
Heroic System in a Fantasy World

Being an adult is hard and painful. Seth is a successful man who has met all male standards. Stable job, a House, friend. Responsible, righteous, kind. He also works out and keeps up his hygiene game. But deep down, he was empty. He got all of this, but for what? The moment he realized all of his dream and childhood memory were just distractions from a cruel and greedy society, Seth never was the same. And suddenly, he gets to choose on one fateful day. Saving one life but risking his, or keep watching and continue living the “perfect life” he built. He chooses the first and pays dearly for it. Fortunately, a good deed never goes unrewarded; he got another chance in a different world, filled with the magical beast and forsaken land. This is the story about a good man in a world where power rules everything. It is a grim world where you can be rewarded for being evil, and no rule will apply if you are strong enough. Good thing he didn’t go there unarmed. He was gifted with Heroic System, doing good deeds to exchange for more power so that he could fight against all odds. Watch how he changes the world, or will the world change him? === Tag MC: [Mature] [Upfront] [Confident] [Logical] [Smart] [Kind] [Not forgiving] [Weak to strong] NO NTR! YES, HAREM!! (Also, Yandere. In a world where power can give you everything, of course, the girls will abuse it to obtain her love >:D) == The cover is not mine. Contact me if you want to take it down.

Artkairther · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Power System

Levels of magic and user

There are 9 levels of magic from 1st to 9th, and 4 levels of magic user.

Every 2 levels spell/skill you can cast make you a corresponding user-level except for the last 3 level spell.

1-2 Beginner

3-4 Apprentice

5-6 Expert

7-9 Master

But will it be [master swordsman] or [master wizard], depending on the user.


There are 2 main types of Magic.

[Martial Skill: a skill that cooperates mana into a martial art.]

Usually differentiated by weapon type, but sometimes element affinity counted too.

For example, Spell Skill needs a spear. Fire sword style requires both fire affinity and sword.

Martial skill is easier to learn but harder to master; its effect mostly is destruction, so it lacks creativity, and the difference between mastered user and a new user is significant.

[Magic Spell: a spell using mana to conduct a work of a miracle.]

Magic spells can do almost everything but are harder to learn, but once you learn them, the spell will already be at full power.

The downside is the only way to improve is to create a new spell; using more mana than the spell requires is a diminishing return compared to using a higher levels spell of the same effect because almost all spells are designed for a specific amount of mana.

Type of Spell (Will be more later.)

Instant spell: After casting, it will go to effect, but the user can no longer control it.

Concentration spell: After casting, the user still can control the spell, but MOST people can only hold 1 concentration spell. The spell can end if the user loses focus or cancel it.

Permanent spell: After casting, the spell will last forever with some conditions.

I hope it is not too complicated.

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