2 Chapter two:vampires

I wake up and get dressed. I put my hair in a ponytail. I put blush on and mascara. Then I grab my bag and walk out of my dorm and lock it. Then a hand grabs me from behind and I scream. Quick as lightning his other hand is over my mouth. He pins me against the door. Then he lowers his head down to my neck and says:"you're lucky my boss wants you alive or I would have sucked you dry already". He flashes his fangs at me and I screamed, his fangs were at least 2 inches long. Then he leads me up to the roof of the school. " Get on my back" , he said. While he was distracted I decided to make a run for it. I ran down the stairs to my dorm and unlocked the door. But before I could even get inside I was pulled back. I turned around and saw that there were now two vampires. Fan Flipping Tastic ! The other one looked firmilar . "Alex",I say. He shakes his head in denial. "I'm Connor and I'm Alex's brother" , said Connor. The two vampires lead me outside to a car. When I refused to get in, the other vampire pushed me into the backseat of the car.

25 minutes later

we pull into the drive way of a five story house. Then I realized this was the high tier house where the most powerful vampires in the world lived and hung out. Connor unlocks the door and pushes me into the house.

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