

"That's another reason he hates me." Sean says in-between laughs, finishing a story of he and Adrian in a pig race and I'm laughing hard too, imagining how Adrian would've felt with his face covered in mud.

"It's even funnier because he was so sure he'd beat you." I say, trying to catch my breath and his laughter doubles. Adrian has always been an asshole, a scary one though.

"Oh well," he says after we both catch our breaths, "it's fair since I've never liked him either."

"Yeah, I guess." I say smiling and we both lay in silence side by side on my bed.

Tomorrow's the big day and we've been spending a lot of time together for days now. He's not really that bad of a person and sometimes, I find it hard to believe that he was the one that actually did what he did in the beginning. He has so many personalities but I understand him, living with a somewhat bipolar Dylan taught me a lot. Sometimes, I forget about my past and all that happened, I laugh without worries, I'm happy without guilt and then when I'm sober again, the guilt triples.

My nightmares aren't so scary anymore, or maybe I just got used to them. My demons fight me at night and I let them, not having the will to fight back.

It's like a system, during the day I'm at peace with Sean then as the sun goes down, it drags my peace along with it. The memories come back, the fear creeps in and then the nightmares.

But right now, it's been really great, nothing's happening against me and it's creepy as fuck. I feel like the universe is giving me a break, letting me rest for an unforeseen future I do not want to think about.

"Hey." Sean brings me back to reality, "you zoned out again."

"Yeah sorry" I sigh, "I was just thinking, you know. Everything's going on too smoothly and it's freaking weird."

"So," he chuckles, "you want things to like, go bad?"

"Huh?" I ask chuckling too, "what? No! Why would I want that?"

"Well, it looks like you're reminding the universe to come at you."

"No I'm not. I'm just, argh!" I sigh loudly, "nevermind."

"Okay," he laughs, "if you say so."

"It's tomorrow." I point out, referring to the wedding.

"Yeah, it is."

"How is it going to be like?" I ask turning to look at him.

"You'd see." He smirks and I lay back down, looking at the ceiling.

"Do you think they'd like me?" I ask, a little scared of what to expect.

"Who? The people?"


"Well," he says, "all I can say is they won't harm you. Physically."

"That's a relief." I lie, not feeling relieved in any way. "Is there something I should know?"

"Not really."

"Sean?" I call his name gaining his attention, "something's been bothering me lately."

"What's that?" He asks with concern in his voice as he sits up and I do same.

"You're two hundred and fifty years old, right?" I ask the obvious and he nods, frowning his face a little in confusion.

"Well, you're that old and you look this young. It's almost as if you don't age and I'm here, twenty two, looking exactly my age. My point is, would I just keep growing gray and old and then die while you're still alive, young and unaging."

"Do you want to?" He asks and I frown, not quite getting his question.

"Do you want to be like me?" He rephrases his question and I remain silent, not sure if I really want that.

"Crystal I've lived for sufficient amount of years to tell you that life could get tiring." he says, "There's nothing new. It's just the same old routine and it could get really boring but then, death is even worse cos you just cease to exist. How boring. For you, it might be better because it means no more pains nor feelings but for me, for now, I'd rather be alive."

I don't know if he's trying to discourage it or encourage it but I'm still confused. It'd be weird getting old while he doesn't but do I really want to stay alive for so long? It's only been twenty two years and I'm tired already.

"You don't have to say anything now Crystal," he says and lays back down, "and stop overthinking things."

Sighing, I lay back down as well thinking about not overthinking. Maybe I really do overthink but hello, bored and jobless girl right here. It'd be nice to age really slowly and I could visit every country I want, I guess but like he said, it gets tiring with time.

"I have to go now," he says and stands up while I sit up on the bed, "you're going to get your dress tomorrow, make sure you try your best to look good." He says and I nod slightly, still scared and unsure of what to expect. I'm certain Miranda would be there glaring daggers at me, I can only hope they aren't actual daggers.

"Hey," he says and puts a strand of my hair behind my ear, "it's going to be fine."

"Yeah," I nod once, "are you sure there's nothing I should know?"

"I want you to act like the Queen you are tomorrow," he says, "hold your head up high, stand tall and be brave. I'm the only one that matters amongst everyone, okay."

"Yeah, okay." I whisper, feeling a little better.

"Good." He says and puts his hand on my head, patting me like a puppy, "it's late and we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow so you should get some sleep." I nod and give a fake smile, knowing I won't be able to get enough sleep. He nods his head for me to lay down which I do, covering myself with the covers.

"Goodnight Sean."

"Goodnight Crystal." He says and I expect him to disappear or something but he comes closer and leans in close to my face.

"What are you doing?" I ask and he smirks before kissing my forehead and putting off the lamp.

"I'm putting you to sleep." He whispers and I feel his hand touch my forehead, a calm sensation filling me and I start to feel really dizzy. Sleep takes over me as I close my heavy eyes and smile, happy I won't be having any nightmares tonight.

Thanks for reading once again. God bless you.

Blackturtlecreators' thoughts
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