
High school Moments

Jace, a kind-hearted and determined young man, bears the burden of a turbulent family life. His stepmother and stepbrother constantly engage in heated disputes, creating a volatile atmosphere at home. Despite their different backgrounds, Jace and Kate's paths cross unexpectedly one fateful day. Jace, tired of the constant turmoil within his own family, finds solace and support in his budding friendship with Kate. Drawn to each other's resilience and compassion, they soon realize they share a deep connection.

Tife_7736 · Urban
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12 Chs



" Stop it already!" He raised his voice a little, and then she removed her hand slowly.

"All this happens because of you, it's going to explore soon, my heart," He said slowly and Kate was speechless

" Forget it, let's go," Jace said and left, he was angry with the fact that Kate only consider him to be a friend, nothing more. He was frustrated by the thought.

Kate jerked out of her daze and touched her heart which almost explored

" How can he be so straightforward?" she said and touched her red cheeks.

" I can't believe he passed this to me," She said and rush down, but he has already left, Nala and Donald were there.

" Guys I forgot to tell you that I will be going in a separate direction today, I'm going to look for a part-time job"

" Why? Are you in need of money? Ask your mum"

" No I didn't need money, besides I have money on my card, I just wished to work that's all"

" O… Okay, see you around," Nala said and left with Donald.

Kate sighed,' Did she do something to offend Jace? ' She wondered and left, confused.

It was getting dark and Kate was walking on the street, exhausted, everyone rejected her because she lacks experience. She was frustrated, all the money she had with her was spent on the food at each restaurant she went to, she didn't bring her card, which gave her only one solution, to trek home.

As she was going, staring at the paper of the listed part-time job she wrote.

" Loads of rubbish," she said, staring at it.

Ethan got a call from his father, Dave telling him now to come up, and he promised to be home in a jiffy. Kate was busy walking, Jumping, and frustrated when Ethan bumped his shoulder on hers, making the paper she was holding fall

" My gosh that…" she stopped and looked back at the man who bumped into her, still going without having the intention to wait and apologize.

"That bastard". She completed her sentence and ran to him, frustrated as she was, and knocked him from the back of his head.

" Ouch!" Ethan was shocked, and he rubbed his head in pain.

" You! You are nothing but a…." she wanted to swear on him, but she stopped, controlling herself.

" What? But a what?" Ethan said and stared at the girl in front of her, who stood like a hero. He looked at her from head to toe, and he stood up.

"My gosh"

" Are you going to complain? Go ahead and do so, but before you complain, admit to your mistake and apologize" Kate said

" What?" Ethan asked in disbelief and looked at her again; from her school shoes to her white socks, her school short skirt, her school shirt, and her long black hair.


" What? Aren't you going to apologize? Or did you think I didn't know your age? You are just eighteen like me!" she roared

" I don't have time for this sh*t" He said and turned to leave,

"what? 'Sh*t?' Me? Gosh" she rushed to him and kicked him, making him fall on his knees

"My knees" Ethan looked at her sharply

" Don't you think it's too easy for you? Thank your creators that I don't beat girls, I will have beaten you!" Ethan shrieked,

"Ohh, did you want to call the police? I have more than card on my phone, go ahead and borrow my phone" She stretched her phone to him,

" Did you think it's a joke?" He asked, already short of words

" It's never late, apologies, and I will leave you"

" Me? Apologize? You got to be kidding me". He said annoyingly and tried to stand up, then Kate him again, and he fell on his knees once more



Both of them sat on a chair, facing the detective of a police station,

" Did you mean this high school girl best you up like this?" The detective asked in disbelief

"Yes," Ethan answered, holding his injured leg,

" Why are you only saying yes? Tell him what you did to me" Kate said, clenching her fist and shot Ethan a dreadful look

" There she goes again with her scary behavior" Ethan shouted, shifting away from her

" What did you want us to do for her?" The detective asked,

"What? Me? He started this!" Kate ranted,

" But I'm the one who got injured"

" You planned this well, huh? You intentionally make me hit you deliberately" Kate said, looking at him meanly

" Nope, I'm just the kind that doesn't like beating girls," Ethan said proudly

" As if, you are nothing but a con artist!" She roared at him,

" What? Me? A con artist? Then what are you? You are a…" He was saying and Kate cuts in,

" What am I? You this pervert!" Kate said, smirking with anger written over her face

" Me? A pervert? You…."

" ENOUGH!" The detective cuts in with anger

" If you know you are going to settle this yourself, you can go out and do that," The detective said and both of them went into silence

" Apologize to each other," He said

" Eh? Huh?" Both of them shouted together and looked at each other with hatred,

" Over my dead body, I will never apologize!" Kate said with anger,

" Neither will I!" Ethan snapped back at her. Just then, A message chimed on his phone, and it was his father, he almost forgot, then he sighed and turned to Kate. He bit down on his lower lip, the only way to leave here quickly is to give in. He closed his eyes,

" Okay, You may not apologize, but I will. I apologize for hurting you without apologizing" He said, clenching his fist hard underneath, this was the first time he will give in to someone, especially to these ladies. He took his belongings and left.

" Huh?" She felt guilty, and she took her belongings and rushed after him,

" Hey." She called after him,

The detective held the back of his neck,

" Those kids, they almost gave me a shock." He sips his coffee,

"Hey," Kate called again and grabbed his hand

He was shocked

" I was calling you," She said, slightly exhausted,

" What? To hit me again?" He showed away from her. She moved closer to him,

" Why? I apologize already" Ethan said, shifting away from her.

" I'm sorry, I apologize for hitting you and using bad words with you. I'm not a bad person, don't have bad thoughts about me and if your knees hurt, call me I will take full responsibility" She took her pen and a book and wrote down her number

'What an interesting girl' He thought and smiled

" Take, call me, if you need any money to treat your knees, I'm sorry" She gave Ethan the paper and cross to the other side of the road. Then Ethan smiled

"That girl" He stared at the number and left with a smile

Kate was downcast, she couldn't believe she took it out on someone, she couldn't get her mind off what Jace said earlier and why he left just like that. She bent down and sighed, she was aware of Jace feelings for her, but she had to hide her own, so her mother wouldn't separate her from him again. But she didn't think she can hide it again, her feelings.