
Chapter 0: Prologue

It was a regular day Chiba Prefecture High School ,it was extremely calm but only one knew of the other side of the 'prestigious' school, his name is Aizawa Izumi or as he is commonly known by his classmates 'the foreigner' .Most people compared him to his step-brother who is his same age and is considered a white knight. They both took after their father facial features as they both inherited his emerald-green eyes and facial structure .The difference between them was Izumi had snow white hair with black strands while his brother had pure jet black hair .The other difference was Izumi's mother was German while his step-mother was Japanese.

"Ah Azuma!" A girl with long blonde hair called out to Izumi's step-brother.

"Hello, Mai. What can I do for you today?" The now identified Azuma asked.

"Would you like to go out sometime?" Mai asked while twiddling her index fingers.

"Ok," Azuma answered.

"Tell dad that I will be away for the weekend." Azuma said

"None of my business." said Izumi with a depressed voice while he was carrying both his and his brother's bag.

"You said not a problem right?" Azuma said with his voice having a dangerous undertone.

"Hai," Izumi said meekly.

"That's good I knew I could count on you." Azuma said his tone returning to his normal jovial tone

Izumi continued walking ahead and entered the school compound and went straight to his classroom 2-C which was at the end of the east wing of the building .When Izumi was about to take his seat at the back left of the classroom two boys namely Daisuke Kusakabe and Ryo Kusakabe who are known to be the most notorious in the whole school .Daisuke has an athletic build, brown hair and brown eyes while Ryo having a more lean build, black hair and scarlet eyes.

"Foreigner let us have a chat." Ryo said

Ryo and Daisuke dragged him out of class to the back of the school where they threw him against a wall .When Izumi was trying to get up Daisuke stomped his foot on Izumi's face forcing Izumi to go crashing back to the wall.

"You think that you could evade us because your brother is popular and one of the strongest in school." Daisuke said while grabbing a fistful of Izumi's hair forcing Izumi's eyes to meet his own.

"You are lucky the bell is about to ring but that doesn't mean we cant rough you up a bit." Ryo said smirking sadistically while drawing his arm back and punching Izumi squarely on the face leaving Izumi's nose bloody.

After Daisuke and Ryo left Izumi woke up and pat the dust off his clothes and walked back to class .While he was going to class he met the school's four divas who were well known for their beauty .The girls were namely Aizawa Mai who has long blonde hair and blue eyes and a voluptuous body .Another one of the divas was Kawai Reina a girl with platinum blonde hair done in a neat ponytail, red eyes that many believed could see straight in one's soul, her seductive appearance made most boys fawn over her .The next was Shiba Ella who was known to have the most voluptuous body among the divas she has silver hair, green eyes and was known to be the most friendly among the divas .The person considered their leader was Kanzaki Aya who has black hair and black eyes and she has a cold exterior and an otherworldly charm that made most people admire her.

"Izumi where are you going looking like that?" Ella asked

"None of your business Shiba-san," Izumi answered in a cold tone

'What is up with him today?' Aya wondered.

'I hope for the kind Izumi from my childhood to come back,' Aya thought sadly.

"Hey! You don't have to answer her like that jackass," Reina shouted a t Izumi.

"I don't have time to deal with your shit," Izumi said while walking away back to his classroom.

"Why does he act this way to me?" Ella asked in a sad tone while tears were balancing at the corner of her eyes.

"Do you still have that stupid crush on him? I would have told you to give up and that you deserve better but I remembered your determination," Mai said in a matter of fact tone.

"I wont give up trying to get him to notice me better," Ella said her eyes burning with determination.

"See that is what I mean," Mai said while rubbing her forehead.

After Izumi sat down the four divas came in four minutes later and took their seats.

"Let us begin-" The teacher stopped in confusion as a white light engulfed the school and transported everyone to a void where they met a strange being that had a hooded cloak covering it body and had glowing white eyes.

"Greetings, the reason why you are all here is you are to be sent to a new world where you need to be allied to a kingdom to survive," the mysterious being said.

A girl with spectacles and black braids lifted her hand.

"Yes you there what is it?" The mysterious being asked.

"Who are you?" The girl meekly asked.

"You may call me the game master," the now identified game master said.

"Excuse me do you think we will follow what you say!" a boy with red hair shouted

"Child respect your elders failure to do so...." the game master trailed off.

The red haired boy's body started to inflate and blow up and guts being splattered everywhere.

"Is death," the game master continued ominously.

Everyone was too stunned to talk as they feared for their lives.

"Swipe your hand to your right," the game master said and they did so out of fear.

"There you will see a status bar dived into classes and all of your skills are listed there," the game master said

"Their is a true hero amongst you and has a dragon tattoo on his arm," the game master said.

The students started looking at each other looking to see who had the dragon tattoo they looked at Azuma's arm and most people celebrated while others frowned on this development .Azuma swiped his arm and looked at his status bar and people were shocked.

Name: Aizawa Azuma

Class: True Hero (Level 4)

Age: 16

Species: Human

Power: 1000

Dexterity: 1000

Magic: 1000

Vitality: 1100

Skill: Ultimate swordsman, Ultimate magician

The game master felt a vile presence and scanned the room and his eyes landed on Izumi he used magic sense to feel what was the ominous feeling about .The game master was shocked but masked his surprise.

'This kid is the new destroyer, I feel like things are finally going to be interesting," The game master thought.

"Izumi can you please show me your status bar?" Ella asked.

Izumi saw no harm in letting her see his disappointment of a status bar.

Name: Aizawa Izumi

Class: Commoner (Level 1), D-s-r-y-r

Age: 16

Species: Human

Power: 10

Dexterity: 5

Magic: 0

Vitality: 50

Skill: Super Scent,(Locked)

"What is up with your status bar? Somethings are not clear and why are somethings locked?" Ella asked in confusion.

"I honestly have no idea," Izumi answered.

"I will now transport you to the other world good luck true hero, the others and the ultimate destruction," the game master said directing the last one at Izumi.

"Now off you go," the game master said as a blue light illuminated the void transporting the students and teachers to the other world.

'I transported them to Ingrassia Kingdom while the destroyer to Alydzck's borders,' the game master thought.

'What an interesting bunch the True Hero, Super Mage, Alchemist, Swords Legend and last but not least the destroyer .Thing are about to be more fun,' the game master thought while looking at Izumi's true status bar.

Name: Aizawa Izumi

Class: Destroyer (Level 6)

Age: 16

Species: Human

Power: 20000

Dexterity: 6000

Magic: 12000

Vitality: 7000

Skill: Super Scent, Unknown

"I am lucky I locked his powers now let us see what you will show me Aizawa Izumi," the game master said while chuckling wildly which then turns into full blown laughter as lightning was seen in the background.

"I hope this doesn't become too disastrous," a female maid in service to the game master whispered silently.

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