
The tales of preye

Chapter 1

The environment at Daufa Grammar School was highly conducive, beloved by both parents and students for its enchanting compound. Adorned with buildings painted in shades of green and white, it stood as the finest school in the state. Various rules and regulations were put in place, mandatory for all teachers and students to follow. Dating among students within the school premises was strictly prohibited, while teachers were explicitly forbidden from dating their students. Furthermore, there existed a policy that barred female students from visiting male teachers' houses, and vice versa for male students visiting female teachers. The school administration appointed members to oversee adherence to these conventions and to take necessary actions against any violators.

The students, dressed immaculately for their first day of the WEAC examination, strolled into the school environment and settled at their desks, eagerly awaiting the examiners' arrival. Soon after, the supervisor entered the room, distributing the question papers and answer sheets while sternly cautioning against examination malpractice. With his instructions given, the students commenced the examination, diligently answering the questions before submitting their scripts to the supervisor.

Upon completion, they made their way home, marking the end of the examination, spanning one month and fourteen days. Several months later, the students eagerly checked their results online, revealing a mix of outcomes. Some had unfortunate failures in mathematics or English language, while others excelled, crediting all subjects.

Those who hadn't fared well in English Language and Mathematics found themselves seated by the roadside, contemplating their WEAC results. Regretting their habit of neglecting studies, they pondered their parents' likely reaction to their disappointing results and mulled over their next steps.

Preye, a well-known student at Daufa Grammar School, was admired for her intelligence and friendly demeanor, endearing her to both teachers and students. Her consistent adherence to school rules earned her respect and ensured she was recognized as the school's premier female student. Excitement surged within Preye when she excelled in all subjects, contrasting with those who had failed in mathematics and English language, devising plans for re-enrollment the following year.

Despite her eagerness to pursue further education, Preye's aspirations were hindered by her parents' inability to afford tertiary education expenses. Consequently, she remained idle, disheartened, and stayed home for six years. During this time, her reading habits evolved, and she formed new connections with boys, a departure from her previous behavior.

Preye's father, Johnbull, made the distressing discovery of her pregnancy as signs began showing on her body. Her physical condition weakened, rendering her unable to manage her usual domestic tasks, and she found many foods she used to eat with her parents irritating. Moreover, she withdrew from playful interactions with her mother.

One fateful morning, her father confined her indoors, demanding she reveal the person responsible for the pregnancy. With a murmured response, Preye hesitated to disclose the truth. Johnbull's expression hardened, and he sternly pressed her to divulge the name. Yielding to fear of her father, whom she knew had brought her into the world, Preye reluctantly disclosed her boyfriend's name, the one responsible for her pregnancy, and silently awaited her father's reaction.

Johnbull, consumed by rage, resolved to terminate Preye's pregnancy, adamant that she couldn't marry the son of his adversary. Following their conversation, he commanded Preye to leave his sight immediately, leaving her to grapple with the impending consequences.

Preye walked from her father's room, seeking solace from her mother. Tearfully, she disclosed her father's intentions to Ebi, imploring her mother to intervene and dissuade him from terminating her pregnancy. Ebi, in response, assured Preye of her efforts in this regard. Subsequently, Preye made her way to Daniel, her boyfriend, informing him of her father's decision to abort the pregnancy. Overwhelmed by emotions, tears streamed down her cheeks as she grappled with a sense of confusion.

The atmosphere between Preye and Daniel grew tense, leading to a noticeable decline in their affection for one another. They found it challenging to share meals or share smiles as they once did. Their relationship lost its spark; there were no passionate embraces, no more expressions of love. The repercussions of their past enjoyment now plagued them with headaches. They regarded each other with an air of animosity, compelled to contemplate life's uncertainties.

Did you say something to your father about me?" Daniel inquired, seeking clarity on the reason behind her father's decision. "You're old enough to choose your partner. Did your father ask you anything about us?" he pressed further.

No, he summoned me to his room and immediately questioned me about the person responsible for my pregnancy. I mentioned your name, and without further inquiry, he decided to terminate it. I'm bewildered and unsure about what he's thinking. Please, for now, don't ask me any more questions," replied Preye to Daniel, explaining the situation.

Daniel assured Preye that he would involve his parents and other influential figures to plead with her father regarding the abortion. He pledged to assume responsibility for the situation without any hesitation. Preye found herself taken aback by Daniel's response to the pregnancy. This marked a significant shift for Daniel, prompting him to consider matters of life seriously for the first time. Historically friendly and carefree, he habitually steered clear of situations that could burden him or his parents, being their only son.

After spending a few moments with Daniel, Preye returned home. She approached her mother and inquired about her discussion with her father concerning the termination of the pregnancy.

My daughter, I tried discussing with your father, but he refused to listen to me. He insists on furthering your education," her mother recounted to Preye, expressing her helplessness in the situation. "I pleaded with him multiple times, but he remains steadfast on the abortion," she added.

Hearing this statement from her mother triggered an outburst of rage within Preye. She retreated to her room, consumed by tears, pondering ways to alter her father's decision regarding the pregnancy termination. Life became an arduous burden, and she found herself uncomfortably confined within her own space. She struggled to conceal her disappointment from her friends, often muttering to herself while aimlessly pacing the streets. Simple gestures such as greeting elders and responding to others' greetings became cumbersome, as her mind and emotions were preoccupied elsewhere, even in the company of her friends.

After her conversation with her mother, Preye sought solace back at Daniel's house. Unable to contain her emotions, tears flowed uncontrollably. Clutching Daniel tightly, she sought comfort in his embrace, lying on his bed, lost in her thoughts.

Daniel, deeply disturbed by the situation, pondered how to rectify the problem. Desperate to alleviate Preye's distress, he drew closer to her on the bed, embracing her tightly, attempting to provide solace.

I have reported your father's plan to my father, and I believe he will send some elders to beg your father today. Don't worry; everything will be fine. Believe that everything will be good and stop thinking," he said.

Jurist, Daniel's father, and other prominent men visited Johnbull with drinks for Preye's introduction and pleaded with him to reconsider his decision to terminate Preye's pregnancy.

Johnbull was surprised when he heard the spokesman's statement about his plan to abort the pregnancy. He became furious upon learning that his secret plan had been revealed by his visitors. Rejecting the drinks, Johnbull escorted them out, expressing his desire to further his daughter's education.

"This girl must be stupid! She announced my secret plan to her stupid boyfriend's father. She will know the type of father who gave birth to her," he scolded.

"What's the problem?" Ebi heard his voice from upstairs and rushed downstairs to meet her husband. "Why are you shouting?" she asked.

"Your stupid daughter reported my plan to her boyfriend and his father. They came here with drinks and started telling me rubbish. They begged me to marry her with those stupid drinks; I don't know where they brought them from!

Dear, it's the reason you're shouting, trying to bring down this house like a woman. Don't you know that your daughter doesn't want you to terminate her pregnancy? That's why she sent her husband's family to beg you! Don't you know!?" she asked her husband, expecting him to praise their daughter for honoring him as her father.

"You must be mad too. Birds of a feather flock together. This is how you bargained with your daughter. Disappear from my sight, idiot! Senior adviser who can't advise her daughter. I must do what I like, and nobody can change my plan," he said, walking into his house.

The following day, Jurist sent members of the elders' council to beg Johnbull to stop the termination of the pregnancy. However, he also dismissed the elders without listening to their plea.

Johnbull dragged Preye inside his room and warned her never to leave his house, threatening that if she did, she wouldn't be allowed back. He instructed her not to use her phone to call her boyfriend, ordering her to stay indoors until he completely aborted the pregnancy. Later, he returned to take her phone and sent boys to buy food for her whenever she was hungry.

She obeyed her father and stayed indoors, feeling extremely anxious about his control over her. Preye no longer felt she had any rights. She pondered over what offense she might have committed to deserve such miserable treatment from her father. Her movements were closely monitored by her father and some boys he paid to ensure she didn't secretly meet her boyfriend.

Preye's sudden disappearance prompted her friends to inquire about her whereabouts, and they learned about her father's harsh measures against her.

Johnbull negotiated with an abortionist and set a date to terminate Preye's pregnancy. Unbeknownst to Preye, the woman agreed to the arrangement and fixed the date.

The neighbors became outraged by Johnbull's decision to proceed with Preye's abortion. Some of them visited Johnbull, advising him to abandon the idea, but he disregarded their counsel. The news spread throughout the entire city like a virus.

Daniel was very anxious about Johnbull's reaction to the pregnancy, finding it difficult to discuss the matter with Preye. Growing increasingly furious and frustrated each day, he persistently begged his father to intervene with Johnbull. Daniel started contemplating how to find a solution to salvage the issue. He even sent his female friend to meet Preye, providing her with money to fulfill her desires, as they couldn't meet each other, nor could they communicate directly. They continued praying for each other but found no way to communicate.

Jurist, seeking to persuade Johnbull, sent James, a well-known doctor, to discuss the dangers of abortion. Though Johnbull's facial expression changed, he remained adamant. The doctor emphasized that abortion can cause infertility, citing the example of Ruth, a girl from his maternal home who, at nineteen, began terminating pregnancies. Ruth aborted her first pregnancy because she considered the boy responsible too immature. The second abortion was due to her dislike of the boy's behavior. Her third pregnancy ended because the boy was poor and unable to support her, he explained, observing Johnbull's reaction.

"Ruth terminated three pregnancies with three different boys. However, after getting married, she faced infertility issues. Despite visiting various local midwives, they couldn't solve the problem," Doctor James narrated to Johnbull. Ruth distanced herself from her parents and sisters, resorting to name-calling and isolation. The doctor recounted this story in an attempt to dissuade Johnbull from proceeding with Preye's abortion.

Johnbull quietly listened as James continued telling him the story of Ruth's abortions while maintaining eye contact. Ruth's pregnancies ended in miscarriage at three months when she did manage to get pregnant. Ruth had terminated all her pregnancies before three months, which later became a serious problem for her. Some pastors and prophets misled her, claiming her mother was the cause of her infertility. They deceived her in various ways, leading her to spend a lot of money. She eventually believed she was the cause of her infertility after a significant prophet asked her to name the boys responsible for the pregnancies she had aborted.

"That was the day I heard Ruth's story. So, I advise you not to abort the pregnancy of this innocent girl," he pleaded, looking at Johnbull's face. In anger, Johnbull stood up and ordered James to leave his house.

James returned with the sad news of Johnbull's reaction, narrating the outcome of his encounter with Johnbull.

Jurist pondered whom he could send next because he was determined not to let Johnbull proceed with the abortion. He wanted to make everything possible before it was too late. He deeply cared for his son and withdrew money from his bank for the marriage, hoping that Johnbull would allow Preye to marry his son. Money wasn't the problem; he just wanted his only son to live comfortably with his wife.

The following day, Jurist sent a counselor to beg Johnbull. The counselor agreed and visited Johnbull at night, pleading with him not to go through with the abortion.

"I will do what I have decided, and nobody can stop me. I can't change my decision. I want to further my daughter's education," he declared firmly.

"Your in-laws have agreed to take care of your daughter's responsibilities. She hasn't been admitted to a higher institution. Why are you still stressing about this issue? What are your pains?" he questioned Johnbull.

Johnbull listened quietly and then replied, "I don't want my daughter to marry into that family. None of my family members will marry into that family."

"What are your reasons for rejecting them from marrying your daughter?" the counselor asked again.

"I have a serious misunderstanding with Jurist. I will never forget or forgive him. When you go back, tell him that," Johnbull asserted.

The counselor left Johnbull's house, holding onto the unrevealed secret, and met Jurist in the night. He explained everything and waited for his response.

"So, this is the reason he wants to abort the pregnancy of the innocent girl!? No problem! I did it to save him and our family, to avoid premature death," he exclaimed.

The counselor listened quietly and then asked Jurist to reveal the secret of the matter.

Jurist cleared his throat and began, "Johnbull and my parents bargained and forced my sister into an early marriage. I don't know how he arranged it with my parents to marry my younger sister. According to her, Johnbull and four other boys seized her while she was cooking in my mother's kitchen in the evening.

He didn't propose marriage to her. My parents and Johnbull warned the girl never to return to her father's house. Distressed, she planned to end her life, sending a deadline message to my parents through her friend, Mien-ebi. I learned about this when Mien-ebi was informing my parents. Upon returning from work and inquiring, they informed me she had married Johnbull. I assumed she had accepted his proposal before leaving. I spent a year working before returning home.

"My parents concealed the truth and deceived me. I was with them when the girl passed the message from my sister to my parents. I went to Johnbull's house seeking the truth about the marriage.

"When I visited, Johnbull was seated in his parlor, and my younger sister was kept indoors. I demanded he bring her out. She emerged tearful and disclosed she was forced into marriage by Johnbull.

"I became furious, demanding Johnbull reveal those behind the arrangement. It was then he confessed that he had bargained with my parents for the marriage and warned me not to interfere.

"Filled with anger, I immediately took my sister home, as I heard the message she sent to my parents about her intentions to commit suicide.

"Years passed since that forceful marriage. It happened during the time of our ancestors. When he inquired why I took my sister home, I explained that I couldn't bear the thought of her committing suicide at his house. He concluded.

"I did it to save his life and my sister. He later got married to the mother of this pregnant girl without any problem. If that's the reason for his reaction to this issue, let him do his worst. I have no other misunderstanding with Johnbull except this," he explained to the counselor.

The counselor nodded in affirmation and advised Jurist to stop begging Johnbull and return home. Jurist called Daniel to his room and relayed the message from Johnbull. He advised Daniel to control his feelings towards Preye. Daniel had previously felt a strong desire to marry Preye, but his enthusiasm diminished due to her father's reaction.

"What have I done to this man? What's going on between me and him? Why does he want to ruin our relationship for no reason? Why? Am I not handsome enough or educated enough? I thought I didn't even have a bad character. Why is he doing this to me? I never had a misunderstanding with him before. I never believed that this man could be as wicked as the devil," Daniel expressed his frustration.

The following week, Johnbull summoned the abortionist to Preye's room after their negotiation. The abortionist provided Preye with an abortion charm, but she adamantly refused to drink it. Despite her rejection, the abortionist tried to convince her that the charm would make her feel healthier and stronger.

Johnbull intervened and forcibly administered the charm to Preye. Shortly after consuming it, Preye began bleeding profusely and eventually collapsed. The blood flowed heavily from her private parts.

Johnbull panicked upon seeing her lose consciousness. He hurriedly took her to St. Jeremiah's Hospital to stop the bleeding and seek medical treatment. Desiring immediate treatment, Johnbull urged the doctor to commence treatment there, but the doctor recommended transferring her to another hospital.

Chapter 2

Johnbull moved randomly through the hospital like a mad man, creating a tense atmosphere around him. He felt overwhelmed with worry and confusion, pondering his next course of action. The devastating outcome of his final decision stunned him, leaving him too shocked to cry. He seemed lost, behaving like a goat without an owner, desperately seeking someone to assist him. He reacted as though engulfed in flames, his trousers no longer fitting properly. He breathed heavily, resembling a lizard that had fallen from a roof, mouth agape in shock.

Johnbull urgently conveyed the terrible news to his closest brothers, seeking their help. The situation had become a hideous nightmare for him, making everything clumsy and awkward. He contemplated deeply on how to transport the corpse back home. Johnbull's emotional turmoil had significantly affected him.

Johnbull called his elder brother and other relatives, informing them about his daughter's death. He pleaded with his elder brother to purchase a coffin for the corpse. With no other choice, he decided to escape from the hospital, fearful of Preye's maternal family.

Facing blame and insults from people, Johnbull felt a rush of unseen flames and smoke in his mind. His decision to abort Preye's pregnancy had caused him significant problems. He summoned his relatives to meet him at his hideout.

His elder brother procured the coffin and transported Preye's body to Keme community, their hometown. They arranged for the burial of the corpse.

Preye's maternal family arranged two taxis and drove to Keme community.

The news had reached Jurist's family, prompting them to plan a visit to Keme community for compensation due to the loss of their unborn baby.

Daniel cried deeply upon hearing the news of Preye's death. Tempted to harm himself, his relatives intervened and saved him. He reflected on the promises they once shared.

"This man has caused the deaths of Preye and my unborn baby. Oh, Preye! I had hoped for eternal happiness together. Why did Johnbull bring confusion and premature death between us?" he sobbed.

"Take heart, my son. It has happened, and there is nothing we can do now. He will regret his deviant behavior. He has found what he sought. There is nothing you can do to bring her back," Daniel sympathized with his son.

Both Daniel's family and Preye's maternal family arrived at Keme community simultaneously and found Preye's lifeless body in Johnbull's room.

Johnbull's family members remained aloof, treating Daniel and Preye's maternal family as strangers, avoiding further pain. None of them extended a warm welcome, distancing themselves as Johnbull's siblings.

Some town elders and other respected individuals guided them to the town hall to discuss and arrange Preye's burial. However, the chairman of the community, enraged by the situation, left the community, choosing not to involve himself in the matter as he had pleaded with Johnbull not to abort the pregnancy, a plea that went unheard.

The elders and other prominent men moved to the community hall, bringing drinks to entertain both parties before initiating the discussion.

Representatives from Eko community (Preye's maternal community) and Ebe community (Jurist's community) gathered in the hall. Peter, the spokesperson from Eko community, and Kelvin, the spokesperson from Ebe community, inquired with Keme Community about the circumstances surrounding Preye's death to gather more information.

Kelvin, the spokesperson for Keme Community, stood up and disclosed all the secrets regarding Preye's premature death.

"I didn't see the aborted child, and that's why Johnbull's relatives are here with us," the spokesperson from the elders' council pointed at them with his finger. A representative from Preye's maternal family stood up and posed another question.

Peter, the spoke'sman from Eko community, also rose and asked, "Where are the bodies of Preye and the aborted baby?

Kelly stood up and declared, 'We have buried the aborted child, and Preye's deceased body remains in her father's room. We informed Johnbull's relatives that the matter has been entrusted to the community elders. Since he has fled, the deceased body should remain unburied until Preye's maternal family and the father of the aborted baby arrive,'" he replied to Peter.

Kelvin, Daniel's spokesperson, stood up and conveyed their decision to Kelly, who was representing Johnbull. He addressed both Preye's maternal family and Daniel's family members, acting as a peacekeeper.

"We pleaded with Johnbull six times not to abort Preye's pregnancy. We even assured him not to worry about her responsibilities, but he disregarded our pleas and did as he pleased. You should tell Johnbull to compensate us for the share of the aborted child, as he has ruined his own share. If not, Johnbull and his family will regret this situation," Kelvin warned.

When Johnbull traveled with the girl to the city, we noticed and inquired. He mentioned he wanted to buy her a JAMB form. Tell Johnbull and his relatives to compensate us with five hundred thousand for our grandchild," he stated before sitting down to listen to Johnbull's spokesman.

"Both yourself and I are messengers in this matter. Johnbull is the focal point. During this settlement, we have pondered. Our community's youths have a saying: 'No matter how small the catfish, it still has three gills.' Please, we're here for a resolution. Johnbull has faced an unexpected situation. It's beyond his control," Johnbull's spokesman pleaded.

"When Johnbull intended to abort Preye's pregnancy, selected men and women from our elders' council visited him and pleaded, but he rejected all their appeals, dismissing them. Considering Johnbull's actions, we might be tempted to use a cutlass and divide him into two hundred pieces. However, expending our energy on Johnbull's behavior is not worthwhile," he continued.

"We can be reconcilers tomorrow if you agree to terms with us today. Please, don't allow Johnbull's malevolent behavior to breed discord between our communities," he earnestly implored both parties.

Johnbull's relative sent us a message without waiting for your inquiry. Please pardon us if we make errors; we have individual differences, diverse community ethics, norms, rules, and distinct ways of addressing people.

"He caused harm to his own children and requested us to plead on his behalf. We are not resentful enough to ignore his message. Since we've committed to him, all we can do is plead with you.

"Everyone in this hall, please refrain from reacting harshly to his transgressions. I can't describe his current state; he feels alone, depressed, disappointed, devastated, and melancholic. His bitterness has stripped happiness from his life.

"Johnbull has fled, speaking authoritatively that he knows what he's doing and no one can stop him. At present, he's in hiding due to his own children. He has lost his children and incurred unexpected expenses. Please, our in-laws, reason with us." Johnbull's spokesman, his relatives, and other prominent community figures knelt and implored Preye's maternal relatives and Jurist's family. The eldest man from Preye's maternal family ordered them to stand up.

Peter stood up and remarked that Johnbull is on the run due to his own deliberate actions that caused harm to his children. He's moving in an unknown direction. What we encountered from Johnbull today has deeply upset us. He hasn't even visited our community for our daughter's introduction, that is, Preye's mother. Many people in this hall haven't seen him either.

"He failed to realize that he alone didn't give birth to the girl. Despite numerous pleas from several members of this community, he disregarded their efforts and harmed the children. There was no communication informing us about the abortion of Preye's pregnancy. Moreover, when Preye passed away, none of Johnbull's relatives reached out to inform us. We came here to confirm Preye's death because we were incredulous when we first heard about it. Hence, we intend to return to our community.

You must preserve Preye's deceased body until Johnbull and his family members come to our community for our daughter's introduction. Following that, he must compensate us for our share of the children he harmed. He needs to accord us that respect before we can unite with his family and proceed with Preye's burial. If not, there will be conflict, and anything could happen.

"Moreover, we still have other children with Johnbull, including Preye's younger siblings. They will accompany us to our community along with his wife, our daughter, who is Preye's mother. Johnbull's actions are appalling; we cannot leave these children for Johnbull to harm them all, to prevent more tragic news," he declared before walking out of the hall.

Johnbull's spoke'sman and other elders from Keme community hurriedly left the hall and proceeded to Johnbull's house. There, they met Preye's maternal family packing all of Johnbull's belongings and the children from his house into their taxis, including his wife, Preye's mother. They implored them to disembark from the vehicles and join them in the hall. The eldest person from Preye's maternal family stood up and continued speaking: "We came to this community due to the distressing news about the death of our children, as our spoke'sman previously mentioned.

"In marriages, whether from your own community or another, if something good or bad happens to the woman you marry, you must inform her maternal family too. The husband alone did not give birth to the children," he angrily exclaimed in a loud voice.

"Johnbull and his family members were supposed to inform us before making any other arrangements. They are not children; they understand. Every mature man in this hall has married from different families and understands what I am talking about."

Johnbull's siblings, the elders in the hall, and the villagers were taken aback by the man's statement. They listened to him quietly.

"If it weren't for our children from the nearby community informing us, we wouldn't have seen our daughter's corpse. As I said, we came to discover the truth, and that's why I followed them to this community, being the eldest man in our quarter. We are not foolish. Today, we are not here to bury our daughter," he added emphatically.

We respect individuals based on their conduct. When someone wrongfully claims authority, it can instigate irrational reactions in others. We come from a calm and respectful family, but Johnbull's family is trying to influence us to engage in something inappropriate. If caution is not exercised, we might succumb to it.

"I commend the efforts of this community's elder council in handling this issue. Our youth believes that a person who can't be honest with their family can't hold a position of authority. As I mentioned, our aim is to uncover the truth in this situation.

"He gestured towards Preye's grandmother in the hall and highlighted how she diligently cared for her children. Ebi, Preye's mother, is her first daughter, followed by another three daughters," he shared with everyone present.

Everyone values education, but not in a manner that pretends to end children's lives," he pointed to Preye's grandmother. "This woman ensured her two daughters pursued higher education even after giving birth to two children from different partners. They are now government employees."

"It's terrible to halt girls' education due to pregnancy. Even worse is killing them through abortion. If your decision is to halt girls' education due to pregnancy, my brother, it's because of financial constraints."

"If everyone continues to terminate their daughters' pregnancies through abortion, there will be no girls left for our sons to marry. We shouldn't project our frustrations onto our children, as Johnbull did. As I mentioned earlier, we want to leave now, and we're taking our children with us.

Chapter 3

Preye's maternal family members drove back to their community with all the properties and the children, including Johnbull's wife and their daughter. Jurist and his family members re-entered the town hall after a brief discussion outside. Johnbull's family members contemplated how to resolve the matter with Daniel's family. The issue became awkward for them to handle, as the two sides made different decisions about Preye's death."

Kelvin, Daniel's spokesman, stood up and continued. We have petitioned Johnbull in the police station. He cannot kill our child and live in peace. He who searches for trouble must surely receive it. Johnbull must go to the police station and explain the reason he aborted our child.

Kelvin stood up again and pleaded with Daniel's family. You said Johnbull has been petitioned in the police station. Please, withdraw the petition, I'm begging you. The elder's council made every endeavor to calm Jurist and his son. The situation became difficult for the elders. Preye's relatives and friends cried deeply in pain. They didn't know what to do.

As an educated man, Johnbull should have known that abortion can lead to death, especially when using a charm. Abortion might not completely remove the pregnancy. It can cause infection in the womb, heavy or irregular bleeding, and mental health problems such as feeling down or upset. Johnbull should have been aware of these dangers. He will pay for his misconduct. We have to use Johnbull as an example to discourage wicked parenting."

We are the paternal family of the aborted child. No one can predict the future of our aborted child. My final word is that you must compensate us with the sum of seven hundred thousand naira for our aborted child. If not, Johnbull will face the consequences of his deeds," Kelvin exclaimed and then sat down.

Kelly and Johnbull's siblings pleaded with Daniel's family members to calm down. They requested that they consider the efforts of the elders and restrain their anger.

"Please, we know that Johnbull did something wrong. He faced unexpected consequences. I implore you not to act in response to Johnbull's actions; you might end up doing something worse than him," the spoke'sman earnestly begged.

Jurist, Daniel's father, stood up from his seat. "We will not accept any compensation from Johnbull. Accepting it might imply that we are here for money. We are here due to the pain of our aborted child. I cannot describe the stress I went through because of this unborn baby. My brothers will still have brighter days ahead. Witnessing the elders' suffering due to Johnbull's deeds troubles me deeply."

"I am a man of peace, and my son Daniel follows my steps. We have accepted your plea, my elders. It was stubbornness that led John Bull to collide with The Rock. I have seen your efforts towards this, along with my elders. Johnbull refused to heed people's advice, and that's why he faces this problem today. I will withdraw the petition, but you should warn Johnbull very well," Jurist stated and then sat down.

Kelvin and the elders expressed their appreciation to Jurist and his family members for their kindness regarding the issue. Subsequently, Jurist and his relatives left the town hall and drove home.

The elders of Keme community and Johnbull's relatives strategized on how to transport Preye's body to the mortuary and settle the bill until they resolved the matter with Eko community. Johnbull's relatives borrowed money from various lenders. They took Preye's deceased baby to the mortuary, and Johnbull's family members moved around the community seeking solutions to address the issue.

Daniel bargained with his peer group to kill Johnbull, They started searching for johnbull in various community. Daniel lied to his father whenever he travelled with his friends, in searched of johnbull. food became Daniels enemy at the first week of preye's death . He planned to kill johnbull secretly and discard his dead body to the roadside.

. Within a period of time Daniels mother noticed his illegal movement with some bad boys and advise him to stop. She reported Daniel's plan to jurist. The couple advice Daniel on their room., that shouldn't commit murder because of Johnbull reaction towards his preye.

Daniel obeyed his parents and stopped the idea of eradicating Johnbull from earth.The next day He called his gang to his father's house and told them to stopped.

Johnbull family members continuoud to look for solution to the problem. They gathered at the community town hall, and think how to beg preye's maternal family. The elder's council president called Johnbull on phone and transmitted the information to him.

Later, the president of the elders' council advised Johnbull to remain at his hideout. The same Johnbull who previously rejected people's advice about the abortion of Preye's pregnancy was now heeding the president's advice. They informed him about the amount of money spent on entertaining the strangers and the funds borrowed from money lenders. Johnbull became sorrowful upon hearing the feedback from his relatives and the president of the elders' council.

"Why me, oh God!? I am spending unexpected money because of my own children. I wish I had known; I would have listened to their advice. They warned me about the dangers of abortion several times, but I disregarded their counsel and sent them away," he muttered, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Where will I get the money to solve these problems? I'm passing through sleepless nights; I cannot eat anymore. Life is unbearable. What could have made me abort Preye's pregnancy, if I knew this would be the result? I have lost my children and still face several predicaments. Friends and family members advised me. It's just that I didn't listen to them," he thought, crying at his hideout, staring at the ceiling as though searching for a missing child.

Kelvin and the elders traveled to Eko community for Ebi, Johnbull's wife introduction, as they were instructed. Upon visiting them and completing Ebi's introduction, Preye's maternal family members ordered Johnbull to pay Ebi's bride price before Preye's corpse could be buried. They demanded the bride price to be paid within a week.

"If Johnbull and his family members decide to bury Preye's corpse without our notice, there will be war between the two families. Go and tell them that we said so."

Johnbull's relatives begged for permission to bury the corpse before paying the bride price, but Ebi family members rejected their plea. Kelly and the elders drove to their community and conveyed the message from their in-laws to Johnbull's relatives.

Those in charge of the matter began seeking help from philanthropists in Johnbull's family. However, Johnbull and his family couldn't provide the money for the expenses anymore, so they had to borrow money from their leaders.

The issue became increasingly difficult for them, with some elders feeling exhausted from the stress it caused. They became agitated and negotiated not to pay Preye's bride price, opting to wait for Preye's in-laws' reaction. However, Kelly advised them to disregard their plan.

The news from Preye's maternal family members spread to all the quarters in Keme community. People started planning to pack their property and leave the community due to fear of Eko Community.

Eko community was a powerful and feared community known for their ability to harm and even kill people through charms and firearms. They had previously destroyed a nearby community, and only the federal government had the capacity to stop them.

The chairman of Keme community appealed to all ten quarters in the community to contribute twenty thousand naira each to prevent conflict between the two communities. This decision stirred up disapproval among several members of the community, with some citizens planning to hand Johnbull over to Eko Community.

A general meeting was called by the chairman, gathering all the men in the community at the town hall. He explained the purpose of the money contributed, clarifying that it wasn't for Ebi's bride price. Instead, it was intended for burying Preye's corpse. He emphasized that there was no obligation to marry Ebi to Johnbull."

After resolving this issue, it's up to Johnbull and his in-laws to decide when they'll arrange the bride price. We're uncertain whether they'll proceed with the marriage after this situation. All members who attended the meeting agreed, driven by their love for Preye.

The following day, Kelly, along with the elders and army, visited Eko community. They explained their financial inability to pay Ebi's bride price and requested permission to bury the deceased girl's body.

Eko community accepted their proposal and instructed Johnbull's relatives to come and discuss compensation for the children killed by Johnbull."

Chapter 4

The army escorted Kelly and the elders back to Keme community after a brief discussion with Eko community before returning to their duty post. The following day, the army accompanied them back to Eko community for the compensation related to Preye and the aborted child. Kelly and the elders were apprehensive about Eko community and were accompanied by the army for their safety. During their next visit, Kelly and the elders agreed to provide compensation for Preye and the five-month aborted child, though they were unsure about the exact amount at that time. They simply agreed to make the payment. They then proceeded to Johnbull's in-laws' house, exchanged warm greetings, and initiated their discussion."

Our in-laws, please don't let Johnbull's wickedness spark community crises between us. We need to handle this situation wisely, avoiding deviant reactions due to Johnbull's evil character. Reacting in anger can create further problems, similar to what Johnbull is experiencing now. His own children's misfortune is a result of his wicked behavior, leading to unexpected challenges in his life," he said, his tone pleading.

"Johnbull intentionally ended the life of our daughter and the unborn child, a deliberate act akin to using a weapon. He brought the girl from the city to his house, provided her with an abortion charm, and caused her death, knowing the dangers involved in such procedures."

"We've witnessed university female students who have managed to give birth to three children and continue their education while living with their husbands. Pregnancy should not hinder a female student's education, unless the parents or the husband lack the means to support her further studies. That's not an acceptable excuse."

This issue is grave. The abortion charm destroyed the girl's womb, resulting in her bleeding to death. We are deeply angered by this situation," Preye's maternal side expressed.

"We, from the maternal side, have decided that Johnbull must pay the sum of one million naira for our children he killed," they further stated.

In response, Johnbull's spokesman stood and pleaded with Preye's maternal side to reduce the amount to three hundred thousand naira. Both the chairman and other prominent men from Keme community knelt and implored Preye's relatives to reconsider.

"Please, stand up," the elders requested. "We acknowledge your efforts and status, but the final decision remains: Johnbull must pay the sum of one million."

Subsequently, Johnbull's relatives stepped out for a brief discussion, realizing they couldn't afford such a substantial amount. Upon returning, they assured Preye's members they would pay the one million naira the following month, which was accepted by Preye's maternal family.

They returned home and conveyed the outcome to Johnbull and his other relatives, inciting fury among the members of Keme community.

Where and how can Johnbull's relatives afford one million naira to pay? Let the corpse remain in the mortuary until they are ready to settle with us and bury it. I'm tired of this issue," Kelly expressed.

They all returned to their homes and awaited resolution from Eko community to bury the corpse.

Frustration transformed Johnbull into a madman. He couldn't emerge from his hideout to plan with his family. He moved like an empty cellophane controlled by the breeze.

In the midnight hours, Preye's spirit began to cry and torment them one after another, compelling them to bury her. Her spirit forbade Johnbull from closing his eyes and continued to distress them with sorrowful tears. Preye's spirit appeared to her friends and family members, urging her father to bury her as her soul was restless. Otherwise, she threatened to harm him.

Johnbull contacted his family members and shared the issue with them, and they faced similar disturbances. He became confused and couldn't find rest, tormented both day and night by her spirit.

A few days ago, Johnbull emerged from his hideout, traveled home, planned with his relatives, and brought Preye's corpse from the mortuary, proceeding to bury her.

Preye's maternal family informed their relatives, both abroad and at home, that Johnbull buried the corpse without paying compensation for the children he killed.

Papperman, Preye's uncle, journeyed home upon hearing the news from his mother. Initially seeking a peaceful resolution due to his own marital connections, upon learning of Johnbull's secret burial of Preye's corpse, he became furious. He mobilized three of his companions with guns.

They arrived at Johnbull's community at 5:00 am, heading straight to Johnbull's parents' house. Having previously obtained information about the layout of Johnbull's parents' home, they seized Johnbull's parents and one of his uncles, coercing them into cars without making any noise. They transported them to a forest and bound their legs and hands.

The next morning, Papperman sent a message to Keme community, demanding they provide Johnbull to him. If not, he threatened to set fire to the community.

Upon receiving the message, the community chairman and others devised a plan to protect the community with the army. While some community members advised the chairman to dispatch boys to apprehend Johnbull for Papperman, the chairman was deeply concerned, fearing a dire situation for the community during his tenure. A gathering ensued at the chairman's office where the community sought solutions to address the issue, with everyone contributing various ideas.

Simultaneously, some men relayed the information to their wives. Upon hearing the news, these women discreetly packed and fled to nearby communities, seeking safety for their lives and property. They harbored fear of Papperman, aware of his unpredictability and unyielding nature. His actions seemed unstoppable, and it was believed that only divine intervention or the federal government could curb his decisions. Papperman was recognized for his forceful character and tactical prowess in handling crises.

Three days later, he sent a deadline message to Keme community, stating that if they couldn't hand over Johnbull within five days, he would set the community ablaze, sparing no house. This message greatly troubled the chairman and other influential members. Some prominent individuals who resided in the city began organizing to counter Papperman's threat. They made arrangements to deploy gunboats and army vans to eliminate Papperman, having endured his troubles long enough on their territory. Additionally, they collaborated with some of the community's defiant boys to locate Papperman.

The chairman was filled with trepidation. He formulated a plan to protect his community from the impending crisis. The chairman met with Johnbull and his subordinates to strategize and rescue Johnbull's parents and uncle from Papperman. They choose a quiet hotel to avoid noise and large crowds. Unbeknownst to Johnbull, while the chairman was discussing the plan with him, the chairman's secretary secretly communicated with Papperman regarding their negotiation before meeting Johnbull.

Papperman and his men stormed into the hotel. In the chaos, the chairman, his companions, the hotel manager, and others fled. They apprehended Johnbull and forcefully ushered him into a car, heading towards the forest where his parents and uncle were kept captive.

Upon reaching the forest, Papperman untied Johnbull's parents and uncle. He ordered his men to execute Johnbull and then transported the deceased body along with his parents to Keme community before returning to his own community.

The end.

your motivation will help me to write more.

Mienseifa_Indiancreators' thoughts
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