
Understanding The Current Situation Part - 07

"Affirmative. This is the name given to a set of preestablished plans, which were supposed to be executed if things go wrong."

"That much I understand, but what are those plans."

"The plan mainly include this one simple principle if anything were to happen to you and your parents then everything related to the Tachibana's must be destroyed."

"Wow! I like where this is going. Please continue and details please."

"Understood. Your family has a secret force I'm sure you are aware of it."

"Yes I know. Every big family has such forces. And many of them are orphans my parents raised. Some of them used to play with me when I was little, but for some odd reason they no longer visited me that much."

"It's not that they didn't want to visit but they were assigned to different roles. Some of them became researchers and employees in the company without letting anyone know that they are part of the Tachibana family. Some infiltrated other hostile groups. These people are extremely loyal to your family. Your parents first got the intel of the conspiracies from these people who were outside then they started to create and implement their contingencies plan which ultimately became the revenge pack. And the people inside the family business and organizations related to your family were there, so that the could implement those plans without anyone noticing. These are the pieces that were placed by your parents. About these things not even Melinda and Samuel Lestrange knew. Later your parents deemed Melinda trust worthy enough to let her in on the plan. As such she also became one of the spies infiltrating the foreign forces."

"So they never actually trusted Sam. Please continue. What were the exact plans?"

"The plans were pretty simple actually. Anything related to the Tachibana group will be destroyed. Be it their product their research everything will be destroyed. Every piece of hardware created by the Tachibana group has a miniscule amount of nanites in them. Every hardware build by the Tachibana group has their core technology locked in a indestructible black box. This is why your parents never patented their products to keep others from copying them. If anyone tries to open those box it'll self destruct and turn to dust without anyone getting hurt. Those boxes also contains the nanites which will only become active after receiving some specific command. After receiving those command the nanites will destroy the hardware completely essentially turning them to dust then the nanites themselves will self destruct. This feature is implemented in everything made by Tachibana group be it the Quantum satellites or the space catapults or even virtual reality gears and cars everything will disappear. Similar precautions were taken for software, operating systems and data centers. And all the assets belonging to the Tachibana family and it's affiliates will be distributed to all the employees depending on their contributions and loyalty. Basically Earth will regress several decades if not century in regards to technological advancement."

"I guess it serves them right, my family did all they could to make the humans life easier and comfortable but they treat us with greed and backstabbing. My only regret is that I can't see their faces when they realize what actually they did. Hahahahah." Shiro started to laugh loudly imagining the faces the traitors will make. "But wait if this plan is executed many innocent people will be implicated because of this." Shiro suddenly realized many people who spend their money and fortune on their products will be implicated financially because of their revenge.

"You don't have to worry about that, every customer will get a refund on their product so they won't be implicated financially and every user of phone and computers will get a copy of their data in another hosting. These all apply to only those that were not involve in anyway into this mess. And Shiro I think you misunderstood something to your parents anything that threatens you is their enemy even if they turn the whole world into their enemy they don't care. All they care about is you and the people they trust. The rest are just a after thought for them."

"I see." Shiro's became sad again remembering his parents. After remaining silent for a moment Shiro asked Minerva again "Then what about the Mars project and that b*stard Sam."

"Primary terraforming on Mars was almost complete. We only deployed one of the six pillars and some containers which were starting to release a mixture of gas and other chemicals into the atmosphere of Mars to warm it up. We were successful in bringing up the temperature to a suitable range. At this stage we were suppose to release the other pillars one by one which contains the oxygen enrichment pillar and the life pillar among others. But before we could do that Sam betrayed the entire crew. As a result we left during the incomplete first stage. As for what will happen to the pillar is that like all the other things built by the Tachibana's it will also collapse and will release the gases into the atmosphere of Mars. As there won't be any way to regulate how those components are released in Mars they will mix together and destroy Mars's environment completely. As a result humans will not be able to live on Mars for centuries to come let alone terraform it. Before you ask about the Space X' s colony they will be able to leave as they always have a spacecraft standby for emergency."

"Humanity's biggest dream Mars will be destroyed. We were supposed to achieve it now we are destroying it. Heh not that it matters anymore."

"At least they won't be able to live their for centuries."

"Either way is fine. As lone as those bastard can't take advantage of our creations all is fine. By the time they can stand on Mars again they will be long dead. Serves them right. What about Sam? What will happen to him?"

"I mentioned earlier that we opened a one way communication channel right?"

"Yes what about it?"

"We sent a self destruct command to the vessel. So same thing will happen to the craft as any other Tachibana related things. Self destruct commands for Aurora and it's onboard Shuttles and equipment are different as It's very likely that you and your family might still be alive onboard Aurora while all these are going on. As a result a separate command was sent to the shuttle and the pillar. We expect the shuttle to crash land on mars and disperse into dust slowly. All of these will happen simultaneously within a few minutes."

"What a perfect revenge plan my only regret I'll never know what actually happened. But I'm still satisfied knowing that they will suffer horribly." Finally some peace could be seen on Shiro's face as if a weight was lifted from his chest albeit not completely. "Still I'll never forget this lesson. Never!!. If I get the chance to return I'll definitely make them suffer more."

Shiro looked at Rin and Arturia who were floating beside him and looking at him.

"Shiro are you alright?"


"I'm ok guys rather I fell much better than before. Truthfully now I feel like I can put the thought of revenge aside for now."

"Then that's good."


Both Rin and Arturia gave Shiro a smile filled with relief.

"Thanks guys." Shiro felt Happy felling both of their care and concern for him. "So did you guys find out what I asked about?"

"Yup a long time ago."

"We were just waiting for you to finish your talk with Minerva."


(A/N: I think there are some confusion regarding what direction I'm going with this novel. So I'll clarify it some more. I think said before somewhere that I'm utilizing the universe of DXD rather than following the plot. I may even mess with the plot a lot.

And the name Highschool DXD Mars is not to mislead someone rather the name says it all. It says Mars right in the name. So from this I expect everyone to understand that I'll focus on Mars while using DXD elements and plot. there will be interactions between the characters and the MC. But it'll be much later.

As I said I'm trying to go in a different direction than the other DXD fanfic authors where they immediately start to interact with the characters. I want to develop my own characters want to give them some depth and realism. My novel will not be as fast paced as others but it'll pick up. the starting will be a bit slow as I'm trying to build the environment and other systems. So please bear with me.

And please remember he doesn't even know he is in the DXD universe. Also he is far away from Earth with no Realtime communication and in the past. So it is logical that he will try to understand his current situation.

By the way the prologue ended when Aurora warped in the DXD universe and Shiro woke up. What I'm writing now is the main story.

And one more thing and this is the most important thing, I keep saying DXD universe instead of DXD world cause I won't solely focus on Earth. Thanks for the support and I hope you guys stick with me till the end of this novel. Peace.)

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