
1. Imperial Command and Assassins

The horn bellowed signaling the victory of the troops of Wu Empire. Those who were alive screamed with joy.

The air was metallic filled with the stench of blood. Corpses of the defeated troops lay cold while the victorious screamed with happiness.

It was a one sided attack, the troops of rebels couldn't stand a chance against General Yang.

Near the military tents, all soldiers rejoiced. A few happy to be alive, a few still burning with the desire for killing, a few happy to have stood for his country and a there were a few who remained still after seeing the war.

Wine and food was spread about to the whole camp.

The neighbouring village even brought along hundreds of beauties, courtesans to serve the young soldiers.

The usually quiet camp was bustling today with people, food and lights akin to red light district.

Women served these warriors, pouring wine, dancing.

One of the courtesans, was the famed Miss Jia, the famous beauty who left all the customers wanting for more, her beautiful face, graceful dances, elegant hair and perfect body left all women jealous.

She made her way, to the largest tent, the resting area of General Yang.

She let her hips sway as she walked, making all of the soldiers gulp in desire. It was nothing new to her. In fact she loved the way, her slight moves could catch their attention.

Surely the general would be no different. She thought.

After all, the troops of Wu, led by General Yang were fighting the rebels for 3 months, the pent up frustration and emotions could easily be cooled by a hot night.

The guards in front of the General's camp let her pass through. She winked at them and lifted the heavy cloth, meant to serve as a door.

She gasped.

She was expecting, a crusty General with disheveled clothes just like the rumours. But what she found was a whole new experience.

Standing in front of her, was a young man of probably 20s, his long hair tied up, a perfect face and a strong body, with muscles so perfect. A few large scars were visible through his light undershirt.

Miss Jia smiled as she couldn't believe her luck, she thought she would have to bear this night somehow and trick an old General into making her a concubine.

But seeing this amazing man, she wouldn't even regret anything.

She made her way towards him, slowly slipping off her dress, to reveal her naked body.

"General, Would you like some help?", she asked, slowly pulling on the generals shirt.

"I don't need any, miss.", General said and walked towards his bed. He sat down and sighed.

"I am sure I can relieve you of any problems.", Miss Jia said, climbing on top of him.

"Get away.", General said, his voice stern.

That just riled her up, she put a hand slowly touching his face and the second she touched his hair, the General got up and pushed her down.

His hand choking her.

"I said get away.",

"Guards! Guide this woman away.", he said, and let go.

Miss Jia ran and covered herself. She was shivering. She ran out before the guards even came inside.

The General groaned and slept on his bed. He massaged his temples. The war was a bit too hard on him this time.

He gruntled and tried to sleep peacefully for the first time in 2 months.

But nope, he wasn't going to get it.

"General! General!", a voice annoyed him.

"What?", the angry General said.

"There is an urgent message for you, from the Emperor." The soldier said.

"The Emperor? What is it this time?", he asked and got up to sit.

"Urm… He has summoned you to the Capital immediately. He has asked you to be present in front of him by tomorrow morning.", the soldier said and braced himself for the imminent scolding from General.

"Tomorrow?", the General asked.

"Yes, your grace." The soldier said.

"How much time does it take to get to the capital?", General asked.

"Uh…. 1 week by foot, 5 days by a carriage, 2 days by a horse with no breaks." He replied.

"You would think the Emperor knew that.", General said, his eyes showing his anger. He got up fiercely and took the wine bottle near the table and gulped it all in one go.

" Prepare my horse, I'll leave in half an hour.", he said walking with the bottle towards the waterfall.

He stripped off his clothes and soaked for a while, his body glistening in the moonlight was enough to make all blush.

He wore a light cloak and sword and started his journey to the capital. He had 12 hours or less.

He went off path, through the forest, almost becoming a snack to the tigers there. After crossing paths, with a pack of wolves, an annoying old couple and almost dying by a landslide. He made it in the capital.

The horse was too tired. He left his trusted steed in a local stable and rented another horse and made his way to the Palace.

The place which holds a leash on him.

He hated the imperial family. His family was completely loyal and he had to follow in his father's and brother's footsteps and be the loyal dog of the Emperor.

Unlike his brother, who has sworn loyalty to the Emperor, General Yang Wei was more inclined to support the Crown Prince, Wu Ruo Xuan.

He disgruntledly and continued through the royal grounds. Where he was supposed to meet the Emperor.

The horse was not at all compliant. He sighed and continued.


He turned when heard the sound of an arrow.

He walked towards it and saw a team following a deer and trying their best to hunt it.


Another sound, from the opposite direction.

He got down from his horse and walked towards it. Slowly creeping as the sound came from the restricted area.

He then heard a few voices and came a cross what seemed to be a standoff.

There were at least 7 people dressed in black from head to toe, holding swords, there were a few dressed similarly holding a bow. In middle, there was the 3rd prince hurt, with an arrow to his stomach. He weakly held on to a sword and tried to push away the 7 assailants.

Yang reconsidered his actions. Everyone knew the third prince was the weakest. His only support was the Duke Shen. If not for him, third prince would have long perished with no backing.

Most likely the one behind this would be either the Empress or even his friend, Crown Prince.

Yang sighed. The Emperor probably called him to protect this guy. He groaned. The travel drained him and now fighting off 10 people, 10 high class assassins?

Nevertheless, he took out his sword and jumped in.

Taking all of them by surprise.

General Yang never really showed his face, and he liked to keep it that way, it helped with espionage.

Now as they all could see and recognise his position by the sword, he decided they shouldn't be alive.

He prayed and apologised, before unleashing the beast in him. His sword moved cleanly, but in a barbaric way, unlike his family style of a graceful sword, his was way more animalistic.

The assassins still prioritised the murder of 3rd prince.

It was a huge ordeal to protect someone and kill, Yang decided he was gonna ask a 100,000,000 gold for this from the Emperor.

After what seemed a long time, there lay corpses of the assassins and the prince shivering.

Yang bent to check, as expected the arrow was poisoned. He was going to need to help this poor prince. He sighed and helped him get up.

"I didn't need the help of the lap dog of throne.", third prince groaned as the arrow turned the skin around it blue.

"Okay," Yang dropped the prince and went on towards the horse.

"Uhhh", the third prince didn't expect that. "F*cking hell", he cursed.

"What? Hahahahahaha you curse too? I thought you were too high headed for that." Yang laughed.

"F*ck this", third prince sat to calm down, but he soon fainted off.

"Yes, great.", Yang with great reluctance bent to check on the fallen prince.

A sound of hooves running towards them in great speed made him put on his guard. He tore a piece of cloth from the prince's over coat and covered his face.

He took the prince's sword and sheathed his. Ready to fight.

Upon the horse came a familiar figure.

His best friend, Crown Prince Ruo Xuan,

"Ming Yu! Oh god!", he ran and held the third princes head to check if he was breathing.

"Oi, wei, what's the meaning of this, why is he dying?", Ruo Xuan's face was filled with anger as he took out a sword and pointed at Yang.

"Sheathe your sword Crown Prince.", The eunuch who served the Emperor came and said.

He brought along an imperial doctor to heal the prince.

"Eunuch Bo? What are you doing here?", Ruo Xuan asked just as confused.

Yang just stays still, it was so confusing what was going on. He was already drunk and this didn't help.

"The prince will be alright, but he needs continuous treatment for at least 6 months to remove the poison. And we should start immediately or he will become a cripple.", the doctor said and began using a few needles.

Yang flinched, he could take stabs but needles, yup needles scared him.

"Crown prince, General Yang.", eunuch bowed and relayed the words of Emperor.

"The Empress is behind this, I can't protect him anymore, I want the prince to die, there should be no more prince Ming Yu, only Ming Yu.

She won't stop until he is dead, and I care for him to be alive. General Yang, I called you to protect the incoming attack on him.", Eunuch said.

"What?", Yang sighed. Great, his work was done. He could go back to his family.

"Hmmm, No wonder mother was so happy today.", Crown Prince Ruo Xuan said.

The doctor completed the task and was in a hurry to get away.

"Wait.", Crown Prince said.

"Yes your majesty.", the doctor bowed.

The prince took a side laying arrow and stabbed the doctor in the same spot.

The doctor screamed. But his screams were muffled by the eunuch who held a cloth against his mouth.

Soon, the doctor stayed lifeless on the ground.

Yang was taken aback with this, but the plan was obvious from the start. The doctor was meant to be the fake corpse.

The eunuch changed the clothes and the Crown Prince slashed the face of the doctor. Making it unrecognisable.

Yang whistled at the skills of the prince. The Eunuch soon made his way back.

The Crown prince kneeled caressed the face of third prince. He patted his head and got up.

"Wei, I order you to take him to Duke Shen, disguise yourself as a servant. Don't let Duke Shen know it's you. Stay beside Ming yu, care for him. You know what to do right? ….. When I take the throne. I'll let him come back. Got it?", he said sternly.

"But, I was supposed to have an audience today with the Emperor.", Yang tried to talk himself out of this task.

"I will handle it. But you better not fail in this, we may be of different factions, but I love my little brother. I hope I never have to mourn him any time soon. Now leave before anyone else sees.", the Crown Prince said and Yang left carrying Ming yu to the north.

The border city of Baicheng, which had the dukedom of Shen family.

In an inn, Yang changed into peasant clothes and explained the situation to the third prince who was pretty reluctant. But together they travelled 2 weeks and reached the outskirts of Baicheng.

I can’t really say anything lol, I am a newbie in this. but hope u like it ;)

For updates and more content, reach out to me

Instagram: @clockworkdamsel

have a great day guyssss or a great night…

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