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The young man embarked on a journey through the forest, his heart pounding with trepidation. The sun cast eerie shadows that stretched across the majestic trees, creating an ominous atmosphere. The air was thick and heavy, laden with a sense of foreboding that clung to each breath he took.

The dense vegetation of the forest resembled an endless maze of darkness and mystery. Twisted branches hung like bony fingers, pointing the way forward. The whispering wind weaved through the leaves, forming a chilling chorus of haunting murmurs.

Nero pushed through the thick foliage, his senses on high alert as he made his way deeper into the forest. The path ahead seemed to twist and turn, confusing him at times. The atmosphere grew heavier, and the sounds of nature grew distant, leaving an eerie silence in their wake. The only company he had was the haunting whispers of the wind, whispering secrets that only the trees could understand.

As he ventured deeper into the forest, the sounds of civilization faded away. The birds ceased their cheerful songs, and nocturnal creatures retreated to their hidden lairs, as if fearing the some presence. Darkness grew more profound, with only faint moonlight filtering through the foliage, revealing glimpses of an unfamiliar path.

With every step, an unsettling sensation crawled up the young man's spine. Each crunch of a dry leaf beneath his feet echoed sharply, as if invisible eyes watched his every move.

As he navigated through the labyrinthine forest, Nero's footsteps were muffled by fallen leaves and damp soil. The sunlight filtered through the canopy, creating a dappled effect on the forest floor. Rays of light illuminated patches of vibrant moss, adding an ethereal touch to the surroundings. However, the beauty of the scenery did little to ease the growing sense of unease that clung to him like a shadow.

Finally, he emerged from the entangled trees, and the recently abandoned village loomed before him like a silent ghost. The gray stone buildings were covered in moss and cobwebs, broken windows resembling empty eyes peering into the beyond. The air reeked of decay and abandonment, a reminder of a dark past that plagued the place.

Despite the absence of any visible signs of life, Nero couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. It was an instinctual sensation that crawled beneath his skin, prickling his senses. His eyes darted from tree to tree, searching for any movement or sign of a presence, but he found nothing. Unbeknownst to him, a stranger figure with the hand on the door continued to observe him from the depths of the abandoned village, its gaze unrelenting.

Nero's pulse quickened, and a cold sweat formed on his brow as he ventured further into the village. The once-thriving community now lay in ruins, its buildings in various stages of decay. Broken windows stared back at him like empty eyes, and the wind whispered through cracks and crevices, creating an eerie symphony of forgotten voices. It was as if the village had been frozen in time, abandoned only moments ago, leaving an unsettling air of recent departure.

Yet, amidst the desolation, Nero failed to notice the figure watching him intently. Hidden in the shadows of a half-open door, it remained perfectly still, its eyes fixed upon him with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine. The figure's intentions were unclear, but its presence only added to the growing sense of dread that permeated the village.

As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the village, Nero's investigation intensified. He found himself drawn to a grand hall nestled in the heart of the abandoned village, a house of ceremonies that stood as a testament to forgotten rituals.

As he cautiously stepped inside the hall, the atmosphere shifted. The air grew heavy with a suffocating silence, broken only by the sound of his own footsteps echoing through the empty space. The dim light filtering through the stained glass windows painted haunting patterns on the decaying walls.

Nero couldn't shake the feeling that something sinister lurked just beyond his sight, waiting to reveal itself in the shadows.

Suddenly, he heard it – the distant sound of footsteps. Faint at first, but gradually growing louder and more distinct. Echoes of macabre laughter reverberated through the hall, simultaneously a terrifying touch followed by a deep breath were felt on the back of her neck sending a chill down Nero's spine. His heart raced as he looked up, his eyes meeting the gaze of a creature made entirely of swirling shadows.

The creature's presence was unnerving, its form shifting and contorting in unnatural ways. Its neck twisted at an impossible angle as it observed Nero with a malevolent curiosity. The sight sent a jolt of terror through his body, freezing him in place.

Fear consumed Nero, and instinct took over. With a surge of adrenaline, he turned on his heels and sprinted out of the hall, desperate to escape the clutches of the shadow creature. Panic gripped him as he raced through the abandoned streets, but to his horror, he found himself surrounded by more of these twisted beings, lurking in every corner of the village.

Alone and surrounded by the looming shadows, Nero's heart raced with adrenaline as he prepared to confront the darkness head-on. His instincts kicked in, honed by countless battles and his unwavering determination to protect those in need.

The shadows converged, swirling and twisting, taking on eerie forms that seemed to mock his every move. Nero swiftly took a defensive stance, his muscles tensed, ready to strike with precision. With a surge of power, he summoned his demonic strength, channeling it through his clenched fists.

As the first shadow lunged towards him, Nero sidestepped with a grace that belied his fear. His fist connected with the shadow's amorphous form, dispersing it momentarily, but more shadows closed in. They clawed and grasped at him, their touch icy and suffocating.

Undeterred, Nero unleashed a flurry of strikes, his movements a blur of calculated aggression. His punches and kicks sliced through the darkness, shattering the shadows with each blow. But for every defeated shadow, two more emerged, hungry for his life force.

Frustration mixed with desperation as Nero realized that his elemental darkness magic had failed him in this dire moment. The technique he had once trained was nothing but elusive fragments in his mind, leaving him defenseless against the encroaching enemy.

In a moment of distraction, a sharp pain seared through Nero's abdomen. He staggered backward, his grip on reality slipping momentarily. One of the shadows had taken advantage of his vulnerability, piercing him with its ethereal claws. A cry of pain escaped his lips, echoing through the desolate halls.

Pain erupted in Nero's abdomen as the creature's sharp claws pierced through his flesh. Agony coursed through his body, rendering him momentarily paralyzed by the searing sensation. A mixture of shock and anguish washed over him as he let out a pained cry, the sound echoing through the desolate village.

Blood stained his clothes, seeping from the wound and pooling beneath him. The taste of metallic iron filled his mouth as he struggled to catch his breath, his vision clouded by a haze of pain. The realization of his vulnerability hit him like a physical blow, fueling his determination to escape the clutches of the shadows.

With a burst of sheer willpower, he managed to break free from the creature's grasp, stumbling away from their reach. Blood staining his clothes marked the severity of his injury. His vision blurred even more, but he knew he had to keep moving if he wanted to survive.

Summoning the last remnants of his strength, Nero cast aside his disorientation and invoked his remaining ability to teleport through the shadows, one of the only skills he still possessed due to having trained in his childhood and not in his supposed second life according to the diary. He disappeared from the open street, reappearing in the shelter of a nearby house, hoping to find a moment of respite.

Nero's vision blurred, a mix of pain and determination flooding his senses. Ignoring the searing agony, he gathered what remained of his strength and focused on escaping the clutches of the malevolent shadows. With a burst of speed, he stumbled and staggered, desperate to put distance between himself and the relentless pursuit of those beings who were still hunting him.

His body moved on autopilot as he raced through the labyrinthine corridors of the abandoned village. Blood dripped from his wound, leaving a trail of crimson in his wake. Every step felt heavier than the last, yet he pushed on, fueled by sheer willpower and the desperate need to survive.

Seeking refuge from his tormentors, Nero's hazy gaze caught sight of a nearby church. It stood as a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness. However, as he focused on the holy structure, a searing pain pierced his skull, causing him to wince and double over in agony. 'Damn, this church wasn't forsaken by heaven, so what happened in this town was pretty recent.'

But he didn't have a break, the horrors of the village were relentless. The sounds of creatures' claws scraping against the pavement grew louder, closing in on him. Nero's heart pounded in his chest as he frantically searched for a safe haven.

The pain was so intense that he recoiled, instinctively turning away from the church and seeking solace in the nearest available shelter. With faltering steps, he stumbled into the closest house, his body trembling from exhaustion and pain. With sheer willpower, he managed to stumble out of the open area and into the entrance of a dilapidated house. The door creaked as he pushed it open, the musty air and decaying furnishings greeting him like silent witnesses to the village's forgotten past. Inside, the haunting sounds of unseen creatures only added to his mounting fear.

As Nero's senses dulled, he leaned against the nearest wall for support, his hand pressed against his abdomen, trying to stem the flow of blood. Sweat trickled down his forehead as his gaze darted around the dimly lit interior. The distant echoes of screeches and hissing filled the air, growing louder with each passing moment.

Then, he heard it – a voice, faint yet filled with desperation, pleading for help. Though skeptical of another potential trap, Nero's sense of duty overcame his caution.

'For those who are at rock bottom, it can only get worse by digging their own grave. But I can't leave a kid alone it will hurt my conscience.' Nero remembers how his younger brother often suffers alone and without help, so he decides to investigate while holding his open wound.

He followed the sound, his ears guiding him to a room where he found a child being targeted by one of the shadow creatures who was extending his crooked fingers.

Reacting swiftly, Nero unleashed a powerful kick, his devilish strength colliding with the creature's form. It recoiled, giving him the opportunity to grab the child's hand. Without hesitation, he took the child under his protection, their hands tightly clasped as they fled from the pursuing darkness.

Together, they sought refuge in the depths of the village, the night unfurling around them. The shadow creatures continued their relentless pursuit, but Nero's presence seemed to deter them from focusing on the child directly. Instead, they clawed and snarled at Nero, their focus solely on killing him, some of the creatures occasionally tried to grab the child without harming him.

In the midst of the chaos, Nero's mind raced, questioning the child in an attempt to unravel the mystery surrounding him. As they found a temporary hiding spot, Nero mustered the courage to engage the child in conversation, hoping to glean some information amidst the chaos. Nero began to speak while doing improvised first aid on his wound for not having any efficient means of self-healing.

"Are you okay?" Nero asked in a whiperring tone, his voice filled with concern but also a hint of suspicion. "What's your name? Mine is Nero."

The child, seemingly unaffected by the nightmarish ordeal they had endured, gazed at Nero with vacant eyes. There was a chilling lack of expression on his face as he replied in a monotone voice, "I don't remember... I don't know how I got here. But I remember my name. I am... Leonardo."

Nero's eyebrows furrowed, uncertain whether to trust the child's words. The peculiar sense of familiarity nagged at him, like a fleeting memory he couldn't quite grasp.

'I hope this kid doesn't turn into some kind of giant monster while I'm with him. Please don't be a monster in disguise.' Nero keeps repeating the same sentence mentally begging for someone to answer his prayers.

Pushing aside his doubts, Nero decided to trust his instincts. After all, they had run away alongside each other from the shadow creatures, and the child had shown no hostility toward him.

As the night gradually gave way to the morning, Nero held the child's hand tightly, silently vowing to protect him. Together, they cautiously explored the remaining areas of the village, determined to find answers and put an end to the terror that had befallen them.

Their search led them back to the grand hall, the epicenter of the eerie occurrences. Just as Nero was about to step inside, the piercing wail of a siren shattered the silence. He turned to see a police vehicle screeching to a halt nearby, two officers emerging from it.

Next chapter