
Hi I'm married, but I'm sleeping with my boss

Meilin Yee Luan, a woman in her early twenties. She's sure she made the worst decision of her life. She married an irresponsible man and has to deal with the burden of living with him. Bao Luan, her husband. He's an arrogant drunk. He doesn't care about the fact that his wife Is working multiple 9-5 jobs just to make sure they live a comfortable life. She gets little time to herself and has to deal with his poor sexual desires and his rudeness. He drinks all day, he yells, he sits around doing nothing and he hits her without thinking twice. She wished she never met him in highschool, she wished she had listened to her friends back then when she was still a naïve teen. She wished she didn't accept that ring. She wished she ignored his good looks and went further to know who he really was. Her present condition almost leads her to the brink of suicide, but the little image of her mother each time she tries to take her life pops up in her head and she puts the knife away. Her situation didn't change. Day by day it worsened, the financial burdens increased when her husband left home for a long time and she has to deal with his debts all alone with no help. Her family cut ties with her and she was left alone to live with her husband. She wishes to apologize to them but as long as she's still his wife she can't go back. Her depression increased when she lost her jobs and she was struggling to get a better one but the good spots were all taken. She's forced to work as an elevator girl in a famous company and earns a medium salary. Her life was in for a change the day she was trapped in the elevator with a stranger. The CEO himself. Note image used as the cover is not mine. It's only used until someone volunteers to make me one suitable for my book. Credit goes to the original artist. Thank you important notice: I do not offer my readers 100% accuracy. I do not offer a 100% perfect book. If you're the sensitive type that has nothing else to do but insult books, you've come to the wrong place. But if you're a somewhat considerate person, you can read. Just don't be disrespectful to me. I have feelings. I'm not a bot writer, what I do offer you is a work written by a 100% human with flaws.

Solarhopes · Urban
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84 Chs

Puppy Love (2)

Meilin didn't understand. Why would they gang up on her? She wasn't related to any rich politician or one of those influential business tycoons. She was just an underated secretary, nothing more, nothing less.

A knife was held to her neck as the men gradually closed in on her. "Please let me go!" She tried to fight but she was slapped for struggling.

"We aren't letting you go. We're supposed to kill you but we want to have fun first" Her mouth was muffled as they pulled her away to a dark shed far away from the event building.

Haru dashed out to look for her after avoiding waves of unnecessary distractions. Where did she go and why did she have to leave so early? He crossed his arms in annoyance until he spotted a necklace on the floor. It really looked like the one Meilin never took off.

There was also blood on the floor. His heart ached as he thought of the source, his mind evaded every possibility that it was from Meilin. He didn't want to imagine her state in the hands of God knows who.

He called for security and went ahead to involve the police. He trailed the blood and it led him to a shed. He tried opening it but the door was jammed.

He gave it a push but it wasn't good enough. He waited for back up and in less than a few minutes the security guard and himself knocked the door down.

Meilin was on the floor, scratches and cuts on her laps from the men that attacked her. Haru's heart ached as he looked at her wounded body before he diverted his gaze to each and everymen present.

His blood was boiling as he launched an attack on the man with the knife. He threw blows after blows at the man but the police intervened and tried to separate the two.

Meilin watched the scuffle from her.

She was too weak to do anything. She felt more bade because she got Haru involved. Her vision began to blur.

"Haru!" Meilin pushed him over and her pale body landed on his. She just saved him from a gun shot and now she was out cold. She used up her last energy bar to save him.

Meilin's eyes fluttered open and she darted her orbs to every corner of the room. "She's awake" her eyes met with those of a little girl at the door. "UNCLE!!!"

Haru dashed in "What? What?" He looked depressed, whiskers on his chin and his eyes puffy. He looked as if he's been crying.

"Meilin?!?!" He exclaimed, got on his knees and placed his forehead on the floor "Forgive me. It's all my fault. Everything was all my fault. Why did you do it? Why did you take such a drastic step for me?"

Meilin was speechless. She darted her eyes around thinking of the reply to his question. 'When you love someone, you can do everything and anything for that person.'

"When it's love. There's no reason" She unconsciously said "My mother told me that" a tear slipped from her eyes as she tried to move but felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen. 

"Please don't move. Rest a little" He crawled to her side "You've been unconscious for almost five months. I'm so happy you're awake. I've craved so much for this day."

Meilin could tell that he was really happy to talk to her again. "I'm sorry for everything Haru..."

"Haru—" An elderly woman walked in "we need to talk."

"I'll be back" He gave Meilin a kiss on her forehead before leaving.

"Aunt," As soon as they stepped out, he knew exactly what she was going to say "I'm not marrying Ai Jin okay. I love Meilin!"

His Aunt grabbed him by His arm "I am not in support of this. Your parents planned your marriage with her right from when you were both kids. Why do you want to disappoint them. Would they be happy about your decision?"

"Aunt! I don't love Ai jin and that's final. I only got involved with her because I was pressured. I see her as a friend and only a friend"

Ai jin was hurt. She was there but he didn't try to at least say those words politely, he said it all raw.

He was slapped unexpectedly by the woman he respected and was a mother to him "I'm ashamed of you." His Aunt left with Ai jin following right behind her. He didn't bother to look at the both of them, he made up his mind.

He took a seat to think, his hands clenched as he bit his lip in anger "I'm a grown man. I have the right to decide my future. No one will boss me around anymore."

He went back in and saw Meilin on her feet and staring at the window "What now Haru? It seems like the whole world is against our love"

He wrapped his arms around her small frame and leaned in to inhale her scent "We have each other. That's all that matters."

They knew they both had a problem, she was married and His family wasn't in support of his relationship with someone other than Ai Jin but the main problem was getting Meilin's husband to sign the divorce papers.

Hello I apologize for the inefficiency of this chapter. I'm very very busy nowadays but I'll try to review this part later on.

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