

I could no longer do what I I did but I o day then thrte

Godsent_Odogiawa · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Dark Agenda

The dark siblings arrived at the dark creepy castle surrounded by lightning bolts. Only members of the royal castle were allowed to gain entrance into it so, the guard had to wait outside for their Masters. And one thing about the gate was that it didn't have a gateman to man it. Only members of the royal castle could open the gate so, the guards of the royal castle were trapped there forever.

Gregon placed his hands on the firery gate and it recognized a royal touch immediately. The door became a wall of water and it froze parting into two halves.

Helena and Merlin stepped through the frozen gate into the deadly environment of the castle that had a life of itself. The castle was fed on humans who were secretly lured to a deserted place for collection. The darkdom could not do anything without human blood.

The dark siblings stepped into the door as a royal servant wearing a Black robe opened the front door with a slight bow.

"Greetings great siblings of the dark," he greeted.

The dark duo stormed past the servant without returning his courtesy. Finally, there were on the walls of the dark castle. They're headed for the inner rooms where a meeting was held by the darkest abstract binders the darkdoms had produced. That was the meeting that would decide the fate of the world and the repetition of history.

The dark duo had just returned from a survey of the city of Mogablaka, the city that organized the massive attack on the organized darkdom. Through a dark art, the darkdomities were able to deceive the Mogablaka that they had been defeated by refreshing dead bodies and placing them in their place.

After this, they went into hiding but only for a short while. They were going to attack the dwellers of the earth with all the dark force they had in them and the first person on their list was sorcerer Lucus, the greatest sorcerer in the city of Mogablaka.

He was the one who discovered the art of unbinding the demon from their host bodies. And through this art, the dwellers of the earth were able to overpower the darkdom.

The dark siblings proceeded deeper into the dark castle until they came up to this door of the inner Chambers, the chamber where the darkest of all meetings were held.

The dark duo stepped into the dark Chambers, it was a dark court too with two thrones and twenty-one sacred stools. The dark duo met the twenty-one order already waiting for them and the queen and king seated overhead. The queen, Helena's mother had a hair of hissing snakes and her father had a coiled python around his head.

Helena and Merlin were the youngest in the gathering. They were deemed privileged as the council of the dark had chosen then to carry out the wish of everyone in the darkdom, which was to see the terrible downfall of the great city.

"Greetings greet order of the dark," Gregon and Helena greeted uniformly. They came before their parents and knelt as a way of paying homage to such a great gathering.

"Give us the outcome of your survey of the Kingdom of the Mogablakas and their preparedness for our return," the Dark King ordered.

"The darkest one," Gregon began. "The Kingdom of Mogablaka and its environs have been deviced into believing that the dark dom is no longer a threat to the world due to this course, we will be able to penetrate the royal palace..."

"To do what," a dark witch seated at the far eastern part of the inner court inquired."

"To take our revenge on the kingdom of the earth," Helena replied with a smile hovering on her face, as her dark Brown hair floated in the air.

"No Helena," the queen of the dark dom corrected. Our mission span more than just taking revenge, we seek something deadlier for the kingdoms of the earth."

"Your handmaids listen to your heartwarming words," Gregon and Helena replied.

"Thirty Thousand years ago, when all kingdoms of the earth were ranked according to their magical abilities, the darkdom called the city of dread was the greatest because of a scared demon that guarded the kings. But the weaker humans who had no knowledge of magic but just their martial arts collided with the mages of their time and this pride was taken for us. Our strength was weakened," the king explained.

But this was far from the truth. The scared demon God was one of the rulers of hell worshipped by the darkdom. He had offered to give the orders the greatest dark art of making souls if they can get him into the real world and bind him with a willing son. And the gate way to hades was a little pearl in the crown of the empire of magablaka. But the powers of this pearl could only be accessed once in a thousand years. And that time was so close that the darkdomites needed to act fast. This was what they sought to achieve with the dark siblings.

"So why wasn't this strength recovered," Helena inquired.

"Because it was hidden until the beginning of the great battle. We discovered that the beast was hidden in the diamond pearl inserted in the crown. It was this discovery that lead to the war, not summons of demons," the king ended.

"So our mission now is to get this strength right?" Merlin inquired.

"Not just that. The body of the demon god was destroyed long ago, one of you must become a vessel for that great soul," a demon shifter explained.

"Are you ready for this task," the king inquired.

"Yes father, with due honor," the duo replied."

"We shall now proceed to the empowerment stage," the King replied.

The king stood up grandly from his throne, followed closely by the queen while Helena and Merlin followed suit from behind. The twenty-one order followed suit and they proceeded to the dark room where they would be empowered for this great task ahead of them.

The procession proceeded to a door in the inner part of the chamber. This door leads to the darkest room in the whole of the darkdom, and the earth in general. It was the room where the first demon was summoned and transferred into a human body.

There was door that lead to this room. These portals lead to the different corners of the earth. But the most prominent of these portals was that of the Spirit world. The Twenty-one orders formed a circle around the Queen and their children about to be sent on a dark mission. They began the spirit summon procession and dark spirits in form of dark lights began to emerge from this portal, flying directly into the bodies of Helena and Merlin.

When the King was satisfied, he lifted his hands, ordering the orders to stop and lock the portal and his wish was granted. The whites of Gregon and Helena's eyes became as dark as the night sky itself.

"We are back," they exclaimed.

"The duo showered in their acquired powers for some minutes and their eyeballs became normal.

Helena stared at her skin for a while, trying to observe any change but she found none. She hadn't become a demon, even though legions of demons just went into her.

"Why am I still normal," Helena inquired.

"That is what makes the difference. You were might to be empowered not overpowered by those demons. Now you must do our bidings or..." one of the orders tried to explain but she stopped halfway.

"Or what father," Merlin inquired.

"Or you will be banished," the king lied and Helena saw it in his eyes. Theywere about to be used and controlled by these dark men.