
Chapter three: The boss

Imeaditly five high tier vampires sensed me. They bared there fangs at me. I back away slowly . None of the vampires seem interested in coming any closer to me. I breathe a sigh of relief. My heart was pounding , that only happens when something bad is about to happen. Then a hand grabbed me by the waist and pinned me against the wall. He had olive skin, Silver eyes, and jet black hair. If I was not so scared I would have flirted with him." Come on I'm taking you to Alex",he said. Omg they had Alex! What if he was hurt or worse? I pushed the negative thoughts to the back of my mind. And I prayed to god that Alex was alright.

We stop at a steel door. When I don't move the vampire named prince Reed pushes me into the office. Omg something was wrong Alex was sitting behind the desk. " Alex .... you're a" , I stutter. " vampire", he finished. My heart started beating faster than normal. Alex was a vampire when I thought that he was normal like me. Clearly I was wrong. He grinned at me showing me his fangs. I would have fainted if I wasn't sitting down in a chair. "I thought you were human", I said hurt. "Well I'm not".

" Why am I here?"

" Because you have to mate with prince Reed the head of high tiers. " I'm not mating with a vampire". " yes you are" , said Alex coldly.

" what about my family?"

"We are your family", said Alex and Reed at the same time. I was so upset I could barely think straight.

" You two will be sharing a room", said Alex.

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