
The Director's Gift


The resonant cadence of Shroud's polished shoes reverberated with each deliberate step, their distinctive sound echoing through the expansive, cold, tiled expanse of Nagazora Airport Terminal.

As one would anticipate from an airport situated within a bustling metropolis, even in the early hours of the morning, it was a hive of ceaseless activity.

Nagazora City, a sprawling metropolis that could rival the likes of New York City, stood as one of the world's few grand urban centres.

The city was renowned for its extensive network of connections, spanning the entire eastern region, akin to the mighty arteries of a colossal beast that gave life to a global giant.

Within the bustling terminal, a multitude of travellers hurriedly traversed the sprawling floors, their determination palpable as they strove not to miss their scheduled flights.

Amid this bustling sea of humanity, Shroud deftly navigated his way towards the baggage reclaim area, the final destination for his journey within the terminal. There, his belongings awaited retrieval, resting among the myriad suitcases and bags that revolved on the carousel.

Having successfully secured his luggage, Shroud then ventured to the waiting areas, his eyes scanning the surroundings with keen observation.

He sought out a unique individual holding a sign bearing his name, a guiding light amidst the sea of diverse faces.


Before embarking on his flight, Orpheus had conveyed to Shroud the carefully arranged preparations.

"I have taken the liberty of informing my overseas friend to ensure that there will be someone at the airport to receive you," Orpheus explained. In response, Shroud offered a nod of appreciation.

"I see. Thank you for your efforts, Director," Shroud expressed his gratitude as he proceeded to board the flight, his steps infused with a sense of purpose.

*nods* "Very well then. I wish you the best of luck. Be sure to devote yourself to your studies and resist the temptations posed by peers of your age," Orpheus advised his tone a blend of encouragement and caution. Shroud's raised eyebrow mirrored his curiosity in response to the latter piece of counsel.


*people chatters*

Amid the bustling terminal, a woman in her mid-30s stood patiently holding a sign bearing a specific name. She had been duly instructed by the director earlier that morning, assigned the important task of welcoming and receiving the individual whose name graced her placard.

Her thoughts momentarily drifted as she pondered the impending encounter. Her reverie was interrupted when a figure materialized before her, coalescing into the imposing form of a towering youth.

He stood at an impressive height, approximately 190 centimetres or thereabouts, exuding an air of quiet confidence, all dressed in a sharply tailored suit.

"Umm, are you Shroud?" the woman inquired with a blend of curiosity and courtesy. Without a moment's hesitation, Shroud affirmed, "Yes, that is indeed my name. I believe it is safe to assume that you are the person designated by Director Ryuzaki to receive me."

"Umm, yes. The director did brief me about the arrival of a guest today. So? Would you prefer to proceed directly to the academy, or do you have any inclination to explore other places prior to our journey?" the woman inquired with a warm smile.

"Exploring the area can certainly wait. Let us prioritize the essential matters at hand," Shroud suggested, conveying his preference succinctly. With a nod of agreement, the woman led the way, her confident steps guiding him towards the awaiting vehicle.

The car that awaited them was not an opulent limousine or a luxurious transport, but a modest yet reliable Toyota. It may not have boasted extravagance, but it bore the promise of comfort and dependability for the journey ahead.

"Oh, I realize I haven't introduced myself properly. My name is Mizumi," the woman offered a courteous greeting, accompanied by a respectful bow.

"I see. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Mizumi. I am in your capable hands for the time being," Shroud responded with a nod of appreciation, reciprocating the courtesy. As the chauffeur initiated the car's engine, their shared journey commenced.




"We have successfully arrived..." Kevin breathed a sigh of relief, his voice tinged with gratitude as he and Su managed to reach their classroom, narrowly escaping the impending tardiness. Fortunately, there remained a precious five minutes before the formal commencement of their classes.

"Darn, it's scorching," Kevin thought, a feeling of warmth washing over him as he loosened his tie from around his neck. He sought a moment's respite, allowing a hint of his chest to be revealed beneath the open collar.

Intriguingly, some of the fangirls in the classroom couldn't help but succumb to involuntary reactions, their admiration and attraction inadvertently taking control of their expressions.

It was only when Kevin noticed the reactions of his peers and hastily retightened his tie that the girls snapped out of their collective reverie. Nevertheless, a few cunningly managed to snap pictures of him, unbeknownst to him.

"Being handsome is such a sin," Kevin thought, a wry sweatdrop forming on his forehead as he observed the thirsty reactions of the girls in his class.


The classroom doors slid open with a skidding noise, interrupting the atmosphere of admiring gazes. The arrival of the homeroom teacher signalled the formal commencement of the day's lessons, and the students turned their attention to the front of the room.

Meanwhile, outside the imposing walls of Sendba Academy, a car came to a stop, and two individuals, one woman and one man, alighted from the vehicle.

"Very well, Mr. Shroud. Please follow me," Mizumi instructed as she led Shroud towards the headmaster's office, the hub of the academy's administrative affairs.

Upon reaching the headmaster's office, Shroud's perceptive instincts immediately detected a subtle shift in the environment.

His acute awareness hinted at the presence of another individual within the room, concealed from view but not from intuition.

As expected, as Shroud crossed the threshold, his gaze fell upon a man with long, silver hair neatly tied into a braid.

The man's posture conveyed not just the poise of a seasoned individual but also the evident signs of a remarkable physical condition for his age.

"Director, I have brought the guest. With your permission, I shall now take my leave," Mizumi announced her departure a prelude to a private conversation between Shroud and the enigmatic figure.

"Please, make yourself comfortable," the man extended a courteous invitation. Without hesitation, Shroud made his way to a massive, opulent sofa, sinking into the plush cushions with a sense of ease, mirroring the sophistication of Japanese craftsmanship.

'I must say these Japanese sofas are rather comfortable,' Shroud silently praised, his senses indulging in the embrace of the soft furnishings, his posture conveying an air of relaxation. He awaited Director Ryuzaki's lead in the unfolding conversation.

"So, how is that old fogey?" Ryuzaki inquired, his words tinged with a hint of nostalgia and affection as he referred to Orpheus, a longtime friend.

"Director Orpheus is in good shape. In fact, he entrusted me with delivering this gift to you," Shroud replied, his tone respectful yet casual, as he presented a small package bearing the weight of their enduring friendship.

"A gift?" Ryuzaki's curiosity was piqued. He turned to face Shroud, revealing his visage more clearly.

In physical terms, the Director of Sendba Academy bore a resemblance to Orpheus, albeit with a few wrinkles etched upon his countenance, a testament to the passage of time.

Ryuzaki possessed sharp eyebrows and an incisive, calculating gaze, characteristics that echoed the temperament of their mutual friend, Orpheus.

'Hmm, the Director did mention that they were very close friends, so it's not surprising they exude a similar aura,' Shroud mused, making mental connections between the two distinguished individuals.

Carefully, Shroud handed the package to Ryuzaki, who studied it for a moment before returning his attention to Shroud.

With the pleasantries exchanged, Ryuzaki conveyed that Shroud was now at liberty to depart and proceed to room number 401, where the transfer exam awaited.

With a respectful nod, Shroud took his leave of Ryuzaki, exiting the office and commencing his journey to room 401. As he departed, Ryuzaki's gaze lingered on the package for a moment before a rare smile graced his otherwise serious visage.

"Looks like he still knows how to send gifts to his friend. Hmph, you old coot, I must say I had given up hope in you," Ryuzaki remarked, a hint of nostalgia and affection permeating his voice.

If anyone were to witness the typically stoic Director of Sendba Academy displaying such a tsundere-like demeanour, they would likely believe the world had come to an end.

With a mixture of emotions, Ryuzaki carefully opened the package, unaware of the unexpected turn of events it contained. As he unwrapped the package, his initial joy transformed into dumbfounded disbelief and then, swiftly, into anger.

Inside the package lay a substantial box brimming with muscle rubs — ointments designed to alleviate muscle and joint pain.

Gritting his teeth, Ryuzaki could no longer contain his frustration and erupted, "DAMN YOU, OLD COOT!"


Somewhere in the heart of Georgia...


A sudden, unbidden sneeze interrupted a certain person's meticulous work with a stack of paperwork. Without missing a beat, he reached for a tissue, dabbing his nose with a sly grin curling at the corners of his lips.

In a low murmur, he spoke to himself, "Oh my, it appears someone has spoken ill of me."

To be continued...


A/N: Hope you enjoy the chapter and feel free to comment. Your thoughts and criticism are valuable in helping me improve and stay motivated to write more.

My health has been deteriorating over the past few days. Everything used to hurt a few days ago, but now I am feeling better. However, I might need to slow down my publishing rate for a while. Also, I am thinking of moving the pace a bit faster.

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