
The Reborn

A woman was in the bunker giving birth the reincarnation of the creation of all multiverse. nobody knew the bot pose a threat to all existence. So they try to kill every baby in he world. the mother was in the bunker when she finally gave birth the the creation of all existence. years have past and the boy and the mother was safe until the mother died from a virus. somehow the boy survived. the boy came out the bunker and saw wasteland. He walked off with a backpack and ambition to reach a city. He's been walking for days and come across a city that been closed off bye a massive gate. He fainted and a old man saw the boy and he carried the boy in the gate. People saw the boy wearing ragged clothes. The boy woke up in the hospital and saw people looking at him. the old man walked up and smiled. the old man gave the boy some water and the boy drank it.

"Hello I'm Solomon." said the man.

"Hi." said the boy.

"What you doing in the wasteland?" asked Solomon.

"Looking for Whis." said the boy.

"Why?" Asked Solomon.

"My mother died of the virus." Said the boy.

"What virus?" asked Solomon.

"It came in the bunker." said the boy while he has tears in his eyes.

"Son there no virus. it haven't been since 2022." said Solomon.

"Mom." said the boy while some stuff shook.

Solomon saw the stuff shake and he backed up. the boy is having a mental breakdown. The building shook violently and Solomon held onto something to keep balanced. The boy had flashback to the bunker and everything floated off the ground. With Charles Xavier. He held his head in pain. The earth shook. Jean and logan ran toward Charles, they saw Charles holding his head in pain. Charles told them to find the boy. Each hero going to great length to find the boy. Solomon saw the boy and know he the creation reincarnation. Solomon held on the boy and the boy calm down. Everything clam down and the boy was sleep. Solomon grandsons walked up and saw the boy and gasped. Yugi, Heba, Yami and Atem knew the boy would come and save earth. the boy woke up and saw Yugi, Heba, Yami and Atem. All four bowed before the boy.

"Hello. I'm Yugi." said Yugi.

"I'm Heba." said Heba.

"I'm Yami." said Yami.

"And I'm Atem.

"I'm Dillon." said the boy.

"Kids don't bother him." said Solomon.

"They not bothering me." said Dillon.

"How you feeling?" Asked Solomon.

"Have a massive headache." said Dillon.

"They knows he's here." said Solomon.

"Who?" Asked Dillon.

"They call themselves god killers." said Yugi.

"Why they call them that?" Asked Dillon.

"Because they killed any god they see a threat." said Yugi.

"What that cruel." said said Dillon.

"What year you was born?" Asked Solomon.

"1999." Said Dillon.

"Damn they killed all those babies for nothing." said Yami.

"What babies?" Asked Dillon.

"before we was born the god killers killed babies and averted the crisis on earth." said Atem.

"So we made a refugee camp here for the remaining gods." said Yugi.

"This a god camp?" Asked Dillon.

"Yeah. now they will storm here to kill you." said Heba.

"Why me?" asked Dillon.

"Because your the creation of all things." said Solomon.

screaming can be heard and they ran out the hospital and saw the god killers killing. Dillon saw the killing and just stood there not doing anything. The God killers saw Dillon and fired bullets and they just bounce off him. Dillon walked toward them and the ground cracked under them. They saw Dillon was pissed. Each hero saw everything vanished. Dillon stopped they watch and see what he going to do. Dillon almost destroy the earth. Hell opened up and flames came from the ground. They watched as the gated of hell opened up in front of their eyes. Whis and and Beerus watched from afar. the god killers know true meaning of fear when they looked in Dillon eyes. they saw their future. a hand came from the sky and the god killers got on their knees and beg forgiveness. the camp was evacuated already and the hand did its job and have no mercy on the god killers.

"Did you see that?" asked Logan.

"Yeah. the creation is no joke." said Jean.

"Whis lets go." said Beerus.

"But my lord." said Whis.

"Whis he's the creation and I'm afraid he's know I'm here." said Beerus.

"As you wish my lord." said Whis while they vanished.

Dillon fainted on the ground. Dillon woke up to a room and saw Yugi was right beside his bed along with Yami. Dillon smiled and saw a man in a wheelchair rolled up. Dillon sat up and felt pain in his head.

"Hello your creation." said Charles.

"What happened?" asked Dillon.,

"You fainted after you went mad." said Solomon.

"I don't remember that.'" said Dillon.

"Because your mind is locked up to the point you suppress the power." Said Charles.

"who this?" Asked Dillon.

"Charles Xavier. he's a telepathy.' said Solomon.

"That's real?" Asked Dillon.

"Yeah Mutants are real." said Jean.

"Dillon what wrong?" Asked Yami.

"My mother died because of me." said Dillon.

"Why you say that?" Asked Yugi.

"Because I released a virus." said Dillon.

"It wasn't you?" said Charles.

"Who was it?" Asked Dillon.

"We don't know." Said Solomon.

months went by and Dillon didn't have any mood swings. He looked out in the horizon and saw something speeding toward him. the man picked up Dillon and flew off toward the sky. Dillon saw the man was superman. he saw they was in space and he was breathing it. superman let Dillon go and Dillon was floating there. Dillon closed his eyes and picture 2 smiles and flew off with speed. superman smiled and followed and saw Dillon was speeding up. Dillon looked back and saw superman was gaining up. Dillon stopped time for a split second. The Time King felt time stop for second. He appeared and saw speeding Dillon and he grabbed him. Dillon looked at the time king. superman stopped and saw the time king and grabbed Dillon.

"What wrong time king?" asked Superman.

"A disturbance in the time shift." Said TK.

"Tell the creation that." said Superman.

"Where is he?" Asked TK scared.

"Here." Said Superman while he pointed at Dillon.

"His Highness forgive me." Said TK.

"who this?" Asked Dillon.

"The Time King." said superman.

""You mean person watch over time rifts?" Asked Dillon.

"The very same." Said Dr Strange.

"Nice to meet you TK." said Dillon while he smiled.

"um.." Said TK.

"Reincarnation lost all his memories." said Dr. Strange.

"We training him to master his power." said superman.

"Have fun." Said TK while he vanished.

"Let's go dinner ready." said Strange.

They flew off toward Wayne manner and saw Yugi wand Yami waiting for them. They Landed and they hugged heir friend. they walked in the manner and saw each hero was their. Batman saw Dillon and smiled and hugged Dillon. they saw Batman have emotions. Whis walked up and bowed before Dillon. Beerus was really scared of Dillon so he bowed deep in front of Dillon.

"Yo Kitten." said Goku.

"Kitten?" asked Vegeta.

"Yeah he cute like a kitty." said Goku.

"you gonna get us killed." said Beerus.

"I like it" said Dillon.

"what?" Asked Beerus.

Alfred walked up with Dillon personal guards and told them dinner is served. they sat down and ate food. Whis staff beeped and saw it was Zeno. Dillon was stuffing his face and felt a dark power. Beerus bowed for Zeno. Dillon stood up and put up a barrier and the whole manner exploded. When the smoke clears they saw Thanos and Darksied. Dillon walked out the barrier and looked at Yugi was on the floor bleeding. Dillon went to Yugi side and saw a deep gash on chest. Dillon was scared he cant heal Yugi. Whis walked up to Yugi and helps Dillon. Dillon stood up and Thanos smiled and snapped his fingers any everybody vanished. Dillon snapped his fingers and they came back. Thanos what shocked. He went at Dillon and punched Dillon and Dillon just stood there with anger in his eyes. Dillon widen his eyes and Thanos went flying back. Thanos looked at Dillon was nowhere to be found. Dillon was behind Thanos and flicked Thanos in the forehead. Thanos felt real pain. Dillon looked at Darksied and Darksied flew off. Dillon looked at his friends and floated off the ground and the ground shook violently. Whis put up a barrier around them and flew off. Dillon personal guards saw Dillon and they sore to protect him at all cost. Dillon grabbed Darksied with nothing. Thanos said to kill the boy. they went at Dillon and Dillon Looked at them and they froze in place and vanished from existence the other left standing saw Dillon rage. TK knew this was coming for a long time. Thanos saw TK and asked for a solution. TK looked at Dillon was condensing the earth. TK knew one way to stop Dillon but it to risky to go back in time.

"It's to risky to go back in time to stop the death of his mother." said TK.

"TK you don't men saving his mother?" Asked Zeus.

"It a possibility." Said TK.

"I risk it." said Hades.

Earth was no more. TK looked at Dillon and vanished. they saw earth was gone. Dillon flew off toward another planet and destroy that. Whis know he cleansing the multiverse. Dillon got to the sun and vanished it from sight. Dillon snapped his fingers and big bang and planets formed. They watched as Dillon remade the universe. Dillon remade earth and buildings from his memories. he recreated the sun but this time he sat the prison inside of it. Dillon remade the moon and and created two more. Dillon was out of energy and he fell down toward new earth. crystal was forming around Dillon and Dillon smiled and held his hand toward the sky and form old earth in his hand and the crystal sealed him up and old earth. In the the crystal he held old earth to his heart.

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