5 Meeting DarkNess

Everything inside of me was shaking when I met him. Him not her. I found out what he was doing. Everything. Everything I cannot believe. Last Night was an eventful one. For sure. The shadow asked me to do a job. "Save the .... world." Those exact words were stuck in my mind as he said them. Slowly. Painfully. Deeply. He said everynight we had to meet up in that spot and he would "train me." I have no clue what me means by that. But should I trust him. I have school. I don't know. Should I tell Sam. Should she help. I have so much questions. He didn't answer them though. Like dude would you meet this stranger in the woods every day?? I know I wouldn't but something about the feeling that if he acually will do what he said he would how cool it would be. Maybe tonight I could decide but I still don't know what to do about school.

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