
Chapter 40

"That's true but do you know some killers take joy in getting away with the murder when it was surrounded by so many people? The idea that there was someone next door who could've stopped it just turns them on. Not every killer does the deed away from prying eyes and saviors," Helen considered carefully.

Eli stared at Helen who just had a response for every situation. "Do you search about killers and weirdos in your free time?" He questioned wondering why she knew so much about this. This wasn't the usual conversation he normally found himself having with a woman.

"Sometimes. I watch a lot of those killer documentaries and they really show how simple someone could just end you. You have to be on top of the game and outsmart the potential killers by watching the documentaries," She tapped her forehead with her index finger to show she was being smart by thinking about this just in case something happens to her in the future.

Eli slowly nodded his head in agreement and sarcastically replied, "I see. You won't become anyone's victim."

"No sir!"

Eli sighed appearing disappointed with her words. "Such a shame. My plan was going so perfectly but you probably know every trick in the book."

Helen let out an awkward laugh hearing his words. She expected him to laugh along with her but he didn't. "Come again?" She asked for him to repeat himself. To Helen, there was no reason why his calm expression should make her heart race this much.

'If he glares or shows an angry expression you'll really drop-dead,' She thought to herself.

Her heart skipped a beat when she heard the sound of his deep laugher. With furrowed brows, Helen stared at the man in annoyance. "You seriously have to improve how you tell your jokes."

"Seems like my joked worked perfectly for me."

"Hahahahaha. I hope you choke on your joke," She grumbled shifting her entire body from facing Eli to facing the door.

"Do you know you become really annoyed quickly? A little grumpy old woman lives on the inside of you," Eli teased Helen even more by taking a strand of her hair and wrapping it around his finger. "Cat got your tongue, Helen? I was looking for a comeback."

"I don't have a grump old woman inside of me. Your jokes are just scary. No wonder your friend always seems scared," Helen said folding her arms. "Why are we going to a hotel?"

"We aren't spending the night in the room or anything else you're thinking of. It's a surprise that you'll have to trust me with," Eli stated continuing to play with the strand until he released it and saw a curl had formed.

"Okay, but if it turns out to be what I think is, I'll kick you so hard in your balls all the generations of your offspring will feel it."


"Would you like something to drink?" He offered in an attempt to get into her good graces again. "The skies the limit for anything you want."

"No thanks. I rather not have a light buzz before we arrive," She responded declining the drink offer. 

"Fair enough. The hotel is insight. It pays off to live so deep into the city it seems," Eli stated as the location where Helen lived was surrounded by many businesses and entertainment. She wouldn't need to travel too far to reach where all the hotspots are.

"But it becomes so noisy sometimes you wish you lived in the hills like you," Helen replied. She would rather live in a peaceful neighborhood like Eli rather than in the busy city. 

"I figured you for a city girl, going out and having fun with your friends," Eli said surprised she liked his neighborhood. He was often told the area was too dull which is why many people moved away after a certain time. But it was for that reason he bought the land to build his home.

"I wouldn't mind having to drive to where the fun is. I find the city to be too chaotic. It's good for a visit for fun and heading back to somewhere peaceful to gather yourself. It's not safe but truthfully if you stay in one place too long you'll find that nowhere is really safe unless you buy yourself an island," Helen said now thinking what possible dangers you could face living on an island alone.

She continued to say, "I want to buy an island someday and escape humanity. It was a dream of mine from when I was a young girl."

"I can put in a word for you in getting a good island spot. I'll put you at the top of my client list for my real estate business," Eli seriously responded. Personally, he would be able to keep track of her as stalkerish as it appeared. On the business side, she would be one more business owner he could add to his list.

"Well aren't you a man who grants wishes."

"I plan to be," Eli replied with a small smirk unnoticed by Helen. "We're here."

Helen was in awe of all beauty of the lights of the hotel and said, "I know they said it was grand but this is beyond what I imagined."

"The owner wanted to have that effect on everyone who visits."

The limousine door was opened by the valet who was expecting Eli's arrival as he was someone important to the owner of the hotel. 

"Goodnight madam," The valet greeted Helen as she stepped out followed by Eli.

"Goodnight," Helen answered. Now she really felt underdressed but she was putting faith in whatever Eli had planned and hopped it wouldn't embarrass her.

Eli linked their hands and told Helen, "Let's go."

Helen nodded then proceeded to look around at the hotel she would never imagine making a reservation at. She had enough money to spoil herself but held herself back from spending too much of her hard earn money but she would gladly accept being spoiled by someone.

Even the large doors were opened for them by two men who looked like security.

"Welcome Eli King," A long line of staff immediately greeted Eli who gave a slight nod to acknowledge their presence. 

In Helen's eyes, it was like the scene of a young lord returning to his mansion. She didn't piece it together when he said first said they were going to Golden Empire but now she remembered something. 

Golden Empire is owned by none other than Elaine King, Eli's mother. 

With each step, there was a look of horror growing on her face. He wasn't planning on introducing her to his mother right?

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