
The Confession...

Kenma's P.O.V

As I ended middle school I noticed something... Odd... What's this feeling? "Hey! Kenma!" Kuroo yelled behind me. There it is! That weird twisty and hot feeling... "Hey Kuroo..." I answered back. I started to feel weirder and weirder in my stomach as he stepped closer, so I  played my game on the bleachers as if nothing was happening and I'd just been nervous of loosing a game. "Hey Kenma, can you meet me at the park at... Hmmm.. 5?" Kuroo asked. "Sure." I'm still trying to act as if nothings wrong...

Kuroo's P.O.V

(this is after practice before they meet at the park)

Why? Why is he so cute? I think I'm gonna ask him today, yeah! I can't hide it any longer! I mean... I am going off to college in a few months so might as well get the best of the rest of my days here with Kenma. As I'm walking to the park I see Bokuto and Akashi, "Hey Bokuto!" I yell to get his attention, "Hey Kuroo! What's up?" He yells back. I walk over to them "You gonna tell him?" Akashi asked me, "I told him to meet me here, so I'm going to find him." I was kinda nervous since they've known for a while now that I've liked Kenma "Well, I'm gonna go find him. Bye Bokuto, see ya Akashi" I waved and walked away to find Kenma.

Kenma's P.O.V (again)

As I waited playing my game I began to think... Did he forget about me..? No. Kuroo would never. "Hey! Kenma! Is that you?" I heard Kuroo yell, I looked up from my game and waved, he looked kind of shocked to see me waving at him. I don't blame him, I barely speak to him half the time... I put my game in my hoodie pocket, Kuroo walked over to me as I stood under the cherry blossom tree, I found it relaxing to see peddles falling every once in a while. "You wanna know why I asked you here?" Kuroo said, I was curious so I said yes of course "I like you,