek that was red.

"What a vulgar mouth. It's hard to believe you are a exorcist. Oh, that's why you are a "Stray Exorcist", right?"

"Yeah, yeah! I'm vulgar! Sorry about that! That's because I strayed away! I was kicked out! That's why, screw the Vatican! I'm all right as long as I get to cut Devils whenever I feel like it!" Freed snapped back.

"You know, that doesn't make you that much different from a "Stray Devil" ." Vince replied in a nonchalant tone.

"Haaaaah, me a stray devil!? Fuck you! You know, I don't want to be told off by a Devil? I'm trying to live now just like other people! I'm not in a position where pests like you can talk down to me!" Freed shouted in a angry tone.

"Even Devils have rules." Akeno said in a serious tone, with a smile.

"Nice. I like those passionate eyes. Onee-san, you are the best. I can feel your urge of wanting to kill me. Is this love? No. I think it's a killing intent! Superb! This is great! I love the feeling of intending to kill and getting intended to kill!" Freed answered with a psychotic grin.

Vince immediately responded by using a black water whip to smack Freed across the face again. " Shut the hell up!"

"Issei, I'm sorry. I never expected that a Stray Exorcist will visit this client's house." Rias said in a apologetic tone.

"And yet this is your territory." Vince stated sarcastically.

Rias' eye twitched at the jab, but then narrows her eyes after seeing Issei's wounds. "...Issei. Did you get wounded?"

"Ah, sorry... I was shot..." Issei replied with sheepish laugh.

Rias didn't say anything to but turned to Freed with a cold expression. "Looks like you have been looking after my cute servant?"

"Yes, yes. I have been playing around with it. I was planning to cut his body all over but I was interrupted and it finished as a dream and after that I was going to kill that bastard and chop him up reeeaal good, for shocking me with his demonic lightning and slapping me with his water whips." Freed answered, getting up again.

Rias immediately fired a ball of demonic energy, destroying a sofa that was near Freed. "I make sure I never forgive those who harm my servants or my friend. I especially can't forgive a lowlife like you damaging my personal possessions and trying to hurt my friend."

Vince raised an eyebrow in response, (She sees me as a friend? When did I become for her friend, did I miss something?)

"-! Buchou, there seems to be few Fallen Angels heading to this house. At this rate we will be at a disadvantage." Akeno informed in a serious tone.

Rias looked at Freed coldly one more time before turning to Akeno. "Akeno, we will return to our headquarters once we retrieve Ise. Prepare for teleportation."


"Buchou! We have to take her as well!" Issei said looking at Asia and Vince.

"It's impossible. Only Devils can use the magic-circle to transport. Also, this magic-circle can only teleport me and my servants." Rias replied biting her lower lip.

"Then Vince, can you take Asia with you!?" Issei asked him.

Vince however shook his head, "No. It would be too risky for me and I don't want to dodge those Fallen-Angels."

"But! Asia!"

"Don't worry, Issei-san, let's meet again." Asia said with a smile.

Kiba noticed Rias' expression and stepped out of the magic circle, "Don't worry Buchou, I'll make sure Reinhart-kun, makes it safely to the clubroom."

Rias didn't look reassured but nodded hesitantly, "I'll meet you two at the clubroom."

"Like I'll let you all escape!" Freed shouted as got up and started slashing his sword.

Koneko threw a sofa at him as the magic circle disapeared. Freed slashed through the sofa with his sword but was greeted by a lightning enhanced fist to the face from Vince. The fist made contact with Freed's face, sending him on top of the corpse, unconscious. "Bastard."

"Reinhart-kun, we should leave now." Kiba warned as he dashed towards the exit.

Vince turned around to Asia and looked at her for a moment before sighing. "Sorry."

Asia smiled at Vince, "It's okay."

He then channeled black lightning into his feet, letting him keep up with Kiba. (This leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.)


"Not to be rude, but you really didn't need to do that Kiba. " Vince said as he ran with him.

"I know, but Buchou looked really worried about you, Reinhart-kun." Kiba answered politely.

"Just call me Vince. I never really cared about formalities." He replied with a shrug, causing Kiba to nod.

Vince immediately stopped as a black aura came out of him. "Ah shit."

"Vince-kun, what happened to you and why did your eye color changed?" Kiba asked stopping and checking on him.

"This is my natural eye color and I think I timed out. Yume?" He asked taking out a gray cellphone.

[Yes, you've reached your time limit. You're now a human again.] Yume answered him.

Vince noticed Kiba's expression and sighed. "This is Yume, she's the spirit of my Sacred Gear."

[Hello, it's nice to meet you Kiba-san.] Yume greeted with a smile.

"Likewise Yume-san." Kiba replied smiling.

Vince channeled blue lightning into his feet and turned to Kiba. "Let's go back to the clubroom."



Vince sighed as he walked into the clubroom with Kiba. "Well, we were able to escape without hardly any problems."

"Hardly? What happened?" Rias asked in a concerned tone.

"Vince-kun reached his time limit for his devil transformation." Kiba explained.

"Time limit?"

"Well yeah, I do have a time limit for the transformation. So, what did we miss?" Vince asked curiously.

Rias cleared her throat as she started to heal Issei's legs. "There are two types of Exorcists. The first are the Exorcists who receive the blessing from God to perform exorcism in the name of justice. This group of Exorcist borrows its power from God and Angels to eliminate Devils. And there is another one. - "Stray Exorcists"."

"Stray?" Issei asked confused.

Vince leaned against the wall as he sighed tiredly. (Rias really should have told Issei this since day one.)

"Exorcism is a holy ceremony that is performed in the name of God. But sometimes, there are Exorcists who starts to enjoy the act of killing Devils. They are beings who have found killing Devils as joy and as their purpose of life. So they get kicked out from the Church without exception. Or they get erased for being found guilty." Rias explained.

"Erased...so they get killed." Issei deduced.

(No shit sherlock.) Vince thought as he rolled his eyes.

"Here's your tea, Vince-kun." Akeno said giving him a cup of tea.

"Thanks Akeno, I was a little thirsty." He replied as he took a sip of tea.

Vince took another sip of his tea as he closed his eyes and listened briefly to Rias' explanation. (So basically the "Stray" exorcists that aren't killed, go to Fallen Angels that were kicked out of the church, just because they get addicted into killing devils. It's kind of pathetic once you really think about it.)

"Buchou, I need to save that girl, Asia!" Issei said to Rias.

"It's impossible. How will you fight them? You are a Devil. And she is a servant of Fallen Angels. It's the two kinds that cannot coexist. Saving her means making the Fallen Angels your enemies. ...If that happened, we would also have to fight." Rias retorted.


"At this point, your best option is to rest and recover Issei. You won't be able to do much in your current condition." Vince stated surprising him.

"Y-Yeah, you're right." Issei admitted.

Vince put his cup of tea away and walked towards the door. "I'll be leaving now."

"Wait, Vince."


"Before you go, can you explain why you over there with Issei at the time we arrived?" Rias asked raising an eyebrow.

"Is it really important for me to even tell you that?" He asked folding his arms.

"Yes, it is. Vince, I have to know what exactly happened." She replied seriously.

Vince looked at Rias for a few moments then shurgged. "I heard a loud along with that nun screaming. It's kind of hard not to ignore something like that. It also doesn't help that there was a strong smell of blood in the air."

Rias nodded at the explanation, "I see. That explains a few things."

"Later." Vince waved a hand goodbye as he walked out of the room.


(That was sure a messed up day. I didn't think I would have an encounter with someone like that.) Vince thought shaking his head.

[Are you alright Vince? Today has been pretty hectic.] Yume asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm a little caught off guard, but I'm okay." He replied with a small shrug.

[I'm glad we were able to intervine before it got worse.] She said with a smile.

"Well, at least we know now that this seems to have a link with the fallen angels I'm looking for." Vince stated.

[It does look like that. I don't think it was a mere coincidence.] Yume stated seriously.

"I know, but this also means I have to be more careful. If they are the same than that means I'll have to deal with those four fallen angels, that "Stray Exorcist" along with what other they have with them." He said in a slightly annoyed tone.

[Yes, but you also have to be careful with that nun. We know that Asia-san seems to be an ally of the fallen angels, even if she doesn't seem to like it.] She replied to him.

"Yeah, I know. But I'll let Issei go handle her, I don't want her to get hurt in the crossfire." Vince said as he lied down on his futon.

[That is fine, I do not believe that Asia-san will try to harm us either way.] Yume answered with a small smile.

"Why are you happy?" He asked curiously.

[I'm happy because you don't want Asia-san to get hurt in the crossfire. You really haven't changed all that much Vince.] She replied with a smile.

Vince looked away but didn't say anything. (Crap, I can't lie to her, she'll be able to tell when I'm lieing.)

[Come on Vince, you have to get some rest for tommorow.] Yume stated cheerfully.

Vince sighed and closed his eyes. "Fair enough, good night Yume."

[Good night Vince.]

(Next Day)

[It's morning Vince, wake up.] Yume called out cheerfully.

Vince groaned as he got up from his futon. "Mornin' Yume."

[We have to get ready for school.] She stated.

"Actually, I'm going to skip school today." He replied as he walked into the bathroom.

A few minutes later Vince came out of the bathroom with a sigh. (I hate mornings.)

[You already skipped the other day, why again Vince?] Yume asked with a small frown.

"I want to get more practice in with my water manipulation. It's just to be more prepared for when I'm going to confront those four fallen angels. I would practice my lightning too, water is much more easier to clean up in my house, than lightning." Vince explained.

[I can see your point, but please don't make this into a habit.] She asked while sighing.

"I won't. Trying to make up for the work on skipped school days will be a pain in the ass." He replied absentmindedly.


(I better do a few things in the house before I get started on my training.) Vince thought to himself.

(Four Hours Later)

Vince opened his eyes as he created a ball made out of water. He formed it into a bunch of water shaped needles, before forming it into a ball again. Vince dropped the ball of water into the sink and sighed. (I think that's enough for today. I need to make sure I don't over do it.)

[Is everything okay Vince?] Yume asked after noticing him drop the ball of water.

"Yeah, I just decided that this is enough practice for the day. Anyway, I'm gonna go out and grab a bite to eat." He said grabbing his wallet.

[Oh, okay. I think it'll be a good change of pace. You usually eat a cup of instant ramen, which isn't very healthy.] She stated with a small frown.

"Yeah, yeah."


Vince started eating a cheeseburger and then took a sip of his milkshake. (At least the food is edible.)

[Hey Vince, look over there isn't that...] Yume trailed off.

Vince resisted the urge to facepalm as he saw Issei eating with Asia. "Well, this is something I never expected. But this is interesting, to say the least."

[What are you going to do Vince?] She asked seriously.

"For now, nothing. But I will keep an eye out for them, I want to confirm one last thing before I make my move." He informed her.

[Confirm what, Vince?] Yume asked in a slightly confused tone.

"I want to see if Asia is helping out those fallen angels out of her own free will. I get the feeling she isn't, especially after last night. From the dialogue between her and the stray exorcist, I think it's safe to say she doesn't approve of their actions." Vince explained after he took a sip of his milkshake.

After Vince finished eating he paid for the meal and left while discretly watching over Issei and Asia. (One of those fallen angels should be coming for Asia soon. I know she's important to whatever their planning.)

Vince followed Issei and Asia to a park after noticing them leave the arcade. He stood behind a few feet away from the two as he lied down on the ground, hiding behind a few bushes. (This is really boring. I wonder when that fallen angel is going to come for her.)

[Vince, I sense something. I believe a fallen angel will be coming for Asia-san soon.] Yume whispered to him.

"It's impossible." A feminine voice spoke.

Vince looked up to see a young woman with silky black hair. (So that's Raynare. So that means everything is connected. More importantly, my job as well.)

"Y-Yuuma-chan...?" Issei spoke in a shocked tone.

"Heh. You survived. And as a Devil? Seriously, that is the worst." Raynare said laughing.

(That's the same fallen angel that killed Issei? Son of a bitch, this is one hell of a clusterfuck.) Vince thought with a mildly surprised expression.

"...Raynare-sama..." Asia spoke.

"...What does a Fallen Angel like you want?" Issei asked looking at her.

"I don't want a filthy low-class Devil like you talking to me." She answered with a sneer.

"That girl. Asia, is our personal belonging. Can I have her back? Asia, you know it's useless to run away?" Raynare said with a smirk.

"...No. I don't want to return to that Church. I don't want to return to the people who kill other people. ...Also, you people did things to me..." Asia replied in disgust.

(Well, that confirms that. I had a feeling Asia didn't want to be with them. At least this makes it easier for me when I take them down.) Vince thought with a smirk.

"Please don't say that, Asia. Your Sacred Gear is essential for our plan. So please come back with me? I also took the time to look for you. Don't make trouble for me." Raynare then approached the two as Asia hid behind Issei.

Issei then took a step forward in front of Asia "Wait. Can't you see she doesn't want to? Yu-, no Raynare-san, what are you going to do with her after taking her back?"

[Vince, aren't you going to interfere yet?] Yume asked, whispering.

"Not yet. I want to see if this situation can be solved without a confrontation and I want as much information as possible." He whispered back.

"Low-class Devil, don't call me by my name. My name will get filthy. What's between us doesn't have anything to do with you. If you don't go back to your master's place quickly, you will die, you know?" Raynare stated as she created a light spear.

"S-Sacred Gear!" Issei shouted as a red gauntlet appeared in his left arm.

"I was told that your Sacred Gear was a dangerous one before from the higher-ups, but it looks like they were totally wrong!" She said laughing.

(Issei's Sacred Gear is dangerous? Well that explains why he was killed in the first place.) Vince thought frowning at the reason.

"Your Sacred Gear is one of the common ones. It's called the "Twice Critical". It doubles the power of the possessor for a temporally time, but having you double your power is not a threat to me. Truly, a fitting object for a low-class Devil like you." Raynare said as she sneered.

(That's enough information for me. Besides, I have no point in fighting her... Yet.) Vince noticed the light spear headed for Issei and stopped it by creating a small shield made out of water in front of Issei.

Everyone looked completely surprised as Vince walked out of the bushes. "You're pretty bold for attacking in broad daylight."

Raynare stared into Vince's eyes. "...It seems you also have some power yourself. At least your more handsome than that low-class devil."

"Vince-san! You're here too!" Issei said sounding shocked.

"Pretty much." Vince then turned to Raynare, "Is there any way to stop a fight from breaking out fallen-angel? After all, it's a bad idea to attack a devil's territory just like that."

"You're pretty bold for saying that human. Very well, I'll leave on the condition that Asia comes with me." Raynare stated.

"Hell N-!" Issei was interrupted as Vince created a whip made out of water and covered Issei's mouth.

"Fair enough. But what do you think Asia?" He asked turning to her.

"Yes, I understand." Asia said as she nodded.

To Vince's surprise, Issei ripped out the water whip from his mouth. "Asia!"

"Issei-san. Thank you for today. It was really fun." She said with a big smile.

Raynare let out a lecherous smile."Good girl, Asia. That's it. Problem solved. With today's ritual, you will be freed from your suffering."

"Asia! Wait! We're friends, aren't we!?" Issei shouted as Vince held him back from moving.

"Yes. Thank you for being friends with someone like me." She replied smiling.

"Let go of me Vince! I-I have to protect Asia!" Issei shouted as he struggled to get free from his grip.

"No." He replied as he now held back Issei with a water whip that held him tightly.

"Goodbye, Issei-san and thank you for your help Vince-san."

Raynare then covered Asia with her black wings. "Low-class Devil, looks like you were saved because of this girl and that human over there. If you get in my way again, I will definitely kill you and the same goes for you human. Goodbye."

Vince let go off Issei as Raynare disappeared into the skies with Asia.

Issei immediately glared at Vince. "Why!? Why did you stop me?! I could have protected Asia!"

"Protect Asia with what? You don't even have enough power to protect yourself, let alone Asia." Vince answered bluntly.

Issei got on his knees and started punching the ground. "Asia..."

He looked at the skies and screamed. "Asiaaaaaa!"

Vince sat down on a bench as he watched Issei. (I wonder, what will Issei do now?)

[Vince, weren't you a bit too blunt?] Yume asked as she watched Issei with a sad look.

"No. Convinction alone, isn't enough." Vince answered calmly.

[Vince...] Yume said sadly, knowing that he was speaking from experience.

Vince got up from the bench and extended his hand. "Are you done, Issei?"

"...Yeah." Issei grabbed Vince's hand and got up. "Thanks for saving me again."

"It was no problem. I was able to find out a few things." He replied as he put his hands in his pocket.

"Like what?"

"I'll explain that another time. I'm going to talk with Rias, you want to tag along?" Vince asked turning towards Issei.

"Yeah, I also have to talk with Buchou. I want to save Asia." Issei said in a determined voice.


Authors Note: It was a bit fun to write the chapter this time around. I liked doing the interactions between the other characters and writing the information gathering scenes. Anyway on the explanations.

I wanted to focus more on Vince's interactions and try to flesh out his character a bit more. I also wanted to show a trait of his. Even though Vince is uncaring, blunt and sometimes cold. Vince does have a strong sense of justice and will help if he knows the person can't do it himself.

As for the scene with Freed, Vince was able to catch Freed off guard with his black lightning. Besides, they're aren't to many people that can dodge lightning.

As for why Vince didn't fight Raynare when he had the chance. It was a bit obvious at this point, but he wanted more information before doing anything. It worked and he got all of the information he needed.

Finally, this may seem similar to Light Novel but I made sure that there are some noticeable differences. I tried to break it off from cannon in my beta chapter, but it didn't turn out so well.

That's all I have to say for the explanations, let me know what you think about the chapter. Later.

Next chapter