
Part III

"This is really tasty Betty", I say few minutes into the food.

"This was the first food I learnt to cook. Chicken sauce and pasta." She says smiling proudly

"And it's my favorite dish", Jake chips in taking a bite of his chicken.

"Really? It's Dylan's favourite too"

"They both have more in common than they'd ever admit", Betty says and the three of us laugh, mine sounding more like a croak knowing it's a joke Dylan wouldn't find funny. I look to my right at Dylan whose sitting opposite his father and see he's not touched his food.

"Are you okay?", I whisper to him and he nods, smiling a little and taking a spoonful into his mouth to prove his point. I just smile back and we continue eating in silence.

Few minutes later, we're all done eating. Dylan goes back upstairs, Jake goes into the living room while Betty and I are doing the dishes in the kitchen. Small talking about our lives.

"Well, you never can tell when your past would catch up with you", she says laughing after telling a story about how her college boyfriend came looking for her a day to her wedding and how she thought he'd ruin things for her but luckily, he didn't. He just left with a broken heart and an invitation card.

"You're really funny Betty", I say laughing, truly enjoying her company.

"Been hearing that my whole life kid," she says drying her hands with a towel, "but I've never performed in a circus". We both laugh and sit at the table again.

"Well, people say I'm really great in fashion but I've never found myself in a magazine. Not even a local one". Laughing again, we continue talking until I remember Dylan is by himself upstairs. I wanna spend quality time with my husband before we go back and he has to resume back to work.

"Er, Betty. Do you mind if I excuse myself" I say smiling with pleading eyes.

"Ah", she says with her usual loving smile, "few minutes away from your husband and you're missing him already"

"No," I say blushing a little, " it's just, he's alone by himself and-"

"It's fine dear. I'm sure my old man wouldn't mind my troubles either"

"Thanks", I say and smile, getting up to leave but she holds my left hand gently.

"Don't thank me too soon", with that, she leaves my hand and goes into the living room while I head upstairs, her voice echoing in my head. What did she mean by that? She probably meant there's more fun ahead. I can't wait honestly. She actually made me forget about all that happened today. I'm sure it was all just in my head. Quickly, I go into the room and find Dylan lying down, going through his phone. He doesn't hear me come in so I walk as quietly as I possibly could, jumping on him and shouting. Startled, he pushes me off and falls to ground hitting his butt hard. Not being able to control it, I laugh as hard as I haven't in weeks.

My eyes tearing up and my ribs aching. The shocked expression on his face playing in my head making me laugh harder.

"Oh," he says laughing too, " you wanna play right?" He gets up and I scurry back into the bed, holding my sides knowing exactly what he wants to do. Not disappointing me, he comes at me, removing my hands and tickling me, making me laugh, kicking my legs and begging him to stop. Finally he gives in and lays on my chest, the both of us trying to catch our breaths.

"You're really mean you know", I say hitting the back of his head a little.

"Am I?", He says looking at me mischievously, coming up and stopping when he's eye level with me, " or should I show you what mean is?" Before I can say anything, he puts his mouth in mine, my eyes closing automatically, pouring out all my fear, anxiety and worry into the kiss. Slowly, the gentle kiss gets really fast and demanding.

He starts to caress my body, my hand going into his hair, the other at his back. I can feel his hand going under my shirt, grabbing my left breast, not breaking the kiss. I tug harder on his hair, knowing how much he loves it. He pinches my nipple gently and I moan, feeling a little wetness in my core. Slowly, he kisses my neck, going downwards, putting my right nipple in his mouth, sucking gently while nibbling the other with his finger. I grab his hair tightly, moaning and wrapping my legs around his waist as he keeps sucking.

Flipping him over, I unbutton his shirt and he does the rest while I remove mine. Without wasting anymore time, we both undress quickly and go back to kissing hard, pouring out our emotions into the kiss.

"You, taste, so, good baby" he says between kisses and I bite his lip, causing him to moan a little. He breaks the kiss again, sucking my nipple, his finger rubbing gently on my clit, teasing me, making me a moaning mess.

"You're so wet baby", he says in a husky voice that only turns me on more.

"I want you in me Dylan", i say, my voice not sounding like it belongs to me. As if that was his cue, he spreads my legs, rubbing the head of his cock gently against my clitoris, making me moan louder. Kissing my neck, he enters me slowly, being all gentle like it's my first time. He fills me up with his length and I suddenly feel safe, protected. I swear I can never get used to that feeling.

"Argh," he says into my ears, "you feel so good baby."

"Yeah," I say almost in a whisper not even thinking as he thrusts into me, his thrusts getting faster and deeper with time. Feeling utmost ecstacy, trying hard to hold back my moan a little, I grab the sheets tightly, biting onto his neck making him moan loudly, quickening his thrusts, making him go deeper. We make passionate love for minutes till we both reach our climax and he lays on my heaving chest, trying to catch our breaths. We both lay naked in silence, with him still inside me.

"I love so much more than words could describe Dylan", I say with so much emotion in my voice after a few seconds of silence.

"I love you more than you can ever imagine Crystal".

This is the most beautiful field I've ever seen. So green and so wide. I can't see the end from where I'm standing. The tall grasses looking so green and healthy. Standing in the middle of the field, my hair and my fine yellow dress blowing in the soft wind, the peace I feel is more than words can say. Suddenly, the weather starts getting really cold and the blue clouds darken right before my very eyes. I hear rustling in the grasses and before I know it, I'm being chased by a bull. a bull with very big and sharp looking horns.

Running as fast as my legs would let me, I look around for an escape route but all I see is green field turning to grey and the grasses dying as fast as my heart beats. Few seconds and the once beautiful field can't be called that anymore. I stumble on my feet and fall down, the bull coming at me. I try to run but my body seems to defy any form of motion.

In a split second the bull comes at me and I close my eyes screaming in fear and agony then opening them to see myself in my room with a naked Dylan beside me and my hand in my hair. Beads of sweat form on my forehead with my heart hammering in my chest and my body trembling from the fright, I try to take steady breaths, telling myself it was just a dream.

My throat becomes dry from the screaming. I try to swallow saliva but it only makes it hurt. Quickly, I put on my robe and head downstairs quietly to the kitchen for a glass of water. Everywhere's eerily quiet aside from the ticking of the big wall clock at the end of the passage telling you how short life is. Drinking to my fill and feeling so much better, I rinse the cup and just as I'm about putting it back in the cupboard, I hear a really strange voice right behind me.

"What's a pretty young girl like you doing out so late?"

My heart starts pounding in my chest threatening to escape. His stale breath fanning the back of my neck and goosebumps appear all over my arms as a result of fear and irritation. Without thinking twice about who it might be, my grip tightens around the glass and I swing it around with all the force I could muster up, aiming for the head but hitting nothing but the air, the glass falling from my hand and shattering onto the ground from the force I applied.

Widening my eyes in shock, I look around and see no one, everything looks normal and I start to tremble in fear and confusion. I swear I heard a voice, I felt a presence right behind me. I freaking smelled and felt his foul breath! Tears start to roll down my cheeks as I stay frozen to a spot, not being able to move.

The adrenaline rush I experienced right now coupled with the fear weakening me to my bones. I hear quick steps approaching from upstairs, I wanna run but I can't, I wanna scream but nothing comes out, I can perceive the stench again and its getting really close. Few seconds and I see Dylan running towards me from upstairs, the smell vanishing at once.

In a split second, I find myself in his arms crying and he holds me tightly to his chest trying to calm me down.

"There was someone Dylan", I say between sobs, "one second he's here, the next he's not. I swear there was someone, I swear it. He was-"

"Shhh-," he cuts me off gently, " I believe you. I believe you Crystal but it's okay. I'm here now, okay?" I nod trying to calm down. We stay there hugging for a while, his warm hold giving me a sense of protection and safety. He lets go of me, looking at my face with so much pity and guilt, like he knows exactly what's happening to me.

"You'll be fine Crystal, I'll make sure of that", he says putting his forehead on mine, holding my hands firmly. These simple words coming from the man I love and trust the most in the entire world dissipates all the fear I have within me, making me feel at peace for once since I saw those eyes in the woods.

"With you, I know I'd be fine" I tell him truthfully and a tear drops from his left eye, moving slowly down his cheek. This is the first time I'm seeing Dylan cry. We moved to Nassau together when we were just about getting married and it's been all rosy and blissful with few petty arguments that never lasts two hours after a treat at one of the fine eateries or a surprising ticket to see a movie at the theater.

Neither of us has had any reason to shed a tear and never ever did I think the first time would be here, in the supposed fun vacation with his parents.

"Is everything okay?" Jake's voice brings us back to reality. He's standing on the stairs with Betty, looking at us curiously.

"It's fine," Dylan says quickly cleaning his face, still holding my hand.

"I accidentally broke a glass but we're fine," I say smiling, "I'll clean it up now and we'd head back upstairs".

"Are you sure?" Betty says, doubt and concern oozing out of her voice.

"Yeah, we'll be fine." I try my best possible to sound normal, "just go back to bed. Sorry we disturbed"

"It's fine dear, call me if you need anything". With that, they both head back upstairs and Jake and I follow suit right after clearing the shards of glass on the floor.

Tossing and turning till dawn, my eyes feel heavy, begging me to close it for few minutes but I can't even blink without hearing that voice. Dylan hasn't had any sleep either but I pretend to not know. He's curled up on his side of the bed in silence and I stare at him, only moving to put off the alarm that went off six o'clock around thirty minutes ago.

Soon enough, sunlight seeps through the curtains and I sit up on the bed, not having the will to do anything. Dylan knows something, he knows why I keep seeing things and hearing voices. That tear said it all. It wasn't a tear of sadness or anger, it was eminent guilt. Regret pure in his eyes. What is this place? It's been only a day, just a night and I can't sleep. It's either I get answers or I go home. I'd rather be at home right now, watching Netflix or baking cookies than be here, hearing voices and having insomnia!

"Dylan", I say without looking at him but the desperation evident in my groggy voice, "what are we doing here?"

He stays silent acting like he didn't hear a thing. If he thinks I'd let this slip by so easily, he must be the joker of the century.

"Dylan", my anger almost surpassing inquisition "could you have the slightest decency to at least tell me what the fuck is going on!" I slam my hand on the bed, facing him this time. He only gets up, walking to the bathroom.

"What?", I get up, stopping him from going any further, "you're going to ignore me? I'm losing my mind and you're going to ignore me?! Are you that heartless and cowardly?! Are you even the man I married?!!"

"Yes!", He shouts back at me equally, frustration and fatigue brimming in his eyes, "I'm the man you married and that's the freaking problem!!" Breathing heavily, tightening his fists, filled with rage, he kicks the dresser, punching the wall beside it so hard his knuckles start to leave blood stain in it's wake. I've always known he has anger issues, but never have I seen him lose it this far to the point of insulting my marriage to him. My eyes widen in shock and I start to tremble, looking at this frustrated and furious man in front of me.

A complete shadow of the Dylan I married. Tears roll down freely from my eyes, clouding my vision a little. I can't just stand and watch my husband hurt himself but I can't go near him either, this man eludes an aura, a strange aura I've never felt around my Dylan. Finally, he stops his assault on the wall and turns to look at me, the anger vanishing from his eyes immediately he sees my teary ones.

He comes closer to hold me but I take a step backward out of reflex, and he stops, looking more hurt than a wounded puppy left on the street to die.

"I-i didn't", he starts but stops, seemingly at a loss for words but I just stare at him blankly, leaving the tears to dry on my cheeks.

"Tell me what's going on" I say in monotone, looking him dead in the eyes.

"I had no choice, Crystal", he says averting his eyes from mine, obviously out of shame. His actions only making me all the more inquisitive and worried.

"You had no choice to do what? God damn talk to me Dylan! What's so hard for you to say. I'm going insane in this place!"

"It either we face death or death faces us".

So another journey begins. Like it ? Add to library!

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