
Gangis Khan

The assassination of the first son of the city's most powerful family is enough to cause big waves. What more important is that there is no specific evidence that the assassin left after doing his job.

Even more, the victim was a gold rank member. How many people are there in Joripur who can actually kill a gold rank in this city? The person may be at least a late gold ranker and other than the members of Ojha clan none of the others can be suspected.

Another possibility is that the external force is involved in this situation. All the rival families of the Ojha clan are suspects.


During the week here Biswa has made a friend. His name is Maresh. Maresh is an ordinary trooper who is nothing more than a patrol guard. He is friendly to everybody and a little less ambitious.

He loves his job as a guard because it gives him enough money to live his life with fun and wine. He does not have any wife and he already left his parents back in the village years ago.

"You know Biswa, I hope we actually do not find the assassin," whispered Maresh.

"Why do you say that?"

"Think about this for a second. If we came across the killer while patrolling, and we chase him, that guy who can kill a gold ranker so easily, he could kill us too know. So let's go and bunk."

A gorgeous lady who was also the supervisor of our team arrived at the movement. She wore a typical soldier uniform having a purple badge showing she was a direct member of the Ojha clan. She was the daughter of 5th elder and a little tomboyish that's why she insisted on joining the army.

Without knowing her arrival Maresh started speaking again, "I have another good idea, let's go to the wine shops and small fruit courts. We in the name of investigation well take some food and wine for free. How is my idea?"

"I like the idea too, let me join your group." the lady said.

"Huh, who are you? This idea is only for my brothers." Without looking back Maresh said.

Biswa tried to signal him through his fingers at the same time hiding his face.

"Ara ara, you are rejecting me?"

Maresh was annoyed when he turned back his own words stuck in his throat. "Ho..How. Miss Tomboy?"

"Who are you calling tomboy?" The tomboy lady gave a tight slap across his face. Maresh flew away and landed at some distance.

seeing the condition of his friend Biswa already starting to run away. Seeing the betrayal of his friend at the time of need Maresh starting to cry away. But his misery won't end now. He was picked up by his collar by the tomboy, "So you still want to go to wine shop?"

"Wine shop should be visited with brothers. Since my brother already betrayed me why will I go now?"

"On my, so you are not taking me huh."

"Perhaps if you want to be my broth-" A kick made him flew two-three blocks away.


Biswa runs to the nearby lane and had a sigh of relief. He set down in a box nearby.

"System status"

A banner appeared in midair.

[ Name: Biswa Siva

Level: 27

Race: Human

Status: Healthy]

Biswa noticed that the status window seem to change. Though it became smaller, there were many new options added.

He went up to see a small icon. The icon showed up a name and Biswa's eyes shine.

"Life detection."

A big screen appeared with many green dots showing the number of people around him. Some dots we're big some were small showing the different cultivation stages.

The was another option as word count. When he clicked on it showed the number of people of particular cultivation. The area covered by this skill is around two square miles which are a bit larger than the city itself.

There were 10356 iron rank, 81239 bronze rank, 8745 silver rank, 431 gold rank, 9 black gold rank and 2 legendary ranks in the city. One legendary was Old man Khan but there was another one here.

Biswa was really surprised to know the number. He also knows that most of these people are not under direct obligations of Ojha clan but those who are really powerful like gold and black gold are definitely from here.

The Ojha clan officially only has 200 gold ranker, whether the 200 more came only as mercenary or for any other intention Biswa does not know. But Biswa actually came to know the difference in power between the Miri clan which is second rate and Ojha clan which is a first-rate clan.

This also gave him the idea of the power of a Holy sect of Zan which rumored to have 10000 gold rankers as soldiers.

Just that he saw a green dot coming his way. Biswa closed the status screen.

"Young master, did you make some progress with the investigation?" Old man Khan had a smile on his face.

"Actually I did, I mean I already know who the killer is. It was you wasn't it old man khan."

Khan was shocked for a moment then regained his expression. "Haha, young master definitely has high insight. Yes, it was me who killed him." A red glow flashed in his eyes with killing intent.

"Well, young master how did you find me?"

"Nah, it was just a guess. I think you might have some history with this clan and might be some impulsive. It was just a guess."

"Well, your guess is right. During this period I have my own set of investigations and what did I find. Commander Jung was nothing but an informant. Just with some stroke of luck, he is now sitting in this position."

"The real member of the Black Sect and the scriptwriter of the play of my journey to Bay of Kohar was all written a single person. The real and high-level member of the Black sect is now sitting in his impressive throne."

"That Guy is none other than my brother Gangis Khan."


Inside a room in main Ojha headquarters.

Commander Jung was extremely nervous because beside him one of the strongest men in the city as well as the current head of the whole Ojha clan was sitting in his high chair which looked like a throne.

"Jung you know me well don't you?"

"Yes my lord." Jung was sweating so many buckets of sweat that he became thin.

"Those newly arrived from the sect, you investigated them didn't you?"

"I did my best sir there is no problem. They were all silver ranks they couldn't have done this."

"Then who did this? I want to know the answer. I swear when I find that someone I will make them swear for mercy."

Actually even in a sect of the first rank like Ojha Clan, there should not be any legendary rank person but Gargis Khan was one but he always covers it up and no one knows anything about this matter. Even elders of Ojha clan doesn't know this.

A hidden snake that is Gangis Khan.