
Chapter 2

Aiden's POV:

I was partners with the school's bad boy. Could this day get any worse? I mean he didn't seem all too bad, but he could learn some of my greatest secrets from this project, secrets I don't want to be shared.

Bringing me out of my thoughts, Xavier speaks, "So...Aiden, what's your favorite book? Mine is 'Pride and Prejudice' by Jane Austen. I know that's kind of lame, but I'm a bit of a romantic."

Wow definitely not what I was expecting coming from the bad boy. I pull out my notebook so I can communicate with him, *Yeah definitely wasn't expecting that from you.* I thought about if I should tell him my real favorite book or not. Something in me feels like I can trust him. *My favorite book is 'Speak' by Laurie Halse Anderson.*

"Touche. Huh, I don't think I have ever of that book. Good thing we have to read them, I look forward to it." Good, that means I have some time before he starts figuring stuff out. "What is the book about, if I might ask?"

*It's about a high school freshman Melinda Sordino. She is suddenly mute and all her friends shun her. You slowly realize why she is mute and the bonding of her and her art teacher. And trees are a big symbolic figure throughout the story.* I write as much as possible without spoiling the ending of the story, so he gets the full experience of reading it.

"Wow, that sounds really interesting. I surprised I haven't read it before, I like stories that have good symbolism." He says. He surprises me quite a bit. Maybe this won't me too bad. "Hey, do you want to come to my house today? I have a copy of 'Pride and Prejudice' that you can borrow. Plus we are going to have to start meeting up anyways."

I think about it for a bit. My dad should be out late for work today and will go out drinking after. He shouldn't notice I'm gone. *Um sure, I have a copy of 'Speak' in my locker, so just let me stop by there first?*

"Yeah, that sounds good to me. I'll meet you at the front?" I give him a thumbs-up as a sign of agreement, and just in time for the bell to ring.

"Great job today! I'll see you all tomorrow!" Mrs. Barnet bellowed. Before I could leave she spoke again, "Mr. Cruise, let me speak to you for a moment."

I walk to her desk and raise my eyebrows as to say, 'what do you need.' "How are you Aiden? I know this project might be uncomfortable for you, will you be able to do it? If not I can make up another assignment for you?"

Mrs. Barnet doesn't know my whole situation, but she knows I must be mute for a reason. I also know that she probably suspects many reasons it could be, but she is respectful and doesn't pry. *Mrs. Barnet, that won't be necessary I don't really want any special treatment, even if it is uncomfortable. Plus, Xavier doesn't seem that bad, he has been nice to me so far.*

As she finishes reading she nods her head, "Off you go then! I hope you have a wonderful evening. If you ever wish to talk about anything, feel free to stop by."

I quickly nod my head and make my way to my locker. I grab my bag and my copy of 'Speak' for Xavier.

As I'm walking towards the front I hear two voices. "You know you should really shut the fuck up before I connect my fist to your trash face!" That voice was familiar, it was Xavier. But who was he talking to? I look around the corner to see the one and only Evan, but he looks like he is about to piss himself. Before anything else happens Xavier notices me, "Hey Aiden! You ready to go?" What was this complete 180 personality change? I nod and walk over to him. He gives one last deadly glare to Evan.

"THIS ISN'T OVER CLEARWATER!" Evan shouts as we are walking away, Xavier scoffing in reply.

*What was that about?* I write.

"I'll tell you about it later, right now it is not important." I slowly nod, kinda wanting to know, but he said he would tell me.

*I guess the bad boy really is in there.*

He laughs "Yeah it's there, only when people really piss me off."

*That makes no sense, you are always a bad boy. Except with me..* I write confused.

"Well everyone pisses me off but you. You're different. Anyways, let's drop this for now and head over to my house." As much as I wanted to know more I just gave him an okay sign in agreement.

As we got to the parking lot he just had to have a motorcycle like typical bad boy fashion. I look at him with a 'really' look.

Once again he laughs, "Don't worry I'm an excellent and safe driver. Feel free to hold on tight." He hands me his spare helmet and puts on his. I get on the bike, a bit scared to hold on to him. He slowly starts driving out and I jump as he revs up the engine, instantly clinging to his firm back. "Don't be scared Aiden, just hold on to me." He says, easing up my worries. This actually isn't that bad and before I realize it I relax, but my heart was racing the whole ride. Was it the adrenaline? Or, was it Xavier?


Before I knew it we had made it to Xavier's home, and to be honest it wasn't what I was expecting at all. It was a charming two-story classic southern house. It had white painted wood, with a blue trim and blue shingles. It also had beautiful wooden pillars supporting the 2nd story, and even a weeping willow tree in the front yard. It was odd to see a house like this out in California, not many southern style places exist here. Catching on to my confusion Xavier speaks, "My family is originally from Louisiana. My dad got a really big job offer here, so that's how we ended up in California. My family couldn't live without something that reminded them of home, so they built this house. The tree is actually from our home in Louisiana, we dug it up and brought it with us, it still wasn't fully grown then."

I look at him in shock, that is a lot of new information to take in. I meet his grey orbs and see a small glimpse of homesickness and something else I can't determine. I simply smile at him and put my hand on his shoulder, nodding to show that I'm here for him. Although, this is the first day we have talked, I feel a deep connection with him.

He smiles at me, "Thank you Aiden." I nod once again. "Let's head inside!" He says, trying to cheer up. He opens the door and guides me into his homey looking living room. "Let's study here. Would you like anything to drink?" he asks.

I pull out my notebook, *Water is fine, please.*

"Of course, I'll be right back"

As he walks into the kitchen I take the chance to look around, the living room is full of pictures. I see one of what looks to be his mom, dad, and little sister, they all look so happy. It almost makes me sad, I wish my family was this happy. The more I think about it, the more depressed I become, soon I feel a tear run down my cheek. I flinch when a hand meets my shoulder, it was Xavier. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!" he pauses for a bit and looks at my face, to see the tear sitting there. He reaches up and wipes it away, only to pull back to see makeup smudged on his finger. He quickly looks up again, I'm sure to see the bruise that is now exposed. He looks at me with sadness and anger, why is this affecting him so much? "How did this happen?" he tries to say calmly, his voice quivering.

*I ran into a door.* I write point blank, but my expression gives it away.

"That's is obviously a lie, who did this to you Aiden!" he spouts, his anger rising.

*Just some random person, it doesn't matter. I'm fine.* I write shaking.

"If it was some random person you wouldn't have lied the first time, and you wouldn't be shaking in so much fear, as you are now. Who did this!" he yells

*I'm not telling you Xavier, so stop asking. Why does it matter so much to you anyways.*

That really struck a cord with Xavier. I saw some of the anger in his eyes dull, "I don't know, I feel this connection towards you, and I want to make sure you are safe. I understand if you don't want to tell me now, but I am here. I'm not leaving, I know we've only known each other for a day, but I know I need you in my life and safe. I'm sorry if that is weird, it is weird for me to say it, but it is the truth, as odd as it is."

I can only nod in agreement, I don't know what else to do. *Um let's do some work now*

"Yeah, okay."

Next chapter