

Kuoh park (7-year-old issei currently saying goodbye to his best friend)

"*hics*..are you *hics*..gonna be okay *hics* without me around issei?" ask Irina to issei while tearing up. "relax… I'm always gonna be okay, but I'm worry about you though, are you okay as well going to England so suddenly?" issei answer with a wide grin though we can still see tears in his eye.

"of course I'm gonna be okay, we already promise to become hero went we grown-up later after all *sobs*" answer Irina while sober up and suddenly she grins widely and says "and I'm probably gonna become hero first than you issei hehe," says Irina with a weak chuckle.

"Not gonna happen, if what we discussing here who's gonna be hero's first, it has to be me, after all I'm not afraid at anything," said issei with his thump point at himself and smile. "mmooouuuu, that's what I'm worrying in the first place, you always charge first the moment you see some kids get bullied and never care about any injuries you receive, and I'm still surprise how durable your body is, I swear… are you some kind of zombie's or anything hehe.." said Irina with a chuckle and lightly punch issei chest.

"well, you know that the stories of heroes are 'hero never back down from any injuries he/she receive', so… if I fall down that not heroes like right?" asked issei while scratching his cheek with a sheepish smile. "yeah, I guess that's what heroes do, isn't it? But seriously you better take care of yourself better issei, I hate to see one day I came back from England and you get permanent injuries." Said Irina while glaring at issei who slowly turn his away with an awkward smile.

"Yeah, I take care of myself, I promise." Says issei confidently "you better," said Irina suddenly get close to issei and smile "yeah I guess this is goodbye….for now," said Irina with a sad smile and immediately hug issei and walking away with a wave to her house. "yeah goodbye," said issei with a wave and smile.

After Irina no longer visible in the park issei go to the nearest bunch and sit down with a sad smile on his face with a little tear leaking out from his eyes. "oh crap… heroes..*hics*…don't..*hics* cry" said issei sobbing while his hand cleaning his cheek from the tears. " and here I said to Irina I gonna take myself better hehehe" said issei quietly while sobbing.


"man…. Is there someone or something in the other parallel dimension that worth attention for the great me to pass time" said Zelretch to nobody in particular while scrolling his laptop that he seems pulled out of nowhere.

"hmmm…weird," said Zelretch suddenly and look at his laptop with a sudden interest in his eye. " this event does not suppose to happen this way, from I remember this event always stay the same if I've not interfered in another way," said Zelretch with curiosity while watching his laptop.

"It seems this is a new branch of dimension that the great me haven't had the time to play to," said Zelretch with a smile, and immediately his smile becomes wider when some event catches his eye. "Well…well…well… I didn't expect this to happen at all…. Gahahahahah" suddenly laughter come from his mouth. " this is the best, but for now I just watch, I will give you guidance to overcome what await you in the future….gehehehehe" said Zelretch with maniacal laughter while his eyes still focus in the laptop.



"ohhh.. shoot I think my eyes dry from this much crying, " said issei while rubbing his teary eyes with his hand. " you look like someone got dump by his young sexy girlfriend for it to see the girl in question next day with another fat man who is your boss in the same company, " said the old man suddenly appear besides issei and made him jump immediately while letting a ' yeep ' sound at that.

"(what the hell is this old man suddenly appear) " thought issei silently and he froze at the sight of the old man, with a long messy white hair and long beard he wore a gold watch and eye patch in his left eye, green loose t-shirt, white short, white sandal, and a cane, and lastly he wore a baseball cap. "(is this some kind of new hobo trend lately, to be honest, it's quite disturbing)" thought issei rudely.

"boy…you just think something rudely about me don't you?... it probably involved some hobo isn't it?" asked the old man with a smirk and immediately take a seat beside issei in a bench. Issei immediately flinched and turn his gaze away from the old man, embarrassing because the old man knew what he was thinking.

" it's a great place for relaxing isn't it? " asked the old man suddenly changing the precious topic and looking around the park longingly with the sight of children playing in the sand area, people jogging, some new wife bring their new babies and gossiping, thought the old man stops his gaze at some young women ass and smile peacefully and issei thought he imagines it at brushing off the thought immediately.

"so..boy… what you depressed about that made you show some pathetic face like that?" asked the old man while issei suddenly gets a thick mark at his head but he keeps silent. "why the silent treatment boy, sure you got some answer for this curious oldman that want to know?" asked the old man again and issei still ignored him, moreover it seems issei keep sliding away from the old man.

"you know it's rude to go away from the old people and ruder because you keep ignoring me?, didn't your parent teach you courtesy boy?" asked the old man slightly amuse by the defensive stance that issei currently use. " my parent told me not to talk to some random stranger, and keep away from weird people" said issei suddenly.

And the old man suddenly grinned " didn't you already talking to me now, so you already break your promise to your parents" said the old man in teasing tone and issei immediately close his mouth with his mouth while muttered ' stupid ' under his breath and giving the old man angry glare. " hahaha…sorry about that I just can't help to teasing you or something like that, so what's your name boy?" asked the old man.

" isn't it common courtesy for someone who asked to introduce their name first?" said issei with a smug. " you cheeky brat, fine.. mine's alfodr…you?" asked Alfodr. " name's issei al-ojisan" said issei with a smile. " so… back at my first question why the sad face?" said Alfodr while looking at issei with a side glance. " *sigh*… it's about my best friend who suddenly moves to England due to his father's business " said issei with a sigh.

"So what's with the sad face, it doesn't mean you never get to meet him again right?" asked Alfrod and issei smile weakly "well…. I guess it kinda hard for us to suddenly separated without prior noticing and we share the same dream to" said issei. "hooohhh what dream, harem?, growing up and go to high school together?, some sort of cliché promise about who's about getting a first girlfriend?".

"no it's not that, it's just we promise to become a hero together and helping people who can't defend themselves…., and also I hope to leave the mark to the world and tell them that I'm here," said issei with a smile and thump his fist into his hearth. For a second Alford look like he stops breathing and look like issei who somehow resembles some hero in the past who resembles him and finally gives issei a sincere smile while patting his head.

"(how many centuries since someone says that word to me, truly the world is vast after all) " thought Alford with a smile in his face. "so boy, if you and your friend want to become hero, do you know what it takes to become want" asked Alford to issei. "well first of I'm going to help so many people I can, and probably for the next step is stop some villain…hehehe" answered issei with a sheepish smile. "while thinking like that is good to many people, isn't you being unfair to villain you stop or beat?" asked Alford while looking seriously at issei. "why, …. Isn't villain supposed to be beaten and defeat by heroes, I don't see any problem with it though," said issei while tilting his head like it's the obvious answer.

"haha… you still young after all " said Alford while shaking his head and patting issei head like he some kind of retard and that made issei got some thick mark on his head. "DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE SOME IDIOT " issei shout. "yeah..your not idiot, just uneducated, " said Alford with a grin. " I don't see any difference on that " issei said with a frown."

"Now don't make face like that, what I'm saying is didn't villain deserved some saving from heroes too, because all villain always and 'ALWAYS' have a reason to do some evil things, though some of them probably henchman who cannot go against's their boss, and their boss always has a reason to do it, it either because of hatred or grieve." Said Alford solemnly and made issei immediately shut up and thinking about the word that Alford said and quietly muttered "becoming a hero is more complicated than I thought".

"of course it's complicated boy, do you think all heroes in the past become a hero for about a year or two.. no… they become heroes after manage to overcome all challenge and huddle that stood I their way, it takes them a lifetime to become a hero and some of them become a hero after their death and there are also some people who become a hero after completing their first task" said Alford while looking at issei with a smile.

"it's just that many of historical figure in the world is that they have no choice to become hero, it's just because the world needs one at their time, so… boy, now you already live in a peaceful era what kind of hero who you want to be?" said Alford seriously to issei and issei pondered a bit about what kind of hero he wants to be.

"I think I want to be a hero that can protect my family and all of the people that I care about, I know it's a little dream compare to what real heroes can do, but it counts for something, for now, right?" asked issei rhetorically, Alford raise an eyebrow after hearing that.

"I suppose it suffices answer for now, " said Alford while stroking his beard."But I at least have some goal in mind when I grow up and have enough power to protect that I care about" said issei suddenly. " hhooohhh, what's that boy?" asked Alford curiously.

"glad you ask Alford-ojisan " answer issei with a smile. "when I have enough strength I just want when people see me coming and looking at my back they can feel at ease and they know that they will be saved, no matter how many people feel that way even that is only one person who feels that way, I think that's enough for me to be a hero." Said issei while smiling brightly and Alford for the second time stared at the kid who he just randomly asked at the park because he's bored, but he's kind of feel a familiarity feeling with this kid already.

"hahahahahaha…..this is the best…. Just what I need after busy with boring business today, hahahahaha…. Meeting a kid who wants to be a hero with the right ideal." Alford continues his laughing for a few minutes though Issei didn't feel slightly pissed because his dream been laughed by some old man he just met, in fact, he feel genuinely happy, because the laughter of this old man, not just some laugh mockery, in fact far from it, the laughs feel like genuinely surprise that he can meet some random kid who has the right mindset to be a hero.

"haaaahhhh,, finally I can release my stress for a decade because of this laughter, and final advice from some random senile old man like me, when you feel like you gonna lose your way in the future just remember, ' hero never walk his/her path alone' and ' always trust your heart ' " said Alford while pointing his index finger to issei hearts and issei immediately nod and let the sound 'un' following under his breath. "oh and lastly heroes path always been fall in the grey area, there's no such thing as black or white in heroes path, always grey so that's why heroes never walk his/her path alone and why I'm telling you to trust your heart for what it's right," said Alford with a serene smile "un… okay… thanks for the advice Alford-jiisan "said issei while nodded vigorously.

"haha…now enough talk the heavy stuff, and let's go to the fun stuff, tell me boy what do you know about the divine assets that call 'oppai' ". Said Alford suddenly changing a topic and continue to preach young poor issei about the wonder of 'oppai' and something about ' if you're a hero, you must have some harem' and some other stuff. And issei just listen with wide eyes and some stars with a little bit manly tears like he has some kind of divine revelation.

And after an hour or so Alford preaching about oppai , he suddenly got grab by the collar by some pretty adult women in her prime about middle thirty years old and goes by the name 'Gondul' if issei recall, ' a strange name, must be foreigner ' thought issei silently.

And apparently he's right about that, both Alford-jiisan and Gondul-obasan apparently have to catch their flight home at night to back to Germany.

And after that issei immediately come back to his home by the time almost sunset.


Issei can't be happier than he was like an early otoshidama or early Christmas, just because he finally got a few limited edition of a new type of anime blu-ray DVD, RPG game, and mostly eroge kind of things with the same theme, 'FATE'. " strange" muttered issei while holding his bag like a treasure, " this game and anime look like some kind of heavily advertise, just look at the case of limited edition blu-ray, it even features of some mystery tome like the anime and damn… it looks expensive by the detail of the artwork in this tome, I wonder why all of this worth 1000 yen, while I believe for just one game it's expensive but all of this in my hand worth 1000 yen it's kind of unreal" thought issei silently while walking back home from a store name 'heroic spirit'.

"then again the store clerk doesn't look like a clerk at all, I mean… wearing a black-white suit with white shoulder cape with a cane, at to the matter of fact, the color of that old man eye is bloody red " thought issei seriously and immediately brushed the thought because he just wants to watch the series and play the games that involve the heroes that he always dreams of, and of course some harem too.

And while issei continues thinking silently he never realizes the name of the game creator of the anime in the disc and merchandise he carrying, and the creator goes by the name ' ZELRETCH'.

And the man in question is just smile widely in some electric pole looking at issei direction, " soon…boyo… I can't wait for what future hold for you in this world and don't die so early because that's gonna be some disappointing event, even for me, so boy, goodbye for now….. gahahhahaha" said Zelretch while laughing manically and disappear, and issei immediately feel a shiver in his back, he is thinking about something troublesome that will be coming soon to him.

Next chapter