
High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms

James Alaverus, a six-year-old half-devil, suddenly falls unconscious. During his three-day coma he regains some memories from his past life while retaining the mentality of a child. With these new memories, how will his life change? Disclaimer In this story, the only things I own are my own Original Characters. Also, If anyone could help me out with an original cover, I'd really appreciate it. My art skill is non existent.

SixthSense1029 · Anime & Comics
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354 Chs

I'm Not Quite Ready, But... (R-18)

Land of Shadows, Dun Scaith.

Making his way to the bedroom he usually uses during his stays in the Land of Shadows, James was thinking about how Scathach used her runic sentences.

"That was fucking epic." James said, remembering how he was squashed down to the floor just from the magical pressure the runes carved into the walls of the throne room produced. "I wonder if there is a way to work runes into my Kido spells."

Shaking his head to clear those thoughts, James spoke to himself once more.

"Why would I waste the effort?" James asked himself. "I don't even use the spells I have now. Why should I work on them any further?"

Trying to think of a way he could integrate runes into his style of combat, James eventually arrived at his bedroom. However, the bedroom door was ajar. Spreading his perception into the room, James had a sense of déjà vu. Lying in his bed was Moka, wearing nothing but underwear. A set of white bra and panties with black lace accents. This time, however, she was awake.

"*Sigh* We'll just see what happens." James said as he pushed the door open and walked into the room.

Noticing the door's movement, Moka shifted her attention and saw James walking into the room. Smiling brightly, Moka stood from the bed and quickly walked up to James. Grasping his hand, Moka led him to the bed where she had him sit.

"I'm not going to ask a stupid question like, what are you doing here." James said, smiling slightly. "Are you sure though?"

"I'm not." Moka replied while shaking her head. "But I'm ready to go further than just kissing."

"We'll only go as far as you're comfortable." James said with a smile.

Moka's smile brightened in response. Then, with James sitting on the edge of the bed, Moka straddled James and wrapped her arms around his neck. Looking James in the eyes, Moka spoke.

"You know I love you, right?" Moka asked with a smile and a slight blush.

Nodding his head, James replied, "I know."

Moka frowned after hearing James' reply. Seeing this, James leaned forward and pecked her on the lips.

"Don't frown like that." James said with a smile. "I was just answering your question."

Even after the kiss and James' explanation, Moka's frown only turned into a pout. She then turned her head away and stopped hugging around James' neck. Feeling Moka to be adorable, James reached up and put his hands on her cheeks. Gently turning her face toward him, James placed his forehead against Moka's and spoke to her in a loving tone.

"I love you too, Moka." James said gazing into Moka's beautiful red eyes.

Blushing harder than before, Moka lowered her head to hide her embarrassment. James then reached down and grabbed her ass with both hands.


Yelping in surprise, Moka raised her head to see James with a cheeky smile on his face. Once again, Moka pouted at the same time, James leaned forward, placing his lips on the sexy pouted lips. Accepting James' kiss, Moka wrapped her arms around his neck again.

Softly sucking on each other's lips, James and Moka began to lose themselves in the kiss. At the same time, James was gently massaging Moka's ass cheeks. As the kiss deepened, so did the force James exerted with his hands. Eventually, James' tongue snaked out of his mouth, then, he ran its tip along Moka's lips. Feeling his tongue, Moka opened her lips and met James' tongue with her own. As their tongues wrestled, James let his hands wander Moka's impressive body and smooth skin.

Sliding his left hand from her ass cheek to her lower back. Then from her lower back to her right hip. Then, he gently brushed his fingertips up Moka's side until he reached her bra. James then began to massage her right breast over the bra. At the same time, he trailed his right hand to the middle of her pantie clad ass. Then he pushed further down until he reached a slightly damp spot between Moka's legs. James then wasted no time rubbing his fingers past that spot repeatedly.


Feeling James hands on her breast and pussy, Moka could not help but moan into the kiss. As his hands and fingers kept stimulating her, James moved his kisses from her lips to her cheeks. Then to her neck. At the same time, Moka opened her mouth slightly. From the space between her lips, a pair of sharp fangs were visible. Opening her mouth wider, Moka plunged her fangs into the left side of James' neck and began to suck softly.



Immediately after being bitten, James' erect dick jumped. Making contact with Moka's pantie clad pussy.


Moka moaned from the sudden stimulation. James, unaware of Vampire physiology was taken aback when instead of feeling pain, Moka's blood sucking brought immense pleasure. Unfortunately, this pleasure did not last long. Moka released her fangs from James' neck shortly after sinking them into it. Instead of dwelling on the loss, James moved his other hand to Moka's breast and lowered its cups. Revealing her shapely breasts and cherry blossom-colored nipples, for a moment, James was mesmerized.

"Moka, your body is gorgeous." James said in a daze.

Blushing from the words of praise, Moka's face reddened even further. Placing her hands on his cheeks, Moka initiated another passionate kiss. With their tongues intertwined, Moka then reached down and raised the hem of James t-shirt. Stopping their kiss for a moment, just long enough for Moka to pull the shirt over James' head, they reengaged.


James, letting his hands fall back to Moka's round and plump ass, began to knead it while using the fingers of his right hand to rub her pussy over her panties. Moka on the other hand after moaning due to the pleasure, began kissing her way down his neck. After kissing, licking, and sucking on James' neck, leaving a couple of hickeys in the process, Moka started working her way down his chest and abdomen. Running her lips and tongue over his pecs, lightly stimulating his nipples, and kissing the lines of his chiseled eight-pack abs.

Eventually, she reached the waistband of his jeans. In anticipation, Moka quickly unbuttoned and unzipped the jeans. Pulling down James' pants and helping him slip them off, she marveled at the tent in his boxers. Gently, she ran her fingers over the dick hiding under the cloth. Feeling its size her arousal heightened. Unable to wait any longer, she pulled James' underwear down in one motion.


Seeing James large dick, Moka could not help but draw in a breath of air. Softly wrapping her hand around it, she stroked it gently. Seeing the wonder in Moka's expression, James let a contented smile reach his lips. He then reached down and massaged Moka's breasts. Rolling her erect nipples between is thumbs and index fingers.

"Ahn~! That feels, Mmm~, really good!" Moka exclaimed as she sped up the motion of her hand.

Eventually, Moka released James' dick, to his surprise. Before he could ask why, though, Moka spit into her palm. Taking hold of his dick once again, Moka began stroking it faster than before. With her saliva as lubrication, not only was stroking him easier, but James also felt more pleasure with the lubrication. Shortly after that, however, Moka was no longer satisfied with only using her hand to pleasure her man. Letting her tongue poke out from her pretty lips, Moka licked the underside of the head.

"Damn." James subconsciously exclaimed when he felt Moka's tongue.

Noticing James' reaction, Moka smiled. She then loosened her grip and ran her tongue from the head down the shaft of James' dick. Once she reached his balls, she rolled them with her tongue and began stroking him again. Speeding up her hand job, Moka took one of James' balls in her mouth and suckled it gently. After a few moments, Moka released his balls and ran her tongue up the length of his dick once again.

"Oh, shit..." James muttered as he enjoyed Moka's touch.


James, due to the pleasure, involuntarily squeezed Moka's nipples. Causing a sweet moan to escape her lips. Pausing momentarily due to the stimulation, Moka continued licking James' dick. Delighted at the reactions she received, she teased the tip with the tip of her tongue, which made James grip a bit tighter with his fingers. Then, she opened her mouth wide and engulfed the head.



Rolling her tongue and sucking softly, Moka looked up into James' eyes, which were clouded with lust and pleasure. Enjoying his reaction even more, she started sliding more of his length in her mouth. As his dick started disappearing into Moka's mouth, James' gasps increased. Eventually, however, Moka had taken as much as she could. Gagging when the tip of his dick touched the back of her throat, she slowly removed the shaft from her mouth. Once just the head was left, she began bobbing her head while simultaneously stroking the shaft. AT the same time, her free hand had disappeared into her panties. Undoubtedly rubbing her pussy.

James looked down at the silver-haired girl as she sucked and stroked his dick. A feeling of contentment overtaking him. And after a few minutes, James felt his limit approaching.

"Ahh~ Moka I'm gonna cum."

Hearing James' warning, instead of stopping, Moka sped up her actions. Shortly afterward, she felt his dick throb. Then, she released her hand and took as much of James' dick into her mouth as she could. A moment later, James released into her mouth. With her mouth quickly filling up, Moka swallowed James cum. A smile of contentment in her eyes.

"*Gasp!* *Gasp!* Holy shit, that was amazing." James said while trying to catch his breath after cumming. "Mm~."

Although James had cum, Moka continued sucking for a few more seconds. Once she was sure she had sucked out the last drop, she released his dick, causing a pop sound. Looking up at James, Moka licked her lips with a smile on her face. James, smiling back in return, lifted her off the floor and pulled her toward himself. Conjuring a ball of water in his mouth, James pressed his lips against hers. Then, taking Moka by surprise, he forced the water into her mouth, making sure he would not be tasting his own semen. As she swallowed the water, James proceeded to ravage the inside of her mouth with his tongue while exploring her body with his hands. Removing her bra and panties in the process.

Then, with his hands gripping her ass, James lifted her from the floor and walked her over to the wall. Pressing her back against the stone wall, James let her stand once again. He then started to lower his kisses. First licking down from her lips to her chin. Then running his tongue down her neck.

"*Gasp!* Mmm~, Ahh~!"

After biting her neck gently, James continued downward. Licking and suckling her collar bones. Then kissing around her breasts, before running his tongue around her left areola. Without touching her nipple, he repeated the process on her right areola. Then, he took her erect nipple into his mouth and suckled gently. Simultaneously, he rolled her left nipple between his right thumb and index finger.

"Oh... Mmm~! Fuck... That feels... Ahh~! Great!"

With moans mixed into her speech, Moka wrapped her hands around the back of James' head and pulled him closer. James then released her nipple and flicked the tip of his tongue on its tip several times before moving back to her other breast, flicking his tongue on its tip.

"Mmm~! Yes... Mmm~! I love it." Moka exclaimed due to the pleasure.

James then sucked strongly on the nipple in front of him. Which caused Moka to gasp. After a few more moments sucking on her nipple, James began moving down again. Kissing down her tummy and running his tongue around her navel, Moka squirmed and trembled due to a pleasurable yet ticklish sensation. Eventually, she felt James' lips kissing her pelvicc bone. Before she knew it, James had raised her left leg and placed her thigh over his right shoulder. Using the index and middle fingers on his left hand, he gently spread her pussy lips.


Feelign James fingers touching her most sensitive area, Moka could not help but release a moan. A moment later, James licked the outer skin of her pussy lips.

"Mmm~ That feels good...Ahh~! James... Mmph! *Slurp!*"

Moka moaned stronger then put her thumb in her mouth and sucked it when James inserted his tongue into her pussy. French kissing her lower lips, James drew continuous intense moans. After a few minutes, Moka climaxed.

"Ahh~! Holy fuck!"

Pulling her thumb from her mouth, Moka supported herself by placing her hands on the wall as her body shuddered from the orgasm. Which, by the way, was far more intense than any she had caused while masturbating. After thirty seconds or so, Moka's body stopped shaking. After a few deep breaths, she looked down and spoke to James.

"*Pant.* *Pant.* That was incre... Ahh~!"

In the middle of her compliment, James once again stuck out his tongue. This time however, he flicked it on her exposed clit. The intense pleasure causing Moka to moan. Forgetting what it was she was saying.

"Ahh~! Oh, fuck... Mmm~! Yeah! Mmm~! Ahh~! Just like... Mmm~! That!"

Even faster than the first time, Moka climaxed from James' tongue stimulating her clit intensely. However, instead of giving her time to recover, James inserted his right index finger into her pussy, pistoning quickly while sucking on her clit. In less than a minute, she climaxed harder and more intensely than before.

"Ahh~! Oh, my fucking... Mmm~! Fuck!"

At that moment, Moka's right leg could no longer support her wait. Even with James supporting her left side, she still nearly slumped to the floor. Reacting quickly, James released her left leg and caught her.

With James' arms wrapped around her waist and her head resting on his chest, Moka smiled contentedly with her eyes closed. After a few moments, Moka's body ceased to shudder, James noticed she was breathing evenly. Looking down he saw that she had passed out with a smile on her face. Shaking his head, James' picked her up and carried her to the bed. Laying down he wrapped his arms around her and whispered, to not wake her up.

"I love you, Moka."

Here's the second one for today. I doubt there will be a third. See you again tomorrow.

Thanks for Reading, I hope you enjoy.

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