
Angry-Rey(Project part 2)

Winter warm hands enveloped mine making me relax under her touch.

One look at the man at the door had made me want to go ballistic but I had kept my calm because of Winter- I didn't want her seeing my aggressive side and my mom as she was pleading me to leave with her eyes.

I so much wanted to wipe the smirk out of his face for even glimpsing at her.

"You look shaken." I murmured as her hands left mine. 

"I'm okay, just shock to see someone looks so much like you but older. " She shrugged

Another reminder of how I looked like the beast. Several times, I have wanted to claw at my face to remove any resemblance but I would only be inflicting myself and people I love with pain.

My gaze left the road as I gaze at her for some seconds. She rubbed at her arms.

"Cold?" She shook her head but I knew she was lying. Also, her teeth betrayed her by chattering.

"Here." With one hand on the wheel, I pulled the jacket I donned on. Leaving only my undershirt on. She took it without arguing.

"Thanks. "

"I haven't seen him until now. " She said.

Winter had visited three times and the beast hadn't shown himself. He was probably quarantining himself for the right moment. Now he was out of his isolation. I wished he was on lockdown forever so we won't get to see his sorry face.

"That is because he doesn't want to be seen."

I glanced back at Winter, looking away from the tall black trees that were green during the day.

The old jacket, I always used in working out which had now turned to a faded blue due to it be worn out looks good on her.

Despite it being twice her size, she didn't mind unlike Lee who had warned me never to bring It close to her talk more of on her.

It never occurred to me she was that superficial. Guess, you'll never know ones true character except being close to them.

Winter seems to be lost in thought as her head lolled back on the headrest. Though her eyes were open, she stared at nothing in particular. Curiosity filled me as I slowed down since I had almost gotten to her house. So, there was no need speeding.

Since I started going out with Lee, Winter had been distant. Though in our circle now, she was still distant.

I turned on the radio and 'wild till dusk' came on.

From the corner of my eyes, Winter blinked twice coming out of her daze, her eyes drifted close as she sang along.

Her voice filled the car, filled me, gripping at my soul. Clutching at every barrier that surrounded it. 

Never have I heard such a lovely voice before. Even Alyssa that boasted the best as I had heard her voice on her YouTube channel several times wasn't as good as this.

I wanted to keep safe her this instant, to keep her from harm's way as her voice kept doing injustice to my heart.

She was still engrossed in the song as I backed into her lot. Five seconds passed as the song came to an end, she opened her eyes.

"Oh, I'm home. " Her gaze moved around. The lot was lit apart from the moonlight making the overgrown green tendrils in the lawn almost black.

"I tend to get lost when singing."

"Your voice is very great, Winter. I mean the best I have ever heard." I let out in all seriousness. 

I saw her suppress a laugh as she thought I was joking. Since I tease her a lot. But it was the truth.

Bidding me good night, she touched my face before stepping down from the car. That move alone made my heartbeat in an unsteady rhythm. 

I clenched my hands into a fist as it itched to yank her back, kissing her senseless and till she begs me to slide into her.

Think of Mr Jackson, think of Mr Jackson. I chanted as willed myself not to follow her.

The image of Mr Jackson in his drab suit flashed in my mind as he shouts detention to Kellen. That was what I conjured in my head and it worked.

Sighing, I watched her walked in, turning only to flash me a smile and waved her hand.

My eyes moved to the uppermost floor as I waited to be sure she went in safely.

The thought of someone ambushing her, in her own house makes me agitated once more as several scenarios of her being on the floor in her blood blazed in my senses. Then her bedroom light came on. I heaved out a breath I didn't know I was holding as her head poked out of the window.

I kept my phone back in my pocket that I brought out to call her as she was taking too long. I went back to my car.

On getting home, everything was in disorder. The beast was at it again. I hadn't even been gone for up to an hour and everywhere looks like a gorilla was on a rampage. 

I kicked the shirt lying on the floor and made my way to my room.

"That girl from the seventh avenue, is she the new bed warmer?"

I halted, my blood turning cold as I twisted to look at him.

He had followed us. He knew Winter's house.

No wonder she occasionally glances back in the car. She had sensed we were been followed and I was oblivious.

I let my emotion get the best of me tonight. I mentally kicked myself for letting my guard down.

"Let me know if you are done using her. I need her to warm my bed too. Also, I couldn't help noticing she looks like Ven... "

I didn't let him complete the statement as I lunged at him from the seventh step I was on. I didn't care if I broke a limb in the process, at least it would be worth it if I eventually kill the animal in front of me. He had caused me untold pains, still, he wanted to add to it.

Despite being drunk, he was smart. He dodged, moving in the opposite direction. I landed on my stomach, bruising my elbow and knees on the tiled floor. Not phased by the pain, I lunged at him again. Gripped him and smashed him to the door.

"Don't you ever fucking lay your hands on her. " I yammered in his face. "Even a hair on her head, don't you dare fucking touch it. "

Releasing him, I shoved him away before I would do something I would regret. Though he would do us good by being dead I don't want to get my hands dirty. I don't want to follow his footprints.

"Isn't your principle, " only one-night stand"?" He quoted.

"I don't care what it was and is. Don't you touch her? Don't dare it." I grounded my teeth together and pulled at my hair in frustration.

"I wonder if she is as cool on the bed as her name sounds?"

I wanted to be angry. I was but being angry with a drunk was futile. I took in deep breaths as he walks in the direction of his room. I walked over to Nora's room close to mine. Hopefully, my mom was there with her.

I walked back to mine, switched on the light and tugged the undershirt I had on off. A red bruise was already forming in the upper and lower part of my stomach and it hurts as I touched it.

I walked back downstairs, the entrance door was open and the Citroen In the lot gone. The beast had taken his beast of a car. I could care less if they both crashed. Securing the lock on the door, I walked back to the fridge.

I brought out ice putting it in a bowl. Brought out a clean hand towel from the kitchen cabinet and walked back to my room. I sat down on my bean bag as I administered the ice on myself. Flashback invaded me as I thought of when it all started.

It was four years again. I was fifteen and Venus, my friend. The only girl that made Kellen and my crew and also my crush. I planned on asking her out today being my birthday. It started out as something innocent when she starting coming for a visit until I noticed her withdrawal whenever my dad was around. I idolised my dad and didn't think he could do wrong or harm anyone. After getting into a crash with Jessie, my eldest sister who died in the process, he started drinking. At first, we thought it would change but it got worst. As he found whatever I do in his sight wrong. He wanted me to go into management from young but I refused by going into football.

One day he got home very drunk and we were not home but Venus came over. She always came over even when I or Kellen was not around. She would stay over till we get back as she would help my mom with some things. Unfortunately, my mom wasn't home too. My beast of a father came home drunk and molested her several times. Because of the trauma and shame, she hanged herself.

My father, on the other hand, was charged with a rape case but he got away eventually because he was influential. He wasn't even remorseful. He continued the abuse from there not giving me a breathing space. My mom, on the other hand, shared part of it since she couldn't stand to see him inflicting pain on me.

Now was different. I was stronger and could defend myself. I would protect Winter and anyone close to me from that Beast. Especially Winter since she was now his target. I kept the melted ice in a bowl close to the beanbag. Took out Aleve from my bedside table whilst discarding the empty card of aspirin. I slipped two pills into my mouth and washed it down with water. I drifted off some minutes later as the effect kicked in.